Ornamental cabbage: varieties, cultivation features and the use of vegetable crops to decorate the garden

Cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family and has about 100 varieties. Interest in cabbage as an ornamental plant was first noted in Japan at the end of the last century. A common vegetable used to feed livestock has captured the attention of breeders with its vibrant colors. Were created varieties with green marginal and white, pink, purple leaves in the center of the rosette. Unusual forms appeared in the form of a rose, funny combs or delicate lace with corrugated, curly, dissected leaves. Spectacular ornamental cabbage is now widely used not only in landscape design to decorate flower beds, alpine hills, but also in floristry to create original vegetable bouquets.

What you need to know when choosing ornamental cabbage seeds

Garden shops offer a wide selection of ornamental cabbage seeds. The bags can contain individual varieties or mixtures.

In garden stores, you can choose seeds of different varieties of ornamental cabbage

There are two types of ornamental cabbage:

The first group includes leafy species 50–120 cm high, which are distinguished by a long stem and wide corrugated leaves hanging down. The color of curly foliage can be of various shades.

Photo gallery: tall varieties of ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage variety Lark tongue Ornamental cabbage variety Lark tongue has elongated dark green leaves Ornamental cabbage variety Redbor F1 Ornamental cabbage variety Redbor F1 has purple leaves Ornamental cabbage variety Robin Red-purple corrugated leaves of ornamental cabbage Robin, which grows up to one and a half meters in height, look spectacular Ornamental cabbage variety Kai and Gerda Bizarrely corrugated leaves of the ornamental cabbage variety Kai and Gerda do not lose their attractiveness after the first frost

Any varieties of tall miracle cabbage are perfect for decorating a terrace, gazebo, mixborder.

Decorative cabbage

Tall varieties of ornamental cabbage look good in the background of mixborders

The second type – rosette – has a shortened stem and a loose rosette, similar in shape to a rose, peony or chrysanthemum. The dissected lace leaves are usually two or three colors.

Photo gallery: rosette varieties of ornamental cabbage

This type is most often used for decorating personal plots.

Rosette ornamental cabbage

Rosette varieties of ornamental cabbage are used to decorate flower beds

Low-growing ornamental cabbage is planted in a flower garden at a distance of 25–30 cm to form a solid array of ornamental leaves, or several pieces every 40 cm to create a bright spot against the background of tall plants.

Ornament of undersized ornamental cabbage

From undersized ornamental cabbage, you can create a multi-colored ornament on a flower bed

Ornamental rosette cabbage is also used for vertical gardening of the site. The compositions usually combine cabbage of different colors.

Ornamental cabbage for vertical landscaping

Ornamental cabbage is used for vertical gardening of the site

Any kind of ornamental cabbage can serve as a decoration for the garden.

Video: overview of varieties of ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage makes original bouquets. To do this, cut it at the root and put it in a vase with a little water, change it twice a week. You can add potassium permanganate or a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of citric acid per 1 liter of water – the bouquet will last a month.

Planting ornamental cabbage seedlings

Ornamental cabbage is grown mainly by seedlings. To obtain viable seedlings, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil and seed material, sow at the optimal time, create comfortable conditions for the seedlings and correctly plant them in open ground. The specific sowing time depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In warm climates, seeds are sown in early April, in the central regions, in the Urals and Siberia, seedlings are started to grow in early March.

Soil and seed preparation

Seedling soil should be water and air permeable with neutral acidity. The soil mixture is made up of one part of sod land, two parts of humus and one part of sand and is spilled with a weakly borne solution of manganese, Fitosporin-M (1 drop per 1 l) or ash (15 g / l) for disinfection. You can purchase ready-made soil that does not require pre-treatment. Seedlings develop well when grown in peat tablets made from compressed peat enriched with nutrients.


For sowing seeds, bio-soil is perfect, which is completely ready to use.

The seeds must be prepared for sowing. They must be disinfected from pathogens in a slightly boric solution of potassium permanganate and then washed with water. After disinfection, the seeds are soaked for 6 hours in a solution of Epin (2 drops / 100 ml), Zircon (1 drop / 300 ml) or in a 0,01% solution of potassium humate, which accelerates germination, improves root formation, and increases stress resistance.


Soaking ornamental cabbage seeds in Zircon accelerates germination

Then the soaked seeds are hardened, first with hot water (50 Β° C) for 15 minutes, then in the refrigerator for a day at a temperature of 1-2 Β° C. After hardening, the seeds must be dried.

The pelleted seeds do not need pre-sowing treatment – they already have a protective shell of fertilizers and growth stimulants. These seeds are larger than untreated seeds and are easier to arrange in the seed container.

Ornamental cabbage seeds can be grown in two ways:

  • with a pick,
  • without picking.

