Secrets of correct distillation of hyacinths

Hyacinth is considered to be one of the best bulbous plants to go for forcing, and today we will take a look at how to properly distil hyacinth.

 Flowering, in this case, occurs in winter and early spring. The plant produces beautiful flowers of red, pink, white, and blue colors at the time you plan to do so.

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For distillation to be successful, it is necessary to purchase large, dense, heavy, ripe bulbs, which have not damaged the bottom. In autumn, we plant the bulbs one by one in pots with a radius of 9 cm. We select loose sandy loam soil. The onion should be dripped in about 2/3 of its height, and the top should be placed at the level of the edge of the pot.
Secrets of correct distillation of hyacinths
Cover the pot and prepared hyacinth with a paper cap and place in a cold place. The ideal temperature would be 6-10 degrees. The plant should be watered only as needed and used for this with cold water. Within three months, the bulb will take root, and then it starts to grow. When fresh sprouts reach 10 centimeters, you need to remove the paper cover and move the pot to the windowsill. Spray the hyacinth until the buds open. To achieve more abundant flowering, you can feed the plant with a mixture of mineral fertilizers every five days. In about a month, the hyacinth will bloom and will delight with its beautiful inflorescences for about three weeks.
Secrets of correct distillation of hyacinths
It is better not to use the bulbs after distillation the next year for the same purposes, because they will give very modest buds. It is better to plant them in a flowerbed in September, covering them with a layer of leaves for the winter.
If your goal is to drive hyacinths out for Christmas, plant them in August or September. To get flower stalks for International Women’s Day in March – start in October.

When forcing hyacinths, gardeners may face the following problems:

Yellowing leaves.

This sign indicates that you are watering and feeding your hyacinth incorrectly. If the leaves begin to dry out, remove the pots from the ventilated area.

The buds do not open.

This happens when water gets on the inflorescences. Try to water your plant gently.

Elongated and limp leaves.

The reason for this deviation is the fact that the plant does not have enough light. Transfer the pot to a bright window or floodlit to form a 10 hour day.

Secrets of correct distillation of hyacinths

The flowers are strangely shaped.

This is not uncommon. Most often, the peduncle develops with a curvature to one side. This is due to the high temperature during the resting period.

The flowers are rotting.

The main reason is excess moisture.


Good luck with forcing the hyacinths! Read about how to properly care for begonia, also a bulbous plant!

Anna Evans


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