Walnut benefits, benefits and harms of calories

WalnutWalnut, this small fruit, contains an impressive array of nutrients. It lowers cholesterol, improves metabolism and maintains the health of diabetics. In addition, it helps to cope with viral diseases, obesity and bad mood. And this is only a small part of the huge list of useful properties of this amazing product.

King nut

It is believed that the country of origin of walnuts is Persia. But the neighborhood of modern Iran, the spread of this plant in ancient times was not limited. Archaeologists find the fossilized remains of fruits near the Himalayas, in Turkey, Switzerland and Italy. And the most ancient walnut, which is believed to have grown in 8000 years BC, was found in Shanidar Cave (modern Iraq).

In ancient times, this plant was treated with special respect. The Persians called him royal, and only the rulers of the country had the right to use this fruit for food. In Mesopotamia, lush walnut groves were a special pride. These trees were part of the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Memories of walnuts are found in the records of the Babylonians, in the Old Testament, as well as in Greek mythology. By the way, it is the Greeks who are credited with the first cultivation of the Volosh tree. Interestingly, the Hellenes called this plant the Persian or royal nut. They used it in food, as a medicine, and as a dye for hair, fabric and wool. In addition, the Greeks considered this product an aphrodisiac and called it “grains of love.”

The walnut fruit was also worshiped by the Romans. In the ruins of the Temple of Isis in Pompeii, archaeologists also found these nuts. It is assumed that they were sacrificed to the goddess on the day of the eruption of Vesuvius.

Why is it still “walnut”

We call it walnut, while other nationalities have found other names for it. Historians say that it is by the name that it is easy to determine where the nut came from in certain countries. The plant was brought to Russia by the Byzantines, who were perceived as Greeks. .… Hence the traditional name. As already mentioned, the Greeks called him Persian or royal, and, most likely, he came to the Greeks from Persia. The Romans, who received the nut from the Greeks, called it walnut. But they did not forget about the Persian definition and also called the plant Juglans regia, which in Latin means “king’s nut” or “acorn of Jupiter”.

It is interesting that all the peoples of the Roman Empire subsequently began to call this product simply a nut (in Latin – nux). The root of this word has so far remained in the names of Italians, Romanians, French, Spaniards, Portuguese. The then inhabitants of the imperial periphery “christened” the plant with the Volos nut (Wallachia – modern Romania, Eastern Romanesque peoples). This name has survived in Czech, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and English. In the USA, where the fruit was brought from Britain, it was called “English”. But in Afghanistan, the nut was given a name for its appearance – charmarghz, which translates as “four brains.”

Walnut folklore

The tremendous popularity of the tree has given rise to many myths, legends and superstitions associated with this plant. So, the Romans, who considered the walnut the fruit of the goddess of marriage and motherhood, Juno, had a tradition to shower the newlyweds with kernels. The French kept sacks of nuts in their homes as a symbol of abundance and longevity. And young people had a tradition: young men put a leaf from a tree in the shoes of a girl they liked.

In the XNUMXth century, Italians considered walnuts a “witch tree” and tried not to plant them near the stables, so as not to cause pestilences of domestic animals. farmer-online.com… The travelers, who never stopped for the night near it, also tried to pass this tree as quickly as possible.

Over the centuries, in most countries of the world, the attitude towards the nut has changed dramatically: either it was revered as a fruit for the development of the brain, then it was despised as a food that dulls mental abilities.

What do modern researchers think about this product?

General characteristics

Walnut varietiesToday, over 30 cultivated varieties of walnuts are known in the world. For industrial purposes, its plantations are grown in China, Turkey, France, Moldova, Romania, Russia, the USA and many other countries. A young tree gives its first large harvest in about the fourth year. Mature plants grow up to 20-30 m, and the trunk circumference can reach 7 m. These are long-lived trees. Some are two millennia old.

By the way, it is undesirable to grow vegetables near nuts, since the roots of this tree release toxins into the soil. farmer-online.com… Biologists say it’s best to step back 25m from the trunk for safety.

The fruit of the walnut tree consists of three parts: the kernel (the edible part), the shell (hard shell) and the pericarp (green fleshy shell). Man has found a use for all of them.

Nutritional value

Walnuts, along with Brazilian nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts and pistachios, belong to the Walnut family. Each of these species has a variety of nutrients. But if we talk about Volosh fruits, then most of the nutrients are contained in them in quantities close to 100 percent daily norms.

