All about forcing onions on a feather

Forcing onions on a feather allows you to get a large amount of tasty and healthy greens in the shortest possible time. The process itself is not too complicated, but still requires several important factors to be taken into account.

What it is?

In fact, forcing an onion onto a feather is cultivation of this crop in order to obtain greenery. Various activities carried out within its framework contribute to the accelerated development of the plant. For example, both the growth rate and the taste characteristics of feathers are largely influenced by the amount of fertilizer applied, which is easily controlled by the gardener both in open and closed ground.

Bulb heads collected in autumn are usually used for distillation. It is allowed to use only dry and healthy material, on which there are no mechanical damages.

Suitable varieties

A number of varieties of culture are intended specifically for distillation on a feather. They have an increased yield and, as a rule, are multi-primary. For example, good reviews are received by mid-season “Rostov” bow, with good immunity to fungal diseases and giving a bountiful harvest. Multigerm “Black” variety does not ripen so abundantly, but its fruits have good keeping quality. A plus is the ability to plant a crop on a feather using seeds.

“Bessonovsky”, adapted to Russian climatic conditions, is characterized by the appearance of dense feathers of medium length. Its fruits are stored for a long time. “Arzamas” a variety that is not afraid of most common diseases, ideal for growing in non-chernozem regions. At “Amber” onions, thick feathers appear, reaching a length of 30 to 35 centimeters. The slime onion is unpretentious and can grow even in shaded beds. Gardeners are especially interested in its dense wide feathers.

Shallots, considered even more useful than its onion relative, does not form arrows, but its feathers reach a length of 40 centimeters. It is considered to be the leader in terms of the amount of greenery received. Leek with feathers up to 55 centimeters in size, it has a pleasant unsharp taste. Thick and fragrant chives appear as a result of forcing in winter and in the coldest regions, as the variety is not afraid of low temperatures. They are of considerable length and narrow in shape. Onions grow in almost any conditions, producing feathers of medium density and length.

It is also recommended to use Spassky, Chernigov, Karatalsky, Egyptian, batun onions and other varieties for distillation. The number of primordia buds, from which feathers just appear, in the selected varieties should be at least 4-6 pieces.


To accelerate the growth of crops and, thereby, get greens faster, you can use different technologies.

in the ground

For planting a crop on the ground, it is required to use a nutrient soil mixture purchased in a store or taken from your own site. It is poured into the container only after disinfection. Landings will have to be provided with a sufficient level of lighting, as well as moderate irrigation that does not provoke root rot.

All about forcing onions on a feather

In water

To implement this method, you will need a container filled with medium temperature water, to which mineral fertilizers and a couple of activated carbon granules are added. In addition, you will need a stand for the heads, which will keep only their bases moist. Germination of greens in this case can be expected in a week.

All about forcing onions on a feather

in sawdust

When growing onions on sawdust, the soil substitute is first of all treated with boiling water and a manganese solution. The box or box is covered with oilcloth, which creates ten-centimeter sides, and then filled with prepared material. The layer of “soil” should be 4-5 centimeters. Selected bulbs are peeled and cut from above by about a centimeter. Previously, they should also be kept in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for about 6-8 hours. Landing ends with the fact that the planting material is simply laid out tightly on sawdust.

It is better to place a container with sawdust on a balcony, in a greenhouse or in a garage, where it will be possible to maintain the required lighting. As the sawdust dries, they should be watered, and periodic treatment with a mixture of 10 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and 1 liter of base will also be a plus.

All about forcing onions on a feather

In hydroponics

When growing in hydroponics, shaded containers with holes for heads in the lids are placed on the rack. In addition, a water heater and compressor are used, as well as a special nutrient solution that will need to be changed once a week. For the successful emergence of feathers, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be maintained from +25 to +27 degrees. Planting material is laid out on the lid so that the water touches only its roots. After that, for about half an hour, the water heater and compressor are connected, as a result of which the flooded nutrient solution is saturated with oxygen.

