Ifeion flower

Ifeion flowers.

It is not known where the name of this flower came from, but it is known that it is Greek. Ifeion flowers are about 25 thousand species in the tropics and subtropics of America from Mexico to Argentina and to Chile. Ifeion flowers are erect and single. If you grind this plant, then it will smell like onions or garlic. Ifeion flowers in the photo

Ifeion does not cause any trouble, therefore it is very popular with flower growers, although it is little known in Russia. This flower is widespread in Argentina and Peru. Ifeion is not whimsical and does not require protection from the wind. Such plants are grown on soil with abundant leafy humus with good drainage. The place can be chosen slightly shaded or sunny. In the north and in the middle lane, the plant should be covered with non-woven material for the winter. For example, spunbond or lutrasil are perfect for this.

Beautiful Ifeion flowers in the photo.

 Lovely flowers ipheion flowers in the photo

Very beautiful Ifeion flowers in the photo

Ifeion one-flowered flower

 Ifeion one-flowered flower

Ifeion flower is very fragrant, many may believe that it can be grown not only on the site, in the country, but also at home. This is absolutely true! Because this flower is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to certain conditions. Without unfavorable weather conditions and at room temperature, this flower can receive additional strength for rapid regeneration and for growth.

This flower produces strong new shoots, usually at the very beginning of autumn. That is why, for planting a flower of ifaeon, its bulbs should be purchased already in early August. But, be careful not to delay boarding. This flower has very delicate bulbs, which, if stored for a long time, can simply dry out.

In order to plant an ifeion at home, you need to purchase a light floral soil. Which, in any case, you can dig up from the garden beds. Be sure to take a less harsh soil, since your plant will be indoor. For the greater benefit of your flower, you can add leafy humus to the soil.

We have prepared for you some tips for planting an ifeion flower at home.

First, the planting depth should not exceed 5 cm.

Second, water your flower with melt water first. Then you can just warm.

And finally, thirdly, plant a flower with several bulbs per pot.

 One-flowered ifheon at home

Keeping a single-flowered ifeion is as easy as planting. When a plant is in bloom, the flowers of ifaeon can resemble small stars, which in turn have six flowers. Ifeion in the photo looks like a small beautiful bouquet of daffodils. Ifeion flower is best kept on a windowsill, as this plant is very fond of bright lighting. Keep it in this kind of light, no matter what time of year it is.

When watering, you should wait until the earth dries out after the last watering of the flower. The hardness of the water does not matter, so you can water it with either settled or just warm tap water.

At the end of February, you can feed the plant using special products purchased in the store. Feed the ifaeon until its very moment of flowering. Ifeion flower at home

Usually, after flowering, the plant will begin to “hibernate”, that is, in other words, dry up. This period can last until the end of August. During this period of time, you should completely stop watering the plant.

At home, such an ifeion flower will be a constant joy for the eyes of the owners. But such a plant can also be grown in the garden. The planting principle will differ as well as the flowering period of the ifheon.

ifeion photoIfeion one-flowered

Anna Evans


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