For example, a quarter cup of peeled fruits are exceptional portions of manganese, copper, molybdenum, biotin, omega-3 fatty acids and many other components. Walnuts contain more than a dozen phenolic acids, numerous tannins, and a wide range of flavonoids.

Vitamin E, found in walnuts, is especially beneficial because instead of the more common form of alpha-tocopherol in nature, it is in the form of gamma-tocopherol. In this variation, vitamin E helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Another unique feature of these fruits is the following: despite the high calorie content and high amount of fat, this product is very nutritious without causing obesity. Walnuts contain more polyunsaturated fats, which are important for the heart and blood vessels, than any other nut.

In addition, this product contains the following items:

  • copper – important for the heart, bones, nervous system, immunity;
  • phosphorus is a mineral necessary for bone density;
  • folic acid – pregnant women especially need it;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – important for the immune system, the nervous system, prevents anemia;
  • ellagic acid – an antioxidant that is essential for the proper functioning of the heart, prevents cancer;
  • catechin – a flavonoid that is important for the heart;
  • melatonin is a neurohormone necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Table of nutrients in 100 g raw nuts ..

Caloric content 656 kcal Proteins 16,2 g Carbohydrates 11,1 g Fats 60,8 g Fiber 6,7 g Vitamin A (retinol) 8 μg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 5,8 mg Vitamin E (tocopherol) 2,6 mg Vitamin K 2,7 mg Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,39 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,12 mg Vitamin B3 / PP (niacin) 4,8 mg Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,82 mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,8 , 9 mg Vitamin B77 (folic acid) 4 μg Vitamin B39,2 (choline) 89 mg Calcium 2 mg Iron 120 mg Magnesium 332 mg Phosphorus 474 mg Potassium 7 mg Sodium 2,57 mg Zinc 527 mg Copper 1,9 μg Manganese 4,9 mg Selenium XNUMX mcg

Useful Properties

Useful properties of walnutsUsually, the simplest foods are the most beneficial for the body. This also applies to walnuts, which nature has endowed with an almost ideal ratio of proteins, healthy fats, dietary fiber, plant sterols, antioxidants and many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, among all nuts, walnuts are rightfully considered the king. And by eating 6-7 fruits a day, you can protect yourself from most diseases ...

Anti-cancer properties

Walnuts have been shown to reduce the risk of prostate and breast cancer. An experiment on laboratory mice showed that after 18 weeks of a nutty diet, malignant formations in prostate cells slow down in growth, and the area of ​​damaged tissues decreases. .… After a series of experiments, the researchers published comforting results: this fruit is able to reduce the activity of cancer cells by 30-40%. And the risk of developing malignant tumors in the mammary glands against the background of consumption of walnuts is halved.

Substances contained in fruits with anti-cancer properties:

  • phytosterols;
  • gamma-tocopherol;
  • omega xnumx;
  • ellagic acid;
  • polyphenols.

Heart Health

Walnuts and heart healthHazelnuts contain the amino acid L-arginine, which is especially important for people with heart disease or those predisposed to heart disease. But, by the way, precisely because of the high concentration of arginine, it is better not to use the product for persons with herpes, since at the stage of treatment this trace element will cause relapses of the disease.

The second component that makes nuts good for the heart is alpha-linolenic acid. It plays the role of an anti-inflammatory agent, prevents the pathological formation of blood clots. Research confirms that people who have enough of this substance in their diets are less likely to have heart attacks. 1, and mortality due to cardiac diseases is 50% lower.

But that’s not all of the heart health benefits of walnuts. This product helps to keep cholesterol levels within safe limits, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and other troubles caused by “greasy” blood vessels.

Antioxidants: Unique and Powerful

Antioxidants are critical to health. They are believed by scientists to control the aging process by fighting free radicals. Hazelnuts contain several unique and very powerful antioxidants not found in other foods. Almost 90% of these elements are concentrated in the skin of the fruit. The high content of polyphenolic substances reduces the activity of oxidative processes. One study found that the antioxidants in nuts prevent liver damage from chemical poisoning ...

Weight regulation

Adding volosh nuts to your diet will help maintain weight in a healthy frame. Not least, this is achieved due to the high content of proteins, which for a long time provide a feeling of satiety.

