Dairy cow breeds

Dairy cows are an economical and productive type of cattle. Their main feature is the production of a large amount of milk in one lactation. The productivity of cows depends on physiological signs and characteristics.

Dairy cows

General characteristics

Farm animals of the dairy direction have a calm character. They are suitable for keeping in stalls and pastures. This type of cattle has well-developed organs of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The livestock of cattle has a number of specific characteristics:

  1. The physique is lean with poorly developed muscles.
  2. The body of the body is in the form of a triangular elongated shape with a base in the back.
  3. The limbs are high.
  4. The back is straight, without pronounced humps.
  5. The neck is long and mobile with skin folds.
  6. Light skeleton.
  7. The udder is large, the nipples are large with pronounced veins.

The main purpose is to produce milk. In order to receive large volumes of milk yield, a cow should be provided with a balanced diet with a mandatory content of nutrients. Per day, she consumes up to 100 kg of fresh grass, respectively, the milk yield is 25 liters per two milkings. The maximum level of milk productivity is observed after the 6th calving.

Popular dairy breeds

Each type of livestock has characteristics and indicators. The best dairy breeds of cows, giving a sufficient amount of milk, are presented below in the review.


The homeland of the Holstein variety is Canada and America. This is a motley black and white animal with a hardy body and a high level of milk production. Red-and-white colors are also rare. A young individual weighs 650 kg, an adult – 750 kg. The weight of a bull is 1200 kg.

Holstein cow

Holstein cow

This breed has a well-developed cup-shaped large udder with outlined veins, the muscles are weak. The influence of sea warm air has a great effect on the volume of milk yield. Due to favorable conditions, milk is obtained with a low fat content. For one slaughter of Holstein cattle, 55% of the meat comes out.


The breed of black-and-white cows is able to adapt to any conditions for survival. It was first bred in the Netherlands. These types had a low level of immune protection, poor stamina and frail physique. Further research by breeders helped the animals become strong and weighty.

Cattle of the Black-and-White breed has a long body with a deep chest, a wide lumbar region, a voluminous belly, and an udder in the form of a large bowl. On average, their weight ranges from 550-900 kg. The volume of milk yields is 7-8 thousand milk with a fat content of 3,2-4% per year.


dairy cows Kholmogory type are the oldest variety of cattle with short horns. They are distinguished by high stature, strong physique, long torso, narrow deep chest. The udder is rounded, the teats are in the form of a cylinder. The maximum weight of an individual is 800-1200 kg.

The animal can survive in harsh climatic conditions. It has a high immune defense. Suitable for pastures. Due to its habitat in the northern latitudes, the cow is characterized by a high level of milk and meat.

The productivity of milk with a fat content of 3,7% per lactation is 3500 kg. Slaughter is 60% of meat.


Dutch cattle are a purebred breed that meets all recognized livestock standards. It has a well-developed physique, a strong skeleton, a flat dorsal part. Large udder with asymmetrical teats.

Dutch cattle

Dutch cattle

One individual gives 4500 kg of milk with a fat content of 4%. The weight of an adult cow is 550 kg, a bull is 900 kg. Offspring are born large. For one slaughter comes out 60% of the meat.


The Yaroslavl cow is the most popular type of cattle in the CIS countries. Has a milky body type, angular shape. The muscles are poorly developed over the entire surface of the body. The body is slightly elongated in length, the limbs are thin and low, the dewlap is weak. The neck is long, thin and elastic, with skin folds. The fat layer is minimal.

The udder is large and round. The main feature of the Yaroslavl cows is the location of the nipples on the surface of the udder. Slightly wider in the front than in the back. The annual milk yield is 6000 kg of milk with a fat content of 4,5%. Yield for slaughter – 45% meat.


The steppe red cow belongs to the dairy and meat direction. The name of this variety comes from the red color. Slight white spots on the body are allowed. Individuals are characterized by the following features: light bones, angular long body, long and thin neck, strong limbs. The muscles are weak, the udder is glandular, round, of medium size.

These animals easily adapt to new conditions. They tolerate hot weather and fluid deficiency. The average weight is 450-900 kg. The volume of milk yield is 4000 kg of milk with a fat content of 3,9%. The meat yield is 55%.


Jersey dairy cow breeds belong to small cattle. Her homeland is England. In the 19th century it was brought to the territory of the Russian Empire. The cow can adapt to any conditions of detention. Has a quiet and balanced character.

Jersey cow

Jersey cow

The characteristic features include the following features:

  • small head;
  • long thin neck;
  • developed eye sockets (bone cavities in the eye area);
  • sharp high withers;
  • high level of precocity.

