Types of supports for grapes and their use

Grapes are one of the most sought-after plants among gardeners that need support. It is worth considering in more detail why it is needed, what types of supports are distinguished and how to assemble the structure with your own hands.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Types of supports for grapes and their use


The peculiarity of the vine is the absence of a strong stem, which does not allow it to grow in a vertical direction on its own. Grapes need support, which can be provided by special structures. In addition, trellises prevent the bunches of plants from rotting, which, under their own weight, strive to fall to the ground. Finally, the trellis increases the heating of plants and allows the sun’s rays to reach even the most closed shoots.

Key Benefits of the Grape Support:

  • saving garden space by directing the vine up;
  • improving the quality of foliage lighting, accelerating the photosynthesis of the vine and increasing productivity;
  • improvement of the characteristics of the fruit, which is achieved due to the uniform exposure of sunlight to the grape clusters.

Additionally, the design provides timely ventilation of plants, which has a positive effect on the immunity of the vine and prevents the risk of spreading diseases.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Species overview

In the first two years of growth, the vine is attached to stakes, placing them next to the seedlings. Ropes are pulled between small posts, along which the grapes begin to curl up. Sometimes, instead of ropes, wire or laces made of nylon fabric appear.

However, after the first two or three years, it becomes necessary to install a reliable trellis, which will act as an effective support for the grapes, strengthen the health of the plant and improve the quality of the fruit. Today, there are several types of tapestries, the main ones are worth considering in more detail.

Types of supports for grapes and their use


The most popular option for supports, the disadvantage of which is the high cost and high labor costs. Basically, such structures are installed for growing different varieties of grapes, including wild ones.

It is recommended to give preference to such structures if it is planned to grow single-row vines or arrange an unusual recreation area near the house, gazebos.

The semi-arched design will decorate any landscape and act as a decorative canopy that will protect from the sun’s rays. Some models include a plastic coating in the upper part, which will make the seating area more comfortable and prevent rain from penetrating.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Straight columnar

An easy version of the structure that you can assemble with your own hands. Columnar supports for grapes are a system of several columns installed vertically, between which are stretched:

  • fishing line;
  • metal wire;
  • cables.

Between hinged materials maintain a distance of 40 cm minimum. Columnar trellises are further divided into:

  • single (also called single-plane), this is a common option;
  • double (two-plane), set mainly for the cultivation of significant volumes of grapes.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Usually tapestries are made of steel square pipes or corners with shelves from 40 to 70 mm. Sometimes channels with a width of 40 mm or more are used to install supports. At low loads, preference is given to wooden blocks, the surface of which is treated with anti-rotting compounds.

The best solution for the supporting structure are steel poles. Between them maintain a distance of 2-2,5 meters. The maximum height of the supports reaches 2,3 meters, and the diameter does not exceed 6 cm.

A feature of two-lane trellises is considered V-shaped digging in of pillars with their subsequent cementation.

Such a design solution increases the reliability and stability of the supports, so it is important to carefully measure the distance between the rows before pouring the foundation supports.

Types of supports for grapes and their use


An option for arranging a cozy courtyard, where it will be pleasant to gather with family or friends. Planting a vineyard near the arches makes it possible to organize recreation areas and walking areas. There are two options for the implementation of the arched structure:

  • poles with a crate, concreted into the ground;
  • bent metal pipes concreted into the ground.

The second option is more popular, as it looks more attractive and does not require much effort during installation. Arched supports are primarily decorative structures, therefore they are more common in the southern regions.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

How to do it yourself?

First you need to choose the material from which the support will be made. To create a tapestry, metal, wood or plastic is used. Each material has its pros and cons.

wooden supports

Decorative racks are popular among gardeners. The downside is a short service life, literally after 5-7 years, wooden poles become unusable, starting to rot in the ground. The benefits of supports include:

  • sustainability;
  • availability;
  • ease of installation;
  • decorative.