Improving reproductive health

Scientists have proven the effect of walnut on male fertility. Studies show that individuals who consume about 75 g of fruit daily (slightly more than half a glass) significantly improve sperm quality, including sperm vitality and motility. ...

Work of the brain

Benefits of nuts for the brainFruits, which contain vitamin E, folic acid, melatonin, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain cells. All of these substances are found in walnuts. No wonder even in ancient times, people considered these fruits useful for the brain. Even nature itself openly hints at this in the form of a nut kernel.

Studies in the elderly have shown that regular consumption of nuts significantly improves memory ..… A similar effect was confirmed as a result of an experiment with the participation of young people.

For 10 months, scientists observed laboratory mice with Alzheimer’s disease. It turned out that after the nut diet, their memory and learning skills improved significantly. And after eight weeks of consuming walnuts in animals, age-related transformations in brain cells slowed down ...

In addition, walnuts are believed to be beneficial in treating depression, insomnia, mood swings, and hyperactivity in children.

Benefits of Diabetes

Diet nut fats have a beneficial effect on metabolism in people with type 2 diabetes. It is known that one of the “side effects” of this disease is being overweight. Regular consumption of walnuts (about a quarter of a glass on an empty stomach) reduces not only body weight, but also blood glucose levels ..… In addition, this useful product helps to strengthen blood vessels, which is also important for diabetics.

Side effects

Foods such as walnuts with near perfect chemical composition can be hazardous in some cases. The fact is that this fruit is one of the most common and strong allergens.

Moreover, allergy after nuts, as a rule, has serious consequences: anaphylactic shock or even death is possible (if medical care is not provided on time).

In addition, the product contains phytic acid, which, according to scientists, can interfere with the absorption of iron and zinc. However, people on a balanced diet should not worry about this.

How to choose

When buying whole nuts, it is important to pay attention to their weight. Healthy fresh food in the palm of your hand should feel a little heavier for its size and should have a bright brown skin. If the shell shows signs of mold, the fruit is not suitable for consumption. When you have to choose among peeled nuts, it is better that it is a hermetically packaged product.

After opening the container, it is recommended to store the kernels in the refrigerator in order to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste.

Spheres of use

In the food industry

Kernels are consumed raw, toasted or dried, sweet or salted. They are added to baked goods, sweets, desserts, salads. This product is used to make creams and nut butters. It is especially common in oriental cuisine. Jams, marmalade and even liquor are made from green nuts.

In ancient times, so that bread does not stick during baking, the base of the stove was sprinkled with chopped shells.

In medicine

Even in ancient times, the walnut was used as a cure for many ailments. In particular, ancient healers prescribed it to patients after serious illnesses – to recuperate. In the East, nuts were a staple for troops on a campaign. And the oil of these fruits was used as a medicine for healing wounds and burns.

Walnut Electric Guitar BlankWoodworking

The wood of this plant is prized for its exceptional strength. Furniture, dishes, musical instruments are made of walnut. And during the First World War, propellers for aircraft were cut out of it.

Making dyes

Even in ancient times, artisans learned to cook brown paint from peanut juice, and yellow paint from green shells. This dye was actively used by weavers to give their products a beautiful color.

In ancient times, women also noticed the coloring abilities of the nut. They made hair dye from the plant. Moreover, it performed two functions at once: it gave the hair a deep brown tint and strengthened it, since this fruit is an excellent source of biotin.

The beneficial properties of nut oil

This product, made from ripe kernels, has been known to mankind for many centuries. Walnut oil contains all the nutrients that a fresh fruit does. But besides its medicinal goals (accelerating wound healing), this product played other roles as well.

The Egyptians, for example, used it for mummification, the inhabitants of the East – as raw materials for oil lamps, the inhabitants of Western Europe – as oil in temples. In cosmetology, walnut oil is known as an anti-aging agent that smoothes the skin and gives it a healthy color and radiance.

The artists also loved this oil. Over the centuries, they have used it for mixing paints. In particular, the examination showed that Picasso, Cezanne, Monet regularly used this product. ...

The inclusion of walnuts in the diet can be considered one of the easiest ways to replenish the reserves of nutrients. It seems easier to name the diseases from which this delicious fruit does not heal than to list all its advantages.

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Anna Evans


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