The first 10 days the containers will need to be kept in the dark. Then you can limit yourself to natural light or combine it with fitolamps. Germination should last about 15-21 hours, after which the solution is enriched with oxygen. The appearance of greenery in this case is expected as early as 14-15 days.

All about forcing onions on a feather

The nuances of distillation in different conditions

Despite the fact that forcing onions on a feather is carried out according to a single scheme, it may differ slightly depending on the conditions under which the process takes place.

In open ground

The place for distillation on the ground is chosen very carefully. The bed should be well-lit, cleared of weeds and the remains of previous inhabitants, dug up and loosened. Mineral dressings are first introduced into the ground, and a couple of days before planting, it is plentifully irrigated. Late-ripening varieties should be used for beds, the bulbs of which, when harvested in October, were able to reach a diameter of 3-4 centimeters. The landing itself is usually carried out in the spring, when the temperature stabilizes, and you can not be afraid of the return of frost.

Bulbs are placed on the site by bridge or tape methods. In the first case, the dug grooves are closely filled with material without any gaps. In the second case, in the grooves, the distance between which is maintained equal to 10-20 centimeters, grooves are created with an interval of 2 to 4 centimeters, in which the bulbs are located. In both cases, the material is lightly covered with soil, forming a two- or three-centimeter layer, slightly exposing the top of the fruit. It should be mentioned that only dry and dense fruits, without traces of rot or disease, should be used for distillation. If the onions do not germinate, then they will need to cut off the tops. For accelerated germination, they are soaked for half a day or even a whole day in water heated to 34-38 degrees, and then treated with a preparation after fungi.

It is also possible to first grow seedlings from seeds, which will take about 1-2 months. To do this, the container is filled with soil from the future site, and the grains are pre-soaked. It is customary to first leave the seed in heated water for one day, then keep it on a constantly moistened cloth for a couple of days. Finally, they are removed in a container under a plastic or polyethylene lid and left in a dark place until sprouts appear.

In the greenhouse

The building in which the onion will be grown for greenery should be located in an area that receives a sufficient amount of light. In principle, it will not be superfluous to additionally mount several phytolamps, since the required length of daylight hours is at least 12 hours. The interior space is filled with racks designed to save space and provide better heating. The temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below +18 degrees during the day and below +10 degrees at night. If it is not possible to control it yourself, it makes sense to purchase a control system. It is customary to irrigate the plantings with the help of drip irrigation.

Forcing the crop to feather in the greenhouse usually lasts from mid-autumn to mid-spring, with the timing of the last sowing being limited to early spring. The containers are filled with a mixture of peat, humus, earth and sand, and the bulbs themselves are planted in a bridge.

On the windowsill

At home, getting onion greens is easiest on the windowsill. Planting material is located in liquid or in the ground, and in the second case it is possible to wake it up a few days earlier. The option of planting bulbs in a plastic bottle with a capacity of 5 liters looks extremely simple. In this case, the top of the vessel is cut off so that the hand fits inside. After that, holes are cut on the walls for the tails of the bulbs. The bottle is alternately filled with earth and planting material, laid out in a row near the walls. For irrigation, the structure can be completely immersed in liquid or spilled from above.

Growing a crop on the windowsill, you have to follow, so that the plant has enough light, but it does not overheat. It is extremely important to exclude proximity to heating elements, mainly in winter to the battery.

The optimum temperature at home does not go beyond 22-25 degrees.

The use of stimulants

To speed up the process, the culture can be treated with stimulant drugs. So, after planting, the beds are irrigated solution “Heteroauxin”, which stimulates the development of the root system. The emergence of seedlings is accompanied by the use of “Epin” – a preparation for foliar treatment. In advanced cases, it makes sense to turn to “Oxyohumate”able to invigorate even the most weakened plants.

All about forcing onions on a feather
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Anna Evans


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