When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

Many gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of grapes, because it not only gives a rich and tasty harvest, but also performs a decorative function. In this article, we will take a closer look at when it is better to plant grapes – in spring or autumn.

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

Features of autumn planting

Quite often, gardeners resort to planting grapes in the fall. It is recommended to start doing this process from the beginning of October. And before the end of autumn, all work must be completed so that the grapes have already adapted to new conditions and take root before the first frost.

Planting grapes in autumn has the following advantages:

  • you can plant different varieties, the main thing is to choose a healthy seedling;
  • it usually rains a lot in autumn, which allows for good watering without human intervention;
  • if planting is carried out in the fall, then in the spring there is no need to take additional steps to care for the grapes;
  • this period is characterized by excellent survival, since the conditions in the air and in the soil are almost the same;
  • seedlings that were planted in the fall are more hardy, they adapt more easily to changing weather.

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

Planting grapes in the autumn period also has disadvantages, namely:

  • if frosts come earlier, or the seedling slows down for some reason in development, then the plant will freeze out in winter;
  • rodents are very fond of young plants, so there is a high probability that they can damage it.

It is worth paying attention that seedlings in the autumn season must undergo the following manipulations:

  • a day before planting, the root system should be soaked in ordinary water or in a specially prepared mash of clay and manure;
  • it is very important to remove all shoots, except for one – the healthiest;
  • all roots should be reduced in length to about 15-20 cm.

After the above activities, the grapes are ready for autumn planting. You can prepare holes and plant plants.

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

The nuances of landing in the spring

Some experts prefer to plant grapes in the spring. In this case, it is very important to wait for the daytime air temperature to reach +12 degrees, and also no frosts are predicted at night. Spring planting has the following advantages:

  • the adaptation period is going well, plants take root faster and are more resistant to low temperatures of the winter period than autumn plantings, as they become stronger in half a year;
  • you can carefully consider the process of planting grapes – before winter, a primary pit is made, fertilizers are applied, and a place is formed, and in the spring loosening, mulching, and soil moistening are already taking place.

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

But spring planting is not ideal, because it also has disadvantages, namely:

  • even if the air temperature during the day warms up to +15 degrees, there is still the possibility of frost, in which case the plant may not endure a sharp cold snap;
  • it is advisable to disinfect the soil before planting, to neutralize all possible microorganisms, because it is in the spring that they are as active as possible;
  • it is very important to choose the right variety, because the seedlings must be harvested in the fall, and then take care of them throughout the winter; of course, some gardeners purchase seedlings in the spring, but in this case, the planting material may be poor, and there is also a rather poor selection of varieties on sale.

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

Period selection

Many gardeners are wondering when is the best time to plant grapes. It should be noted that planting in the spring has a significant plus – the roots of the seedling will definitely take root during the summer period, so autumn frosts will not harm them in any way. And landing in the fall also has advantages, namely:

  • autumn soil is ideal for planting, since it has already accumulated many useful substances, and also gained moisture during the rainy season;
  • easier to find good seedlings, because it is in the fall that the freshest, strongest and most healthy plants are sold;
  • if rooting is successful, then in the spring the grapes will begin to grow actively, and the adaptation will take place quite quickly.

Considering all the pros and cons, each gardener independently decides how to do the right thing – what period to choose for planting grapes.

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

When is the best time to plant grapes: spring or autumn?

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Anna Evans


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