Growing ornamental cabbage with a pick

For growing large quantities of ornamental cabbage, it is more convenient to use large boxes or containers with cells.

  1. The box is filled 2/3 with nutrient soil and must be spilled with a solution of Gamair or Fitosporin-M. Make grooves 10 mm deep, leaving 50 mm between the rows, and place the seeds at a distance of 15 mm from each other. Sprinkle with earth, compact and moisten with a spray bottle.Seedlings of ornamental cabbage

    Ornamental cabbage seedlings from a common container will need to be cut into separate containers

  2. To facilitate the subsequent picking, the seeds are sown in containers with cells, in each of which soil is poured, not reaching the upper edge of 0,3 cm, in order to avoid overgrowth of the roots to neighboring sprouts. Place 2-3 seeds in each cell, deepen them by 10 mm and moisten from a spray bottle. Subsequently, one strong plant is left in the cell, weak seedlings are cut off.Seedling trays

    From a container with cells, ornamental cabbage seedlings are much easier to dive

  3. A container or box with seedlings is placed in a greenhouse, regularly opening it for ventilation and monitoring the humidity. When shoots loops appear, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are transferred to a cool room for 5–7 days with a daytime temperature of 10–12 Β° C and a night temperature of 6–8 Β° C. Lowering the temperature during this period of development will help avoid thinning and stretching of the seedlings.Mini greenhouse for seedlings

    Convenient mini-greenhouse for ornamental cabbage seedlings has special ventilation valves

  4. If the seedlings are nevertheless stretched out, a solution of the Atlet preparation (1 ampoule / 500 ml) is added to the soil, which slows down the growth of the aerial part of the plants and helps to strengthen the root system, or the seedlings are transplanted into individual cups, pinching the root and burying the shoots into the ground up to the cotyledon leaves.

Video: planting ornamental cabbage for seedlings

After 2-3 weeks, seedlings with 2-3 true leaves are dived into separate cups or peat pots, in which they will grow before planting in open ground.

  1. Each sprout is carefully removed with a spatula along with a lump of earth, holding by the stem, and placed in a prepared hole in a glass.Picking ornamental cabbage seedlings

    The picking of ornamental cabbage seedlings is carried out when 2-3 true leaves grow

  2. Sprinkle with soil until the cotyledon leaves and compact.
  3. In order for the transplanted seedlings to take root faster, in the first few days they create a warmer microclimate (22-24 Β° C) and be sure to shade from the sun’s rays.
  4. Then the air temperature is reduced to 20 Β° C and when 4–5 true leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Video: picking ornamental cabbage

Growing seedlings without picking

You can immediately sow seeds in cups or peat pots – in this case, there is no need to pick the seedlings. Growing in separate containers has several advantages:

  • plants are not stressed when picking,
  • the root system is not injured,
  • seedlings grow stronger and more viable.

Peat pots are generally planted on a garden bed together with seedlings and after a while dissolve in moist soil, enriching it with nutrients.

  1. In containers, 2/3 filled with soil, 2-3 seeds are sown to a depth of 10 mm, sprinkled with soil and moistened. The crops are covered with foil and placed in a warm place. Be sure to open the greenhouse for ventilation and remove condensate from its walls.Seedlings of ornamental cabbage in a greenhouse

    After sowing the seeds of ornamental cabbage, the pots are placed in a greenhouse until sprouts appear.

  2. When sprouts appear, the film is removed and transferred for a week to a bright and cooler room. Poor lighting, excess moisture, or too high a temperature can cause the seedlings to stretch out – in this case, add some earth to the cups. In the future, for the correct development of seedlings, the optimal temperature is maintained during the day – 18–20 Β° Π‘ with a slight decrease at night. After regrowth of 2–3 true leaves, one stronger plant is left in the container, the rest are cut off.Seedlings of ornamental cabbage in cups

    After regrowth of 2-3 true leaves, one strong seedling of ornamental cabbage is left in the cup, the rest are cut

  3. If you plan to grow ornamental cabbage as a container plant for decorating a terrace, sow several seeds in a 10-15 liter pot, then thin out the crops, leaving 3 strong seedlings evenly placed in the container. Caring for them is the same as when grown in the open field, only watering is carried out daily.Ornamental cabbage in containers

    You can sow several ornamental cabbage seeds at once in large vessels, leaving 2-3 strong seedlings, and grow them as container plants

Care for ornamental cabbage seedlings

A moisture-loving culture must be moistened. To obtain healthy seedlings, the seedlings are watered only when the soil dries out significantly, and the rest of the time the plants are sprayed using warm water. With a lack of moisture, the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither. On hot days, it is useful to spray the seedlings. Damp soil must be loosened for better aeration.

