All about caring for girlish grapes

Girlish grapes are an unusual plant that can transform the look of a summer cottage or garden in the blink of an eye. A similar culture can often be found in the city. Caring for her is not difficult at all, even a novice gardener can handle it. Let us consider in more detail the nuances and stages of caring for this variety.

All about caring for girlish grapes

Fundamental rules

Girlish grapes are also called virgin ivy. This is an ornamental plant designed to decorate fences, arbors, walls. The grape got its name because it does not have female-type flowers. Designers love Maiden Grape for its color: in summer and spring, its foliage is green, and in autumn it turns red-brown or bright yellow, there are even pink varieties.

This culture has fruits, but they are small and not very tasty.

All about caring for girlish grapes

Wild grapes have several varieties, but they are all equally hardy. You need to remember only a few important points.

  • You can plant a decorative vine both in summer and in autumn or spring. The best time is the first months of autumn. The minimum distance between seedlings is half a meter.

  • The plant will thrive in both shade and sun. However, experts say that planting in a sunny area will provide brighter fall foliage color.

  • Wild grapes grow on any type of soil. But if there is a desire for enhanced growth and increased bushiness, then you should choose a soil consisting of peat, compost and leafy soil. All this must be taken in equal parts. A mandatory point is drainage, without which the likelihood of root rot will be too great.

  • Caring for the Maiden Grape also means controlling its distribution. The plant is able to quickly gain a foothold on brickwork, a wooden wall. Wild liana braids any metal surface. Growth must be controlled, as the plant will spread further, braiding everything around. It should not be allowed to crawl up trees, as this deprives them of the ability to carry out photosynthesis.

  • As for preparations for winter, it will be minimal. Features of these events depend on the variety. For example, the five-leaf variety is the most winter-hardy. In the middle lane, it is not covered at all, with the exception of snowless winters. In the absence of snow, the grapes are removed from the support and laid on the ground. Then covered with spruce branches or special material, insulating the roots. In the same way they do in any winter with all other varieties.

All about caring for girlish grapes

Features of watering

Adult creepers practically do not water, the only exception is too dry summer. The plant actively extracts water from the ground, and it also stores it on the inside of the leaves. In normal seasons, the rains will be enough to give the grapes everything they need. But if it is hot, you need to water once a week.

As for young seedlings, there will be other features of watering. Young creepers do not yet have strong roots, so they cannot draw water from the soil. They are watered a couple of times a week throughout the first growing year.

All about caring for girlish grapes

When watering, you need to consider several rules:

  • plants are watered only with warm or room temperature water;

  • it is advisable to pre-defend the liquid for at least a couple of hours;

  • each bush requires 10 liters or one bucket;

  • watering is recommended to be carried out at dawn or immediately after sunset;

  • after watering, loosen the ground a little to let air in;

  • watering can be combined with mulching;

  • if you have to water in the sun, you can not let the water fall on the leaves.

All about caring for girlish grapes

Additional fertilizing

Growing Maiden Grapes implies, of course, the presence of dressings.

For rapid growth, wild grapes should be fed with nitrogen. This substance will stimulate the set of spectacular green mass in the shortest possible time. Gardeners recommend nitroammofoska as such a fertilizer. 1-40 grams is enough for 50 square meter. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of summer. Feeding is repeated after one and a half to two months. They give nitrogen, as well as complex fertilizer for grapes.

If the grapes do not grow well and are prone to diseases, you can fertilize them a little differently. To do this, you need top dressing “Kemira”. In the spring, “Kemiru Kombi” is bred with water in accordance with the attached instructions. On the bush you need a bucket of liquid. When the ovaries begin to form, you need to feed the vines with Kemira Lux. During the fruiting period, the culture will need potassium. For 10 liters of water take 20 grams of potassium sulfate.

In autumn, when the plant has already given fruit, spraying on the leaf with potassium magnesia is performed. For 10 liters, 15 grams of the substance is enough.

All about caring for girlish grapes

All about caring for girlish grapes

Shaping and pruning

Pruning is perhaps the most important step in caring for a plant. It is she who allows you to control the growth rate and appearance of virgin ivy as a whole. In a favorable climate, the vine grows by 1-3 meters per year, and it must be pinched. The first years, the grapes are laid on a support to set the necessary side of growth.

In order for the grapes in the country house or garden plot to look decent, it must be properly formed. Here are some recommendations.

  • Before sap flow begins, the plant is carefully inspected. In the spring, shoots that have dried or frozen over the winter should be removed. If specimens are found that do not grow towards the support, they must also be removed.

  • In the summer months, pruning is carried out as needed. At any time, you can cut off unnecessary stepchildren, leading to excessive density, as well as shoots that change the direction of growth.

  • For the winter, grapes also need to be cut. In late autumn, dry branches are removed, as well as those damaged by diseases. After that, carry out all the necessary measures to prepare for the winter.

All about caring for girlish grapes

Diseases and pests

In general, virgin ivy is very resistant to various pests and diseases. But with the wrong care, troubles will not be long in coming. So, the plant can be affected by some ailments and parasites.

  • Powdery mildew. Occurs as a result of high humidity and heat. It is characterized by a white powdery coating on the leaves. From this they wither and twist. Eliminate the disease with fungicides.

All about caring for girlish grapes

  • Aphid. A tiny parasite feeds on the juice of foliage and lives in its lower part. If the aphid has just appeared, then it is not difficult to eliminate it. To do this, it is enough to use a soap solution with a small amount of alcohol. With the dominance of insects, insecticides should be used.

All about caring for girlish grapes

  • Cartilage larvae. The omnivorous “babies” of the May beetle do not disdain roots; the roots of any plant will suit them. The larvae can be collected manually, and even destroyed with the Antikhrushch preparation.

All about caring for girlish grapes

  • Mice. If the grapes are located on the walls of residential buildings, it is likely that mice will constantly gnaw them, trying to enter the room through the vines. The best way out is to use baits, traps. Poison is not recommended if there are animals such as cats or dogs in the house.

All about caring for girlish grapes

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Anna Evans


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