Apple health benefits, benefits and harms of calories

AppleApples are usually called one of the healthiest foods available to humans today. These fruits are rich in fiber and vitamin C, while at the same time they are low in calories and practically free of sodium, fat and cholesterol. People more familiar with chemistry also know that apples are rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. By the way, these substances accumulate to a greater extent in the peel of the fruit, so unpeeled fruits are healthier. Apples can help relieve asthma and Alzheimer’s disease. They are useful for losing weight, strengthening bones, and improving the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems.

Do you think that this is all the healing properties of apples? You are mistaken! Not without reason, all over the world, these crunchy fruits with ruddy sides are considered magic food.

What is this fruit?

The apple is the fruit of a tree belonging to the Pink family. Researchers suggest that the first gardens of these trees appeared on the fertile soil of the mountain ranges of Kazakhstan. Archaeologists have found evidence that back in the XNUMXth millennium BC, people already knew and ate apples. Over the centuries, thousands of varieties and hybrids of this culture have appeared. Some of them were brought out by nature itself, some – the work of man. The color, shape, taste and aroma of the fruit are determined by their variety.

All apple trees can be divided into several varieties:

  • summer (ripen in July);
  • autumn (ripe in September);
  • winter (ripen by the end of autumn).

The most popular summer varieties

  • White filling – rounded fruits, greenish at first, and then almost white, fragrant, with friable pulp and sourish taste;
  • Melba – rounded, yellowish with a blush, with white sweet-sour pulp and the smell of candy;
  • Mantet – green-red fruits of a rounded oblong shape, cream-colored flesh, not sour;
  • Grushivka Moskovskaya – oblate fruits, pale green with pinkish blush, fragrant, juicy and sour;
  • Candy – rounded, with red blush and delicate white flesh.

Autumn varieties

  • Mack – green-yellow with purple stripes, white flesh with reddish veins, spicy;
  • Shteyfling – green-yellow with characteristic brown-orange stripes, the flesh is pale yellow, juicy, with a raspberry flavor;
  • Glory to the winners – a hybrid of White filling and Macintosh varieties, green with red blush, fragrant and creamy flesh;
  • Zhigulevskoe – yellow with red stripes, creamy, granular, sourish pulp.

Winter varieties

  • Antonovka – yellowish-golden, the flesh is white, sourish, crunchy;
  • Jonathan – yellow-green with a red blush, sometimes covered with a mesh, the pulp is juicy, cream-colored;
  • Saffron pepine – rounded, greenish-yellow, creamy flesh, wine-sweet, aromatic;
  • Golden Delicious – conical fruits, golden, juicy, creamy flesh;
  • Sinap Orlovsky – oblong fruits of golden color, with sourish pulp.

Nutritional value

Nutritional value of applesOver the past few years, scientists have made many discoveries about the chemical composition of apples. The complex of phytonutrients in these fruits turned out to be much wider than previously thought. One of the main phytonutrients is quercetin, the main reserves of which are concentrated in the peel. The fruits also contain equally useful flavonoids – kaempferol and myricetin. Red varieties are rich in anthocyanins, which also accumulate mainly in the peel. Since most of the polyphenols found in apples have antioxidant properties, it’s no surprise that research shows fruit’s beneficial effects on the body. ..

Vitamin C, found in apples, is also a powerful natural antioxidant that can block some of the cellular damage caused by free radicals. The B complex is important for maintaining a healthy nervous system and building red blood cells. Fiber is good for improving digestion, preventing many diseases, and keeping cholesterol in the normal range. And phytonutrients prevent malignant cell degeneration

Nutritional value on 100 g apples (with skin)

Calories 52 kcal Proteins 0,27 g Fats 0,18 g Carbohydrates 13,82 g Water 85,53 g Vitamin A 6,2 μg Vitamin B1 0 mg Vitamin B06 2 mg Vitamin B0,05 3 mg Vitamin B0,1 5 , 0,1 mg Vitamin B6 0,08 mg Vitamin B9 3,2 μg Vitamin C 5,1 mg Vitamin E 0,2 mg Vitamin K 2,21 μg Calcium 6,2 mg Iron 0,14 mg Magnesium 5,2 mg Manganese 0,06 , 11,2 mg Phosphorus 108 mg Potassium XNUMX mg

Benefits for the body

Laboratory experiments prove that phytonutrients and antioxidants contained in apples reduce the risk of cancer, asthma, hypertension, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases. ...