Watering ornamental cabbage seedlings

Seedlings of ornamental cabbage must be watered when the top layer of the earth dries out

When watering, fertilizers are applied to the soil. Seedlings at the age of 2 weeks are fed with vermicompost (mixing with turf soil in a ratio of 1: 3) or complex fertilizers Agricola (25 g / 10 l), Kemira-universal, Nitroammofosk (15 g / 10 l). The second feeding is carried out 2 weeks later, after the pick. The seedlings are fed again before planting on the personal plot.

Vermicompost for feeding ornamental cabbage

The first feeding of ornamental cabbage is carried out using biohumus

However, an excessive amount of moisture will inevitably lead to the development of a black leg (the stem in the root part begins to blacken and rot). Too tight fit and poor ventilation also often contribute to the development of this condition. For prevention, it is necessary to disinfect the soil and seed material before sowing, do not use cold water when watering, treat the seedlings in the phase of 2 leaves with a 0,2% solution of Fitosporin-M. Affected plants need to be removed, healthy seedlings should be transplanted into new soil and treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Black leg of ornamental cabbage seedlings

If the irrigation regime is violated, the seedlings of ornamental cabbage can get sick with a black leg.

Planting ornamental cabbage seedlings in the ground

10 days before transplanting into the ground, the seedlings begin to harden.

  1. First, the window is opened for 2-3 hours, then the plants are taken out to the loggia or veranda, protecting from direct sunlight and gradually increasing the time spent in a cold room.
  2. On the 6th day, watering is stopped and containers with seedlings are placed in the garden, bringing them into the room at night.Hardening of ornamental cabbage seedlings

    On the sixth day of hardening, the seedlings of ornamental cabbage accustomed to low temperatures are taken out into the street during the day.

  3. On the last day of hardening, the seedlings are left in the open air before transplanting to a flower bed. Before planting, the seedlings are well watered.

By the time of planting in the ground, the seedlings should have 2-3 pairs of true leaves. The specific time depends on the weather conditions: warm weather should be established (not less than + 15 Β° Π‘ during the day), the soil should warm up well. They disembark in the morning or evening hours. Ornamental cabbage tolerates transplanting well, provided that it is planted in a new place along with an earthen clod.

First, ornamental cabbage can be planted in the farthest corner of the garden – after all, it will bloom and appear in all its glory only in September. By this time, the season of annuals will end, and ornamental cabbage can be transplanted into a flower garden in their place. You can also plant seedlings in pots and take them out into the garden in a bright place. In the shade, ornamental cabbage will lose its bright colors and will be much smaller.

Ornamental cabbage blooms

Ornamental cabbage in August can be planted in a flower bed instead of faded annuals

  1. For planting seedlings in the garden, holes are made at a distance of 25-40 cm, 1 teaspoon of complex fertilizer or a tablespoon of ash is added to each.
  2. The seedlings, together with a wet lump of earth, are carefully removed from the glass and planted in the hole one by one.
  3. It is deepened to the cotyledonous leaves, compacted and watered.Planting ornamental cabbage seedlings in the ground

    Strong ornamental cabbage seedlings with 2-3 leaves are planted in the ground

In the early days, the planted seedlings must be shaded with agrofibre.

Video: transplanting ornamental cabbage seedlings into open ground

Growing ornamental cabbage outdoors

Ornamental cabbage can also be grown by direct sowing outdoors at the end of April.

  1. Prepare a bed: fill the soil with humus and 100 g of complex fertilizer, install arcs and stretch agrofibre folded in 3 layers on them.
  2. The soil is spilled with hot water with the addition of manganese, grooves are made and seeds are sown in them.
  3. If it’s cold outside, you can sow the seeds less often and cover them with cut-off plastic bottles. Depending on the ambient temperature, seed germination may take 2-3 weeks.Sowing ornamental cabbage seeds in open ground

    Ornamental cabbage seeds can be sown directly into the ground in April, providing the seedlings with good insulation

  4. When sprouts appear, the bottles are removed. Ornamental cabbage is a cold-resistant crop: at the age of seedlings, it can withstand temperatures down to –4 Β° Π‘, adult plants do not die in frosts of –8–12 Β° Π‘.
  5. Watering the cabbage begins when the first leaf opens and during watering, the addition of Fitosporin-M solution is alternated with a solution of complex fertilizer.
  6. After establishing the heat, the agrofibre is removed from the garden bed.Growing ornamental cabbage outdoors

    Ornamental cabbage can be grown immediately in a flower bed

Care for decorative cabbage

Ornamental cabbage when grown outdoors does not require special attention. Care consists in regular loosening, watering and feeding.

