Centaury benefits and harms

Centaury benefits and harms

As a medicinal raw material, the leaves and stems of centaury are collected, dried and harvested for future use. Decoctions are prepared from them, which are mainly used as a means of improving digestion, improving bile secretion, and stimulating appetite.

And in ancient times, centaury leaves and especially their milky juice were used as an external remedy – they were applied to wounds, cuts, ulcers and abscesses. Centaury promotes healing and tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation. A lard-based anesthetic ointment was prepared from the herb of centaury, which was applied to serious wounds.

Currently, centaury is mainly a component of various herbal preparations for various purposes. It is included in fees for diabetes, jaundice, diarrhea, fees for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In the south of Ukraine, traditional healers have long used centaury for the treatment of uterine bleeding and other gynecological diseases.

There is an opinion that the infusion of centaury, used for a long time as a homeopathic remedy, is able to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction.

Anna Evans


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