What kind of soil do onions like?

Growing onions is not as simple an undertaking as it might seem at first glance. An inexperienced gardener may not even know about the principles of crop rotation, which neighbors, soil and other agricultural practices prefer onions.

Soil type selection

In order for the onion crop to please with quality and quantity, one should remember the requirements of agricultural technology, soil composition, the level of illumination of the planting site, its acidity and optimal humidity. Onion sets love loam and sandstone, but react differently to the first and second options:

  • on loam, the taste of onion, its aroma and aftertaste are fully manifested;
  • sandstones guarantee rapid growth and bulb formation;
  • heavy and dense clay soils prevent the development of the onion head due to the dense crust around the rhizome, so regular loosening is required.

For ridges, you should choose areas with good ventilation and lighting – so that in the spring they are freed from snow as early as possible.

At the same time, it must be remembered that it is impossible to plant a crop in places where groundwater is too close to the surface.

  • For leeks and turnips, it is necessary to ensure good soil fertility., therefore, they do not skimp on the introduction of organic matter and chemical fertilizers. It is especially good if intensive fertilization of the soil took place in the previous year.
  • Onions need in soil rich in organic matter.
  • Regular watering carried out at the beginning of the growing season, and stop them at the stage of bulb growth.
  • At the beginning of the growing season, crops are fertilized nitrogen and potassium substances.

Good predecessors are zucchini and cucumbers, cabbage, any salads, nightshade crops and legumes, as well as green manure and cereals. But after garlic, strawberries, spices, planting onions is not recommended. Good neighbors are considered to be carrots, beets, spinach, cabbage, savory, while it should be located away from the batun. Often, onion beds are performed in a combined form. Onions and carrots are planted in one area, and radishes are planted between the rows.

Radishes are removed first, then onions ripen, and after harvesting, carrots continue to develop in the open.

What kind of soil do onions like?

What acidity is needed and how to alkalize the earth?

You can determine how suitable the land is for growing turnips in a simple and unmistakable way. The moistened earth is compressed into a lump, if after that the lump does not crumble, the composition requires the addition of river sand. Loose earth is ready for planting. Onions don’t grow well on acidic soils, its development requires a neutral pH level or slightly alkaline from 6,4 to 7,9 units. Acidic soil needs to be alkalized. Do this with the help of dolomite flour, lime, gypsum. Adding peat can increase acidity, so it’s best not to use it.

Dolomite flour cannot be applied together with mineral fertilizers, therefore, the soil is first deoxidized, then nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus compounds are already introduced. It should be borne in mind that the “dolomite” itself can serve as a fertilizer, since it contains calcium and magnesium, which has a positive effect on the development of the bulb. Flour can be applied throughout the season and even throughout the year.

If deoxidation occurs with the help of lime, then do it in the fall, so as not to interfere with the absorption of phosphorus. Wood ash also reduces acidity, but its effect is weaker, so you need 4 cups of ash per 1 square meter. That’s all the recommendations for deoxidizing the soil. Green manure works well in this direction, for example, phacelia, white mustard, but not immediately. It will take time to see a sufficient result, although the soil structure is greatly improved. Dolomite flour is the best option in terms of efficiency and nutritional value.

Preparation before boarding

Onions are sown with seeds or planted with small onion sets. It all depends on the variety, purpose, purpose. The most popular way to get onions on a head for food is planting sets, although there are onion varieties when large record-breaking bulbs are grown from seeds in open ground in one season:

  • “Lyubchik”;
  • “Rainbow”;
  • “Candy” F1;
  • Copra F1;
  • “Daytona” F1;
  • “Sterling” F1;
  • “Exhibition.”

Planting is carried out in spring and autumn, but first you need to properly prepare the bed.

In the spring

Spring work on preparing beds for onions begins with harrowing the earth, which allows you to keep moisture as long as possible. The earth is dug up already before planting with the simultaneous application of mineral fertilizers – 20 g / m2 of ammonium nitrate, a third of the package of superphosphate and potassium chloride, 60 g of nitrophoska. After that, the ridges are made directly. Onion growth can be artificially stimulated or limited by the application or reduction of fertilizers.

To obtain greenery, shock doses of nitrogen are introduced, which reduces the growth of the bulb, which begins to give all its strength to the formation of a vegetative mass. Onions are usually grown in “raised” beds, which are 15 to 20 centimeters above ground level. This technique provides better heating and ventilation, cuts off excess moisture in the lowlands, and favors the development of the plant on heavy soils.

On light, breathable soils, it is not necessary to raise the beds.

In the autumn

Autumn is the most successful time for preparing onion ridges. Time to restore soil structure, chemical and acid balance. After harvesting, peeling is carried out, which means shallow (10 cm) plowing or manual digging. Closer to the onset of cold weather, in October, deep digging is carried out with the simultaneous introduction of nutrients: organic matter, double superphosphate, wood ash, potassium chloride. If high acidity is noticed, dolomite flour, lime or chalk are added.

In late autumn, they carry out the last digging and leave the site in this form, making sure that the land remains clean, without weeds. It is customary to grow onions for seeds, heads, and feathers. The entire cycle – from seed to head – takes a three-year time interval. First, seeds are sown and sets are obtained. The following year, sevok is planted to get a turnip. And already in the third year, the turnip is planted to obtain seeds (nigella). Then the cycle starts again.

Thanks to the development of seed companies, the need to grow onions for nigella and sevka has disappeared. The ability to purchase any planting material in specialized stores has reduced the cycle to one season. However, true connoisseurs of vegetable gardens still grow their own seeds and sets, believing that its planting material cannot be compared in quality, germination and reliability with a mass-produced product.

What kind of soil do onions like?
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Anna Evans


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