Ginger Benefits, Benefits and Harm of Calories

GingerAromatic, spicy ginger gives a special taste and piquancy to many dishes. Over its thousand-year history, this popular component of Asian and Indian cuisine has won the love of millions of people around the world, and its beneficial properties are legendary.

What is ginger

Ginger, or Zingiber officinale, belongs to the same spice family as turmeric and cardamom – Ginger. India, China and the vastness of Southeast Asia are considered his homeland. But it is known that in ancient times this plant was also revered for its excellent taste and medicinal properties in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, where it came from China. In the XNUMXth century, Europe also learned about ginger, where the plant was brought from the East Indies.

Ginger is a creeping perennial with thick, lumpy underground stems (rhizomes). Its botanical name comes from the Sanskrit word zingiber, which means “horn-like shape”, which is quite consistent with the appearance of ginger .… It is a plant with narrow ribbed green leaves and white or yellowish-green flowers that can grow up to a meter in height.

Today it is cultivated mainly in tropical countries. The main suppliers of goods are Jamaica, India, Fiji, Indonesia, Australia. It is believed that the Jamaican plant variety (paler) is more suitable for culinary needs.


While ginger is not a good source of calories, protein, or fiber, it can provide many other health benefits for your body. This root contains a significant amount of amino acids and antioxidant compounds such as gingerol (which gives the hot taste), beta-carotene, capsaicin, curcumin, caffeic and salicylic acids.

Useful Properties

Ginger can rightly be called a miracle of nature. This product even in small quantities helps to overcome various ailments, get rid of free radicals, as well as restore muscles after intense loads.

Has a beneficial effect on digestion

Phenolic compounds that make up ginger help to reduce irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), stimulate the production of saliva and bile, and reduce stomach cramps.

Ginger tea for nauseaRelieves bouts of nausea

Ginger, either raw or in the form of tea, can relieve nausea of ​​different origin (toxicosis in pregnant women, seasickness, nausea during chemotherapy).

Acts as a pain reliever

A study by researchers from the University of Georgia with 74 volunteers found that daily ginger consumption reduced muscle pain by 25%.… In addition, 83% of women who participated in other experiences confirmed the ability of ginger extract to reduce menstrual pain. ..… And a piece of this root is enough to soothe an aching tooth.

Eliminates inflammation

In many countries, ginger is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Laboratory studies have confirmed the ability of this plant to relieve inflammatory processes, in particular in the organs of the digestive system. What’s more, ginger has been proven to be effective in treating symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. ..… This ability is given to the root by gingerol – a unique substance that is part of the product.

Prevents cancer

The active ingredient in ginger, gingerol, is also known as an anti-cancer agent. Studies have shown that this substance can inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells. .… In addition, the effectiveness of ginger preparations for stopping the malignant degeneration of ovarian cells has been proven.

Strengthens immunity

Vitamin C and other active ingredients that make up the ginger root, affect the human body fortifying. But consuming, for example, ginger tea as a prophylactic in cold seasons, it is important to observe the correct dosage. “Horned root” is not a product worth consuming in large portions. Two small slices are enough to brew a cup of useful tea for the body.

Fights excess weight

They say that ancient Chinese healers developed the ginger diet. True or myth, today it is difficult to say. But the fact that tea from this healing root contributes to easier weight loss is argued by many.

Those who have experienced the ginger diet say that this exotic tea reduces appetite and speeds up metabolic processes in the body. 1… The most popular ginger weight loss recipe is to drink a glass of lemon tea half an hour before a meal. However, this method of weight loss is contraindicated in people with gastritis, ulcers, bleeding and citrus allergies.

Treats sore throat

Ginger powder for sore throatPossessing pronounced analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, ginger root serves as an effective medicine for angina, laryngitis and pharyngitis.

For the treatment of these diseases, ginger essential oil or powder is suitable. Add in small quantities to means for inhalation, compresses, rinses. Also useful in the form of tea.

Normalizes the work of the genital area

Horned root contributes to the proper functioning of the reproductive system in men and women. Dishes seasoned with spice protect men from impotence, prevent prostatitis, and improve erection. The benefits for the female body consist in the regulation of hormonal levels, as well as the normalization of the functioning of the genital organs.

Natural Freshener

Not sure how to get rid of the garlic smell? This bad breath, like any other, will eliminate ginger. It is enough to chew on a small slice of the root to freshen the breath. And what is important, this plant does not mask unpleasant odors, but completely removes them, killing bacteria in the oral cavity.

Other useful properties:

  • prevents strokes, heart attacks;
  • reduces glucose levels in type 2 diabetics;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • regulates the process of blood clotting.

