Treatment of roses from pests in April

Every spring in April, I process roses. I believe that this procedure cannot be underestimated if you want to get healthy, abundantly blooming plants until the autumn cold.

What happens in early spring

When the sun has already melted the snow and the earth has thawed, nature awakens from winter sleep. My roses are also waking up: I take off their warm shelter and see the first buds on the strong bushes that have safely survived the winter.

However, I know that it is too early to relax and rejoice – pests and pathogens have also woken up and are ready to start destroying my flowers. Despite the fact that it is still freezing at night, I see aphids on several branches of rose bushes, and live larvae and worms lurk in dry hibiscus boxes, which will crawl onto roses if they are not stopped.

Therefore, I carry out a set of spring care activities for my favorite flowers.

Treatment against pests and diseases

To do all the preventive treatment in one day, I wait for dry, calm weather. First, I carry out the spring pruning of the bushes and at the same time remove the rotten and moldy branches, which can become a source of disease for the entire bush. I also clean the surface of the soil under the bushes from plant debris.

The next step is spraying with a copper-containing preparation. There are many such tools, but I use Hom out of habit. I put on a mask, gloves and prepare a solution: I dissolve 10 grams in 40 liters of water. drug. Then I pour the solution into the sprayer and process the rose bushes, the soil under them, and closely growing plants. I will carry out the second treatment with “Hom” in two weeks.

It is better to use a high-quality nebulizer with a powerful supply of solution in the form of a cloud of microscopic drops. Then the product will evenly cover the entire surface of the plants and bring the expected benefits.

I carry out the second spraying in two weeks – so, the roses will be protected from powdery mildew, spotting, rust, pathogenic fungi. Modern medicinal preparations are safe for bees, earthworms and other beneficial representatives of the fauna.

Then I start to destroy the pests: I like Fitoverm, but in general there are a lot of insecticides on the market. Some people use soapy water or nettle infusion.

I am preparing a solution at the rate of 10 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. I fill the spray bottle and spray everything in the same way as I did for the prevention of diseases. I will re-sprinkle with Fitoverm in 3 days, maybe I will do the third – three will be enough.

Early protection of roses from pests and diseases promotes the growth of bushes and abundant flowering throughout the warm season.

Anna Evans


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