Growing onions on drip irrigation – a few tips for novice gardeners and farmers

Tell us what are the nuances of growing onions on drip irrigation. I prepared the site in the fall, brought in organic matter for digging. Seeds and drip tape have already been purchased, I’m just waiting for the heat to start work. A couple of questions arose, namely: how best to sow the seeds and lay the ribbons in the aisles?

growing onions with drip irrigation

Large bulbs can only be obtained if the plants are provided with the necessary amount of moisture. Growing onions on drip irrigation allows you to fully meet the needs of this crop in moisture. Moreover, at all stages of its development and not depend on natural precipitation. This leads not only to an increase in productivity, but also allows significant savings.

Growing onions on drip irrigation – the advantages of the method

benefits of drip irrigation for onionsThe increase in yield is achieved, first of all, by the fact that with drip irrigation, the onion root system develops more actively. Accordingly, the root crop receives more nutrients and will be larger.

In addition, drip irrigation has other advantages:

  1. Since water is brought under the root, the onion leaves do not get wet. This significantly reduces the risk of diseases, the appearance and spread of pests.
  2. Water is used more economically, while plants absorb it almost completely (up to 95%).
  3. The soil with such irrigation is not compacted, retains its structure. As a result, the onion receives “insurance” against damage by soil rot.
  4. The fight against weeds is reduced to a minimum, since there are almost none between the rows.
  5. The introduction of dressings is simplified to a minimum, because onions receive useful substances along with watering.

The use of fungicides and insecticides for preventive or curative purposes is also more beneficial. Like fertilizers, they are applied with irrigation water. Fewer drugs will be required in quantity, and they will act more effectively. When sprinkling, a significant part of the working solution falls on the leaves and is then washed off from them.

Seed sowing and tape laying patterns

scheme for planting onions on drip irrigationThe best yields are observed when growing onions on drip irrigation. It is planted with seeds, preferably in a coated form, so that it is easier to maintain a distance, which is important. With a thickened planting, the onion turns out to be smaller, although it ripens faster. If sown too infrequently, the bulbs will grow large, but will not have time to fully mature and will not store well.

On average, the seeding rate is from 700 to 1200 thousand seeds per 1 hectare. It is not difficult to follow such recommendations if you use a pneumatic seeder.

Most often, two methods of planting onions and laying drip tape are used:

  1. In row spacing of 1,5 m, 8 lines are made and seeds are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other. In each row-spacing, two tapes are laid so that they water 4 lines (two on each side).
  2. In the middle lane, a 12-line sowing scheme is used, in which one tape is designed to water three lines on each side (6 pieces instead of 4).

Fertilization features

onion harvest on drip irrigationOrganic fertilizers are used during the main tillage for sowing onions. Mineral fertilizers are calculated and divided into 2 stages:

  1. The main application to the zone of future rows should consist of 20% nitrogen, 50% phosphorus and 30% potash fertilizers. At this stage, granular formulations can be used.
  2. Fertigation – top dressing along with water for irrigation. The rate of fertilizer is calculated for each day, only liquid formulations are used. They are added to water in a drip irrigation system.

As for the irrigation itself, the moisture rate depends on the phase of plant development. At the germination phase per 1 square. m. you will need at least 3 liters of water, at the beginning of fruit formation – up to 5 liters. When the bulbs begin to ripen, they need up to 10 liters of water. Drip irrigation is turned off 3 weeks before harvest.

Drip irrigation – irrigation of onions on a feather

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Anna Evans


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