Daily rate

For adults, a safe dose of ginger is considered to be 4 g of concentrate per day. Pregnant women are not advised to take more than 1 g per day, and this supplement is generally contraindicated for children under 2 years old. ...

For nausea, indigestion or excessive flatulence, 1 g of ginger per day will help. 650 mg of the substance will help relieve the symptoms of toxicosis. And for joint pain caused by arthritis, it is advised to take 250 mg of ginger supplement 4 times a day. ...

Safety measures

Low blood pressure due to gingerFor centuries, “horned root” has been used as a general tonic. But nevertheless, taking this plant for medicinal or prophylactic purposes should be extremely careful, since side effects may occur in combination with certain herbs or medicines. In case of an overdose, diarrhea, heartburn, belching are possible.

It is important for people with gallstones to consult a doctor before consuming ginger. In addition, this product is contraindicated for bleeding. People taking blood thinners are advised to skip this product as it may increase the risk of bleeding ..… While taking hypoglycemic drugs, it can cause hypoglycemia in diabetics, and together with drugs for hypertension – a sharp decrease in blood pressure and arrhythmia. In addition, ginger can worsen reflux symptoms.

How to choose and store

Fresh ginger is available in most supermarkets. The mature root is covered with tough skin, which must be cut off before consumption. The ginger should be firm, smooth, and free from rotting and mildew.

Fresh, unpeeled food can be refrigerated for up to three weeks ..… Dry ginger in a tightly closed container in a cool and dark place is stored for up to six months.

Available Forms

It is believed that as a spice, ginger has been known to mankind for more than 4000 years. Today, this root is available in different forms. Of course, the most popular and useful – fresh. But in addition to fresh roots, you can buy dried. Candied or pickled plant roots are also available. The last option is most often found in Japanese cuisine. In addition, there are essential oils seized from ginger, as well as bio-additives based on the root of this plant.

Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger tea not only warms up perfectly in cold weather, but also enriches the body with many beneficial substances. The rich vitamin composition of this drink makes it extremely useful for people with influenza or ARVI. It is also said to be very good for weight loss.

To prepare this healing remedy, you will need 20-40 g of fresh ginger (cut into slices) and a glass of boiling water. Pour water over the roots and let it brew. Add some honey and a slice of lemon. That’s it, the miracle drink is ready!

By the way, tea is not the only drink that can be prepared from this plant. In XNUMXth century English pubs, bartenders added ground ginger to ale. It is believed that the British borrowed this recipe from the ancient Greeks, who even added ginger powder to bread.

What to cook

Gingerbread CookieGinger is good not only in the form of tea or a component to beer. The classic recipes include the incomparable gingerbread cookies, known all over the world. In addition, finely chopped “horned root” will perfectly complement pork or beef dishes. It also goes well with fish. As a dessert, this product is delicious in cheesecakes, chocolates, jams, juices or cocktails.

By the way, what taste the finished dish will give ginger depends on at what moment the spice is added: at the beginning of cooking, it will give a delicate aroma, at the end – a pungent taste.

Ginger in cosmetology

Women have noticed the rejuvenating properties of this spicy plant for a long time. Ginger masks give the skin elasticity, restore elasticity, improve complexion and even tone. Moreover, ginger is a panacea for acne and acne, accelerates the healing of wounds and boils. .… In homemade recipes, it is best to combine gruel or ginger powder with other ingredients such as honey, lemon, clay, vegetable oil, and dairy products.

Ginger masks also have a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Owners of dry, weakened and brittle hair should try the medicinal mixture of ginger, honey and yolk.

How to grow “horned root”

The fact that ginger is a real lifesaver for almost all occasions is already clear. But another thing is also clear: ginger is not the cheapest treat on the market. Therefore, even in our latitudes, they thought about growing this spice in their dachas or at home. Do you think this is impossible? But in vain. It is enough to buy one correct root and you can start growing the plant.

The correct root is a tuber with “eyes” like a potato. Before planting, it should be soaked in warm water for 2,5 hours. This technique will “wake up” the kidneys. It is better to plant in winter in a fairly wide pot so that the root can grow freely. When the sprouts appear, it is important to take proper care of the plant. And it, as you know, loves moisture and warmth. With proper care, the first harvest of homemade ginger can be counted on in September. After harvesting, it is important to clear the tubers from the soil and dry in the sun for 2-3 days.

Spice number one. Do you know what product is said to be like that? Of course, about ginger. This delightful plant has probably never been just a spice. Since then, as mankind learned about the beneficial properties of the “horned root”, it has been used for a variety of purposes. And everywhere there is benefit from it.

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Anna Evans


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