Application of fertilizers

2 weeks after planting the seedlings, urea is added to the soil (30 g / m2) or mullein solution (1:10). Nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the intensive development of the green mass, but in the future it is better not to use them, since they have a bad effect on the decorative qualities of the plant. During the season, ornamental cabbage is fed 2-3 times with Nitroammofoska (10 g per plant), embedded in the soil, or with Azofoska solution (30 g per 500 ml) with the addition of ash (500 g). On poor soils, the amount of dressings is increased to 4–5.

Ornamental cabbage in the ground

So that the cabbage does not lose its decorative effect, nitrogen fertilizers are applied only after planting it in the ground.

Watering and loosening

Ornamental cabbage needs regular, abundant watering. Moisten the soil once a week, consuming 10 liters of water per 1 m2… In the hot period, watering is carried out daily. Watering is carried out in the early morning or in the evening, when there is no bright sunlight. Wet soil must be loosened to provide air access to the root system.

Watering ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage needs to be watered regularly

When growing ornamental cabbage in flowerpots, the need for moisture increases. Container plants are watered daily, during periods of severe drought, spraying is carried out in the morning or evening to reduce water evaporation.

Ornamental cabbage in a flowerpot

Ornamental cabbage in flowerpots requires daily watering

Disease Prevention

Excess moisture in the soil and extreme heat contribute to the development of spores of the fungus downy mildew. Young weakened plants are especially susceptible to the disease. The upper side of the leaf is covered with yellow-brown spots, a grayish bloom appears on the lower side. In case of minor damage, dusting with ash (50 g / mXNUMX2) or spraying with Fitosporin-M solution (6 g / 10 l of water). The treatment is repeated after 10 days.

Downy Mildew

The appearance of yellowish spots and gray bloom on cabbage leaves is a sign of the development of downy mildew

On waterlogged, poorly drained soil, a favorable environment is created for the development of root infection. High temperatures in the middle of the growing season put additional stress on already weakened plants, and the disease can progress rapidly. Late blight root rot causes wilting and even death of ornamental cabbage. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to disinfect the seed material and soil in the garden with a 1% manganese solution, and regulate watering. Affected plants and soil are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture, Fundazol (10 g per 10 l of water, consumption of 1,5 l per 10 m2).

Pest control

The main enemy of young plants is the cruciferous flea, which leaves holes on the leaves. To get rid of the pest, cabbage is sprayed with decoctions of chamomile, wormwood, ash infusion (300 g / 10 l). In case of a massive invasion of insects, treatment with anabazine sulfate solution (10 g / 10 l) will help.

Cruciflo flea

The cruciferous flea is the main enemy of young ornamental cabbage plants

Caterpillars love to feast on ornamental cabbage. These pests, feeding on succulent cabbage leaves, cause great harm to plants. The caterpillars are harvested by hand, the cabbage is sprayed with a solution of Bitoxibacillin (40 g / 10 L). Treatment with the drug is carried out after the appearance of pests, again – after a week. You can plant calendula next to cabbage, marigolds, which with their strong smell will scare away harmful insects.

Caterpillars on ornamental cabbage

Caterpillars eat ornamental cabbage leaves

Is it possible to eat ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage is not only beautiful but also edible. No wonder florists often use it to compose vegetable bouquets – original, stylish, and most importantly – tasty, juicy and mouth-watering.

Bouquet of vegetables

The original bouquet of vegetables is not only very beautiful, but also delicious

Ornamental cabbage leaves taste bitter. To get rid of bitterness, plants are frozen and only then eaten. Pets, especially rabbits, also like to feast on ornamental cabbage.

Young leaves contain a large amount of selenium, which is a natural immunostimulant and antioxidant. In addition, ornamental cabbage varieties are rich in vitamins and minerals, they have more protein than other types of cabbage.

Leafy forms have an exquisite taste. Vitamin salads are prepared from tender leaves, the stem is pickled. Leaves of cabbage varieties are harsh, but they can also be used to prepare first courses, stuffed cabbage.

Ornamental cabbage salad

Ornamental collard greens are used to make vegetable salads.


Ornamental cabbage is a spectacular plant that blooms in autumn. Until the very frost, bright multi-colored heads of cabbage resembling huge fantastic flowers will flaunt in the garden. And the lace of a light snow blanket will only enhance the decorative effect of unusual plants. If you dig them up together with the ground and, after planting them in pots, move them indoors, they will bloom until the New Year, creating a festive atmosphere in the house. It is not difficult to grow ornamental cabbage from seeds, you just need to know the peculiarities of the culture and follow the rules of agricultural technology. With a little effort and love, you can get magnificent plants that can revive a nondescript flower bed, decorate an alpine slide and transform a withering autumn garden.

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