Geranium “Royal Pelargonium”

Among geraniums there are completely unpretentious plants that are not demanding on growing conditions and do not create problems even for a novice florist in the process of growing them. The royal geranium is clearly not from this “opera”. This indoor flower requires constant attention and specific care. In the absence of these conditions, it stubbornly does not bloom and does not please your eye with lush and unique in its beauty buds.

pictured royal geranium

The thing is that royal pelargonium is a native of the hot and humid climate of South America. She feels great in conditions of high humidity and in the absence of direct sunlight. Of particular importance is the regular and quantitative characteristics of watering. It should be moderate but persistent. In summer, the plant should be watered early in the morning (before 10 o’clock) and late in the evening (after sunset). In winter, watering is limited to 1 time per day. At the same time, no more than 50 ml of water per 1 adult plant is used for a single watering. The earthen ball should be soaked, but not damp. Otherwise, root rot occurs, and bacterial infections join, which prevent abundant flowering and the development of the stem part.

Photo of royal geranium and description

In the proposed photos, the royal geranium is presented in various variations of varieties and selections. This plant is a favorite with flower growers from all over the world. Therefore, new varieties with the original color of the petals are constantly appearing. Terry royal pelargoniums are more common. They have a rich color of petals and a wide spherical shaped cluster of peduncles.

In the photo of the royal pelargonium, you can see the Pink Mikado cultivar. It is distinguished by its compact bush size, rich dark green leaves and a slight pubescence of the stem. Coloring of petals from pastel pink to rich salmon shade. In the center of each petal there is a dark oval speck that gives out royal pelargonium.

pictured royal pelargonium

pictured royal pelargonium

The next photo shows Aristo Schoko, a royal geranium variety that has a rich red petal color. In the center of the cervical part of each petal there is a bright oval-shaped and dark red spot.


If you want an exotic look, then check out the photo of the royal geranium of the Barkarole variety. This is a bright motley color with a real riot of colors. The edging of each petal, which has a silvery sheen, gives the variety sophistication and exoticism. The edging of the buds, combined with the vibrant yellow, orange, white and pink petals, gives the royal geranium flower an attractive appearance. It is widely used to form harmonious interior designs in apartments, country houses and offices.


For lovers of classic interior design options, there is the Imperial variety. In the photo you can see compact plants with delicate beige petals that adorn the pink saturated spots in the center.


For the first time, royal pelargonium was introduced to Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. Since then, breeding work has been endlessly going on, as a result of which all new hybrid forms of this plant appear. Therefore, the varieties of royal geraniums listed above are far from a complete list. These are simply the most popular and sought after varieties.

The general description of the royal geranium pelargonium includes information about the average height of the adult plant. In most cases, at home, royal pelargonium reaches a height of 60 – 80 cm. It is not advisable to grow a taller plant, since the buds are located only at the apical points of growth. At a height of 1 meter, the decorative properties of an indoor flower are completely lost. However, in a garden, you can grow a one and a half meter bush as an experiment. But it is better to use it as a background for low-growing flowering plants.

The special chic of royal pelargonium, judging by the description and cultivation practice, is the inflorescence of the buds. They can reach a width of up to 25 cm. But this is with proper care at home. On average, these are standard inflorescences with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The length of the peduncle can reach up to 10 cm. The more mineral fertilizers of the potash and phosphorus groups are introduced during the preparation for flowering, the larger the diameter of the inflorescence and the shorter the length of the peduncle.

A distinctive characteristic is the presence of a dark, saturated color of an oval spot in the center of each petal. By their structure, the flowers of royal pelargonium can be either simple or double. In shape, the petals can be with a light wavy structure or flat concave. There are forms of crimped royal geranium flowers. The leaves are serrated, oval or rounded. The leaf has a rough surface with slight pubescence. The color of the foliage depends on the condition of the plant. A healthy indoor flower has rich emerald foliage that tightly covers the central trunk and all shoots.


Bud shades can include dazzling whites, reds, pinks, purples, yellows, oranges. The flowering period is not long and is a maximum of 6 months. The indoor flower geranium royal begins to bloom in early March.

Royal Geranium Care

Timely and proper care of royal geraniums allows you to form a correct and strong bush during the first year of life, which will give you lush bright buds in the second year of its life.