Weight characteristics range from 350-700 kg. The percentage of fat in milk reaches 5-6%. The average annual milk yield is 5 tons.


Yorkshire cow breed was brought from distant Scotland. It is an animal with a high rate of milk production. Has an average developed udder in the form of a cup. Parts of the body are proportional, the physique is powerful. The animal is distinguished by the intensity of the increase in muscle mass. It has endurance and the ability to travel long distances.

Yorkshire cattle are unpretentious for keeping in specially equipped barns and complex nutrition. Quickly adapts to any climate without affecting milk production.

The weight of a cow is 520 kg, a bull – 800 kg. The volume of milk yield for the year is 5000 kg, the fat content of milk is 4,4%.


The Lebedinsky variety of cattle is distinguished by high rates of weight gain and milk production. It has a strong skeleton with developed muscles. The body is elongated, the udder is large, the limbs are strong and even. The breed is early. Weight ranges from 500-1000 kg.

The level of milk productivity is high, up to 5000 kg per year. The fat content is 3,8%. Individuals-record holders give a milk yield equal to 12600 kg per year.

Brown Latvian

The brown Latvian variety of cattle was bred in 1947. This is a symbol of the country of Latvia, the image of this animal is minted on coins. It has the following distinguishing features:

  • elongated body;
  • thin skeleton;
  • unusual arrangement of limbs;
  • bowl-shaped volumetric udder with the correct location of the nipples;
  • developed reproductive system;
  • small elongated head.

Brown Latvian cow

Brown Latvian cow

The animal is resistant to hot weather. It is characterized by a high assessment of precocity. The immune system is predisposed to leukemia. The weight category of individuals is 500-1000 kg. For one slaughter comes out 50% of the meat. The average annual milk yield is 4100 kg of milk with a fat content of 4,5%. The percentage of fat is transmitted by a genetic factor. Brown Latvian cattle are famous for their longevity.

IMPORTANT! The amount of milk yield is affected by the varied diet of the animal. The main part of the diet should be carbohydrates.


The Kostroma cow is a long-liver among other varieties of cattle. Possess endurance in severe weather conditions. It has a strong massive elongated physique, cup-shaped udder. The limbs are not long, the lumbar region is wide. Differs in the long period of productivity. Active growth is observed when kept on roughage. They tolerate climate change very well.

The weight of the animal is 550-800 kg. The average milk yield per year is 5 tons, for record cows – 14 tons. The fat content of milk is 3,9%. Meat volume from slaughter – 65%.

The skin of the Kostroma cow is used in the manufacture of leather products.


The birthplace of the oldest Simmental breed is Switzerland. This variety was brought to Russia in the second half of the 20th century. Distinctive features of the Simmental are yellow horns with brown tips, a massive head. It has a strong, rough body with the correct arrangement of the limbs. In females, the neck is of medium length and thickness, while in males it is short and wide. The musculoskeletal system and musculature of the body are well developed. Therefore, Simmental cattle is able to carry out hard work. Livestock immunity resists many diseases.

They differ from other breeds in growth, thick bones and a voluminous chest. The mammary glands are coarse with a hairy udder. The Simmental is a precocious animal. The weight category ranges from 650-1100 kg. Milk productivity per year – 2500-5500 kg. Fat content – 4,1%. Udder index – the ratio of total milk yield to the amount of milk from the front teats of the udder, it is 45%. Slaughter yield is 53-65%. In production, valuable Simmental leather is used.


Ayrshire – highest yield a breed of cows with an aggressive and shy character. The species owes its name to the breeding in the Scottish county of Ayrshire.

Ayrshire cow

Ayrshire cow

It is the best type of dairy cattle capable of inbreeding, with no genetic abnormalities. Has the following features:

  • strong body and muscles;
  • wide deep chest;
  • thin neck;
  • small growth height;
  • strong thin bones and hooves;
  • not thick skin.

IMPORTANT! The main feature is the horns in the form of a lyre.

Huge udder in the form of a bowl, nipples of medium size, widely spaced. The udder index is 48%. The animal adapts well to any conditions of detention, with the exception of extreme heat and heat. Easily digests different types of feed. High level of precocity. The cow calves early and quickly, the offspring are strong and large.

The weight of Aishir individuals varies between 400-800 kg. The productivity indicator is quite high: 7000 kg of milk with a fat content of 4,3% per year. The product is especially valuable because of the content of somatic cells. Slaughter yield is 55% meat.

The Ayrshire cow is an economical and productive type of cattle.

Before choosing a dairy breed of an animal, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of individuals and the conditions of detention. Each farmer selects cattle according to personal preferences, taking into account all the pros and cons.

Anna Evans


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