Indoor hibiscus: planting and care

Indoor hibiscus: planting and careTaking care of your hibiscus at home is easy if you are going to grow this plant in a brightly lit room. In shaded conditions, the Chinese rose Hibiscus may not bloom, and it is the bright flowers that are the main asset of this plant. In addition to decorative pleasure, indoor hibiscus petals can be added when brewing tea, however, it is better to use garden shrub flowers for these purposes – they are more fragrant.

Below is a description of hibiscus, photographs, as well as recommendations for the location of the plant in the room according to the rules of feng shui.

Family: Malvaceae, flowering, deciduous, ornamental, photophilous.

Evergreen trees, shrubs or herbaceous perennials with erect shoots, large oval-shaped shiny dark green leaves and beautiful numerous flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter) – simple or double, white, yellow, pink, red, purple or bicolor (with a contrasting center) … It is not for nothing that in Hawaii, hibiscus is called “the flower of beautiful women” and is even considered a national plant. And although each individual flower only lives for one day, the plant as a whole can bloom all year round.

Indoor hibiscus care

Hibiscus needs bright light for good growth and abundant flowering. It can be left in a bright warm (about + 15 ° C) room in winter, provide abundant watering (moderate in winter), preferably daily spraying. When planting and caring for hibiscus from spring to mid-August, the plant is fed every week, then once a month. In the spring, the main shoots must be shortened by half.

Transplanting indoor hibiscus at home

A young hibiscus is transplanted every year in the spring, while simultaneously pruning and thus stimulating the appearance of a large number of young shoots, on which flowers are formed. An adult indoor hibiscus should be transplanted no more than once every three years. For planting, a soil mixture of leaf and sod land, compost, sand (1: 1: 2: 1) with the addition of bone meal is used. Propagated by cuttings (preferably using phytohormones).

Indoor feng shui hibiscus

Another popular name for hibiscus is “the rose of kisses”, this plant can literally kindle a fire with a former lover. According to feng shui, hibiscus should be placed in the zone of Marriage, or Partnership (south-west), or Family (east window) – then the relationship will definitely enter a new round. A similar effect is noted when placed in the Glory Zone (south direction) – in this case, it will affect the love of others.

Hibiscus actively enriches the air with phytoncides, air ions, humidifies it. In addition, this plant has the ability to absorb and degrade trichlorethylene. Like any flowering culture, it creates an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable environment.

Anna Evans


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