Wooden poles are inexpensive, which also makes them popular. Among the shortcomings, susceptibility to rotting and mold is distinguished, which quickly destroys the base, and then the entire structure. To prevent premature aging of the posts, it is necessary to carry out a protective surface treatment every year.

To create supports, preference should be given to hardwoods: oak, ash or chestnut. Before installation, you will need to process the lower part of the support by soaking it in a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

Types of supports for grapes and their use


Steel supports – the most durable option, which is characterized by high strength and structural stability. For the construction of tapestries, steel pipes are usually used, the inner diameter of which does not exceed 6 cm. When designing future structures, it must be taken into account that the extreme pillars will take on the main load, therefore their diameter should be larger than that of intermediate structures.

Advantages of metal supports:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to high loads;
  • no deformation even in strong winds.

The disadvantages include the need to use a welding machine to assemble even a simple design. Also, every 5 years it is required to carry out surface treatment with anti-corrosion compounds.

The high cost and complexity of manufacturing make metal supports less popular among gardeners. It will be difficult for one person to assemble the pillars by hand. Therefore, preference for such structures should be given if there are helpers.

Types of supports for grapes and their use


Recently, the manufacture of supports from plastic pipes has become popular. The main advantages of structures:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to temperature extremes, precipitation and other adverse factors;
  • availability;
  • ease and speed of installation.

To install the supports, you will need a special soldering iron, which is best entrusted to an experienced user. The disadvantage of plastic poles is that they are not suitable for high vineyards, which can bend pipes with their weight.

To arrange transverse rows between plastic supports, a copper or aluminum wire 3-4 mm thick is pulled. Also popular in the market are trellises made of fiberglass reinforcement.

Inexpensive and affordable material not only withstands heavy loads and exhibits excellent resistance to corrosion, but also has a long service life and performs a decorative function.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Types of supports for grapes and their use

For self-installation, single-plane trellises are more suitable. Such designs are easy to manufacture and do not require special equipment for installation. It is worth considering the features of the construction of supports, depending on the material chosen.

Before assembling the first section of wooden trellises, it is necessary to prepare:

  • wooden poles – 4 pieces;
  • wire – 15 meters;
  • crossbars – 4 pieces of 400-500 mm;
  • cement-sand mixture.

The assembly of wooden supports for grapes is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. First, pits are dug for future supports, the diameter of which coincides with the supports of the pillars, and the depth reaches 80 cm. A distance of 40-50 cm is maintained between the pits.
  2. Sand is poured into the bottom of the recesses, the layer thickness is 20 cm.
  3. Thrust bearings are installed at the base of the pillars to increase the stability of the structure.
  4. Next, they put the pillars and cement the foundation with a high-strength composition.
  5. At the top and bottom, crossbars are installed that will hold the structure.
  6. The poles have holes for the wire. The first transverse row goes at a height of 40 cm from ground level. 45-50 cm further retreat between rows.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

At the end, the last row of wire is tied 5 cm from the top bar. At this stage, the installation is considered complete. Before installing wooden trellises, it is important to treat their surface to prevent decay.

Plastic pipes are great for single-plane support. The scheme is the same as in the case of installing wooden supports. Additional recommendations:

  • in order to increase the tightness of the structure, it is worth connecting the pillars with the upper crossbar with corners for plastic pipes;
  • fastening is best done with glue or self-tapping screws;
  • reinforcement installed in the pits under the foundation will help to make the structure more durable.

Gardeners are not advised to make too high plastic supports. Otherwise, you will need a ladder to harvest the crop.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

The installation of a two-plane support deserves special attention. This design stands out for its strength characteristics and long service life. For the assembly of tapestries, mainly metal pipes are used.

Materials for creating a two-plane support:

  • steel pipes – 4 pieces with a diameter of up to 50 cm and a length of 2-2,5 m;
  • metal jumpers – 2 pieces 1,3 m long;
  • horizontal supports – 2 pieces 2-3 m long;
  • wire – 1 coil 30 mm thick;
  • crushed stone or small stones;
  • cement-sand mixture.