Caring for royal pelargonium begins from the moment you decide to settle this plant in your home. You need to choose the right place for planting. Royal geranium does not bring drafts, dry air and direct sunlight. Also, the plant does not like high air temperatures and insufficient watering. However, waterlogging of an earthen coma will not do anything good either.

As you can imagine, the optimal place for growing is the north or east window, under which there is no central heating battery and which is not used to ventilate the room during the cold season. In the spring, summer and autumn seasons, the royal geranium feels great in a glazed loggia. However, when the threat of the first frost appears, the plant should be removed to the room.


In the spring-summer period, for the growth of geraniums, an ambient temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius is suitable. In autumn and winter, you should not allow the temperature to rise above 20 degrees Celsius.

Planting is important to organize the proper care of royal geraniums at home. Choose ceramic pots for growing. They keep the earth ball at an optimal temperature and ensure an even air distribution. There must be a drain hole to remove excess moisture. Pour expanded clay or any other drains on the bottom of the pot. Next, fill the container with sod soil with a high organic content. You can immediately apply 1 tablespoon of nitrogen fertilizers to ensure sufficient plant nutrition during the period of green mass gain. After planting, keep Royal Pelargonium for 2 weeks in a shaded area and water 2 times a day.


Royal geraniums should be transplanted no more than 1 time in 3 years. And it is best to refrain from this event. This indoor flower is extremely painful to transplant and may even die.

Also, caring for royal geraniums includes the timely introduction of dressings. In spring and summer, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers once a week. Potassium and phosphorus should prevail. In autumn and winter, apply nitrogen and organic fertilizers once a month.


Be sure to pinch the plant. The first pruning is carried out at the moment when the plant reaches a stem height of 15 cm.All tops are cut by 2 cm.The second pinch is needed at the moment when the lateral shoots reach a length of 5 cm. you will get a spherical shape of a bush, which, with proper care of royal geraniums, will give abundant flowering in the second year.

Propagation by cuttings of royal geranium

At home, propagation of royal geranium by cuttings is advisable. Although reproduction by seeds is not excluded. In this case, sowing is carried out in the first half of February in structured loose soil to a depth of 0,5 cm. Floors as needed. A pick in the phase when seedlings have 2 true leaves.


Reproduction by cuttings of royal pelargonium is available to every grower if there is an adult plant. In spring or autumn, cuttings up to 10 cm long are cut. For this, it is better to use a sharp knife. Cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Immediately after cutting, 2 leaves are removed from the bottom, and the cuttings are placed in water at room temperature for 7 to 10 days until the roots appear.

After that, the cuttings are rooted in light structured soil in small-diameter containers. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out after 2 months. To improve the rooting process, it is important to prepare the potting soil. Add the same amount of construction or river sand to any soil. After mixing, pour boiling water over the entire soil. A strong manganese solution is also suitable for disinfection. But after watering, they can plant plants in 48 hours.geran-korolevskaya10

When rooting has passed, the growth of the tip begins. Be sure to cut it 1 cm. This will stimulate the growth of side shoots.

Why is royal geranium not blooming?

Many novice flower growers are wondering why royal geranium does not bloom. This can be due to improper care, frequent transplants, and the presence of bacterial and fungal infections. First of all, carefully inspect the plant for dark spots on the leaves, cannon on the stems and rot in the root part. If signs of a disease are found, then the entire root system should be cleaned from the ground, rinsed under running water and put in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 – 3 days. Clean or remove all affected parts of the plant.


Prepare fresh soil. The pot, if the same will be used, should be disinfected with a solution of bleach. Disinfect the soil with boiling water before transplanting. Transplant the plant and carefully observe the emergence of new signs of disease.


Also, royal geranium does not bloom if inadequate conditions for care and growth are provided. For example, excessive dryness of the air leads to systematic dropping of buds and peduncles. Their establishment occurs only if the soil contains sufficient phosphorus, potassium and manganese. With an excessive application of nitrogen, a quick set of green mass occurs and there is no flowering.


Another option, why royal geranium pelargonium does not bloom, is too large a container in which the plant grows. Tall, but not wide pots are more suitable for this indoor flower. This ensures long-lasting, profuse flowering. A large pot leads to overgrowth of green mass and lack of budding.

Anna Evans


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