Numerous scientific studies show that these fruits are among the healthiest and should be included in the daily diet of health conscious people. Here are just a few of the researchers’ proven benefits of these fruits. ...

The benefits of apples for the bodyImpact on neurological health

More than 10 years ago, scientists discovered quercetin in apples .… This substance belongs to antioxidants, and in these fruits it is found in extremely large quantities. Through scientific experiments, it has been found that this chemical compound prevents the death of nerve cells caused by oxidation and inflammation of neurons.

Another study found that apple juice activates the brain’s production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps improve memory in people with Alzheimer’s 1… Another experience convinced scientists that people who eat these fruits are less likely to develop dementia. It was found that apple juice prevents aging of the brain and protects its cells from free radicals, and serves as the prevention of Parkinson’s disease.

Prevention of stroke

Almost 10 thousands of men and women took part in the study, which lasted more than 20 years. Summing up the results, scientists have suggested: apple lovers are less prone to developing a stroke.

Healthy cholesterol

After another experiment, American scientists called apples miracle fruits. Researchers have noticed: if you eat several fruits every day, the so-called “bad” cholesterol decreases by 23%, and the “good” grows by 4%. To achieve this effect, the participants of the experience took half a year.

Protection against anemia

Due to its high iron content, apples are one of the most popular medicines for anemia in folk medicine. The cause of anemia is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. You can easily fix the problem by including in your diet foods rich in iron, a mineral that is key in the formation of red blood cells.

Apples are an effective and delicious way to do this.

Diabetes prevention

Apples also help prevent diabetes. A study involving nearly 200 people showed that people who consume apples, grapes, raisins, blueberries or pears three times a week are 7% less likely to develop this disease. Also, scientists have determined: the rich content of soluble fiber in apples prevents hyperglycemia (a sharp increase in blood sugar).

Apples for immunityBenefits for the digestive organs

Excessive accumulation of cholesterol causes gallstones to form. Eating apples regularly helps prevent the problem. In addition, the apple diet is considered the most effective way to detoxify the liver.

These fruits are also useful for people with intestinal problems. Cellulose from apples will equally relieve from constipation and diarrhea, relieve irritable bowel symptoms, flatulence, and ease abdominal pain. Also, these fruits are important for the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Strengthening immunity

Apples (especially red varieties) contain a high concentration of the antioxidant quercetin. This substance is considered one of the most useful for strengthening the protective functions of the body, therefore, it is important for people with weakened immunity to introduce red apples into their diet.

Protection against cancer

Every year there is more and more evidence that even 1 apple a day will help prevent breast cancer, the formation of tumors in the liver and colon. Researchers attribute this phenomenon to the presence of phenolic substances in fruits. ..… These chemical compounds have many beneficial properties. To enhance the effect, researchers still call for avoiding fruit monotony in the diet and alternating apples with other healthy fruits.

Tooth benefits

Apples are not a substitute for a toothbrush, but they do provide some benefits for the teeth. In particular, chewing on crispy fruits stimulates the production of saliva. And it, in turn, has a detrimental effect on the bacteria contained in the oral cavity, thereby preventing the risk of tooth decay.

Apples and weight lossHealthy eyes

Summing up the results of a long-term study, scientists have determined that people in whose diet apples appear regularly and in sufficient quantities are 15% less likely to develop cataracts. The reason for this is called the antioxidants contained in the fruit.

Benefits for weight loss

In addition to being extremely high in fiber, which is the best way to fight hunger, apples have other benefits for people looking to lose weight. Research results show that these fruits speed up metabolism, which means that calories in the body are burned faster than usual, and some of them are not absorbed at all. Millions of people around the world choose apples as a key ingredient in their weight loss diet. In addition, nutritionists have developed several apple diet options designed to help overweight people. ...

Apples in cosmetology: the benefits and harm

Fruit puree mixed with honey or milk is an effective remedy to combat age-related skin changes. Apples, being powerful antioxidants, protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, early aging and the formation of age spots. To cleanse and moisturize the skin, you can use fresh fruit slices (rub your face and wait until the juice is absorbed). Also, the apple-cream mixture is a great remedy for acne, blackheads and acne. And natural apple cider vinegar can be used as a remedy to restore the healthy pH of the skin (soak a cotton swab in liquid, wipe your face). To get rid of dark circles around the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, it is enough to attach juicy apple slices for 10 minutes (as an option, you can make a mask of apple cider and mashed potatoes).

