Stagnation after childbirth in cows

Generic activity has a strong influence on the body of the animal. Often, farmers notice that after the birth of a calf, the cow does not rise to her feet, but lies almost all the time. Some animals make attempts to get up, but then fall and do not get up again. This condition is called postpartum bedtime in cows. Treatment of this pathology is carried out only after clarifying the cause that caused the deterioration of the animal’s condition.

Postpartum bedtime

Causes of accumulation

  • During childbirth, there is a high risk of injury to the ligaments, bones and joints, therefore, the main causes of bedtime in cows are considered to be:
  • Stretching of the ligaments, joints of the pelvic region.
  • Fractures of the pelvic bones.
  • The development of the inflammatory process in the muscle fibers of the limbs and pelvis.
  • Infringement of the sciatic, obturator nerves.
  • Improper assistance to a cow at the birth of a large calf.

Staleness occurs not only due to injuries, but also due to a lack of vitamins or trace elements in the animal’s body.. If most of the pregnancy period falls on the cold season, when cattle are kept in a stall, they rarely walk, and the diet at this time is more scarce than in summer, vitamin deficiency occurs, metabolism is disturbed. All of these factors can lead to postpartum sagging. For example, with postpartum paresis, a disease associated with a lack of calcium in the body, the cow also constantly lies.


Consider what manifestations this postpartum pathology has:

  1. The cow cannot stand on its feet, and if it lifts the body, then for a short while, then falls again.
  2. Weakened back of the body, limbs.
  3. At the same time, the sensitivity of the legs is preserved.



If fractures became the cause of the bedding, then when examining the animal, characteristic seals, edema, or displacement at the site of injury can be detected. At the same time, the limbs are painful – when touched, the animal is worried and mooing.

Attention! It is important to make sure that the sensitivity of the body parts is preserved. This can be checked with a needle or pin. If the cow does not feel pain, then we are no longer talking about staleness, but about paralysis, which develops with hypocalcemia or for other reasons.


The diagnosis is made by a veterinarian based on data obtained after a thorough examination of the cow. Visual and manual inspection allows to exclude or confirm the traumatic causes of bedding. If none are found, more serious pathologies of the animal’s health are suspected – metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, postpartum complications, internal inflammatory processes. The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis.


Simple staleness is treated symptomatically. Particular attention is paid to the conditions of keeping a sick cow. She needs to be provided with clean, soft bedding, a warm and dry room with good ventilation. When deposited, bedsores are often formed, which, if not properly cared for, can lead to inflammation and even necrosis of soft tissues. To avoid this, the animal must be turned over several times a day. The body, especially its back, must be rubbed to improve blood circulation.

For rubbing apply:

  • Camphor oil.
  • Mustard alcohol.

Warming bandages or applications are applied to the sacrum area. At least 1-2 times a day, the cow needs to be raised. This is done with ropes. Sometimes it is enough to lift the back of the body for the animal to stand on its feet.

The animal is provided with a complete diet, including vitamin and mineral supplements. If more serious health pathologies are identified, drug treatment is prescribed, including:



  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Antibiotics.
  3. Painkillers.
  4. Antispasmodics.

Attention! With prolonged storage in cows, intestinal function may be disrupted, as evidenced by swelling of the scar and lack of defecation. Report this problem to the veterinarian.


Prevention of postpartum bedtime includes the following measures:

  1. Organization of a complete diet during pregnancy.
  2. Providing normal conditions for animals.
  3. Quality outing.
  4. Adequate qualified assistance at the hotel.
  5. Timely preventive veterinary diagnostics during pregnancy and after childbirth.

The laying down of a cow in the period after calving requires mandatory human intervention. A weakened animal needs veterinary care. If it is not provided in a timely manner, even more serious complications will arise. It is necessary to invite a veterinarian if symptoms of congestion are found and strictly follow his appointment.

Author: Olga Samoilova

Anna Evans


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