You will also need a welding machine. The assembly scheme of the structure is simple:

  1. First, holes are made in the ground with a depth of 80 cm.
  2. Next, two triangles are welded from the pipes, which will act as end supports.
  3. Triangles are dug into the prepared recesses with an angle down.
  4. The pits are covered with small stone or rubble, and then the layers are carefully rammed.
  5. The base is poured with cement and the mixture is allowed to harden and set.
  6. Next, the triangles are connected using horizontal jumpers and the first row of wire is welded to the support. The installation height should not be less than 20 cm from the ground surface.
  7. The next row is placed at a height of 30 cm from the first, a distance of 40 cm is maintained between the rest.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

It is better not to make the racks too high, despite the fact that they can withstand heavy loads. When the design is ready, it remains to tie the grapes to the trellis.

When organizing a support for grapes, every detail must be carefully considered. Let’s look at common mistakes.

  1. A misorganized space in which vineyards grow next to trees or other plants. Extraneous vegetation creates an unnecessary shadow, due to which the vine dies.
  2. Small indents between rows, which makes it inconvenient to process the vine. Also, gardeners often leave too much space between the trellises, which reduces the functionality of the site due to the fact that the grapes grow.
  3. Wrong choice of support depending on the variety. For example, for tying a vigorous vine, it is better to use two-plane trellises.
  4. Lack of drawings that ensure the correct choice of materials and reliable installation of the structure.
  5. Installation of high supports that are almost impossible to maintain: harvest or cut the tops of the vine.
  6. Lack of pre-treatment of materials, which prolongs the service life of the support. So, for example, wood must be coated with special compounds against decay, and metal – against rust.

Making a beautiful support for the vine is not difficult if you approach the process carefully.

It is important not only to choose the type of support, but also to decide on the materials, prepare the drawings.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Where to install?

A vine support is a permanent structure that allows the vine to grow in a vertical direction. With the right choice of place to install the trellis, it will last a long time and improve the characteristics of the variety. Basic installation recommendations:

  1. supports should stand in well-lit areas;
  2. the rows of the future vineyard should go from north to south;
  3. between rows a distance of 2 meters or more should be maintained.

You can use the space effectively even in a small area by planting other crops near the support. Vegetables or greens will grow well next to grapes.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Types of supports for grapes and their use

How to tie up grapes?

Tying the vine in the spring is a mandatory procedure, the need for which arises when cultivating the plant. Only in this way will it be possible to ensure the correct growth of the vine and achieve an excellent harvest. Tying grapes requires extra care, as there is always a risk of breaking the vine.

Gardeners distinguish two types of garters.

  • Dry. Designed for tying shoots on which fruits are formed, and replacement knots. At the very beginning, the grape branches are carefully bent to the first wire row, counting from the bottom, and then the vine is directed horizontally. Knots are fixed on supports, which allows them to grow near a stretched wire that sets the direction.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

  • Green. For young shoots, which can be tied without difficulty. The garter is started when the grapes reach a height of 35-40 cm. Vertical garter allows you to accelerate the growth of the plant by increasing the amount of sunlight. The peculiarity of the green garter is that it is performed several times, as soon as the shoots reach the next level of the wire.

Types of supports for grapes and their use

Before performing the procedure – regardless of its type – it is necessary to prune old and damaged shoots so that the plant does not waste energy on weak shoots.

        Additional recommendations for landscaping the site with the help of a vine.

        1. To make the site look well-groomed, it is recommended to make supports from reliable and durable materials.. It is better to give preference to metal poles, the surface of which is treated with anti-corrosion compounds or paint.
        2. You can get rid of the empty space between the supports using a plastic mesh that will replace the ugly wire. A growing vine is also tied to it. The peculiarity of this solution is the ease of installation.
        3. If damage to the eyes on the vine is found, do not start gartering the plant. It is better to wait until the vine opens spare or dormant buds, and only then resort to the procedure.

        Supports not only ensure the effective growth of grapes, but also help decorate the site and equip the recreation area.

        Types of supports for grapes and their use

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        Anna Evans


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