This delicious fruit is also useful for hair. Products containing apple concentrate, stimulate the growth of curls, strengthen them, make them shiny and prevent baldness.

In addition, fruit remedies are also effective in eliminating dandruff. The easiest apple cider therapy is to rinse your curls with juice or apple cider vinegar.

Methods of use in cooking

Nutritionists say that the healthiest way to eat apples is to eat them raw, and even with the skin on them. But if you are already tired of raw fruits, there are many interesting and delicious variations on the theme of apples in cooking. Here is some of them:

  1. Apples in cookingBake cinnamon fruit stuffed with cottage cheese or oatmeal.
  2. As a side dish to cook apples, fried with onions.
  3. Bring the fruit slices to a boil and rub through a sieve to make a tasty mashed potatoes.
  4. Add fruit slices to dough for pancakes – an option for a tasty breakfast.
  5. Bake with turkey or chicken.
  6. Cook the soup with carrots, apples and ginger.
  7. Cook compote.
  8. Salted for the winter.
  9. Add to salads.
  10. Fry apple rings.
  11. Make apple “chips”.
  12. Prepare the filling for the cake.
  13. Make a fruit smoothie or smoothie.

How else to use apples?

Perhaps, many hostesses happened to over-salt the soup. There are various tricks to remove excess salt from the finished dish. One of them – with the help of apples. It is enough to boil a couple of fruit pieces in the soup for a few minutes, and they will absorb the excess salt.

Apples can also be used as a natural air freshener or as a catalyst for the ripening of green fruits (put them in a paper bag with the apples). And if you want to keep the freshness of the bread longer, put the baked goods and a slice of apple in an airtight container.

Potential hazard of fruit

The potential danger of applesAs a rule, apples do not cause any serious side effects. But it is important to know that the seeds of these fruits contain amygdalin, which can cause the formation of cyanide, which is a powerful poison. Although a couple of seeds are certainly not dangerous, excessive consumption can even be fatal. Chemists have calculated the lethal dose of cyanide: 1 mg of the substance per 1 kg of body weight. There are almost 1 mg of cyanide in 700 kilogram of apple seeds. Thus, 100 grams of seeds can be a fatal dose for a 70-kg person. But in practice, eating that amount is almost impossible. One apple seed weighs about 0,7 g, which means that you have to eat 143 seeds to get a lethal dose of cyanide. And if we take into account that there are no more than 1 seeds in 8 apple, it turns out that a lethal outcome is possible if you eat 18 apples with seeds in one sitting.

The potential danger to the teeth is fraught with sour apples. The acid in the fruit causes damage to the enamel. Dentists advise such fruits to chew with their back teeth, cutting off small pieces with a knife. Immediately after a snack, rinse your mouth with water to wash away unwanted acid and sugar.

Another possible disadvantage of apples is pesticides. To get rid of the “chemistry”, it is enough to wash the fruits well under running warm water ...

How to choose and store

How to choose and store applesFirst rule: look for hard fruits with a rich color. When choosing, taste is very important, so pay attention to the gastronomic characteristics of the variety.

Ripe fruits can be stored for several months. The variety is also a key factor. Low temperature (up to 2-4 degrees Celsius) and high humidity are ideal conditions for storing fruit ...

When buying or harvesting apples for storage, it is important to carefully examine each fruit, immediately remove rotten or damaged apples from the crates. Fruits with “bruises” secrete substances that accelerate the deterioration of healthy fruits.

Apples are called one of the most popular and tasty fruits on the planet. They are remembered when they need to quench their hunger or thirst, they are consumed as a dessert and as an ingredient in main dishes. The benefits of apples knew the ancient Greeks, Romans and Scandinavian tribes. They were appreciated in Asia and the Americas. Today it is difficult to imagine life without apples and tasty juice from these fruits.

Sources of

  1. ↑ ScienceDaily. – Compound in Apples May Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease.
  2. ↑ Cambridge University Press. – Apple intake and cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
  3. ↑ PLOS Medicine. – Changes in Intake of Fruits and Vegetables and Weight Change in United States Men and Women Followed for Up to 24 Years: Analysis from Three Prospective Cohort Studies.
  4. ↑ Journal “Technologies of the food and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex – healthy food products”. – Study of indicators of quality and safety of apples, zoned in the Krasnodar Territory.
  5. ↑ Russian quality system (Internet portal). – Are all apples equally healthy ?.

Anna Evans


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