Flounder benefit and harm

Flounder is a valuable commercial fish due to its excellent taste and rich chemical composition. Despite the variety of flounder species, the chemical properties of these fish are approximately the same. Flounder meat contains up to 20% complete protein, water, fat, ash, vitamins and minerals. Proteins contain an optimal amount of amino acids, as well as methionine, which has lipotropic properties.

Compared to meat of animal origin, fish contains several times less connective tissue, so fish protein is much easier for the human body to digest. Flounder is a low-fat fish, it contains only up to 3% fat, so this fish is ideal for a balanced diet. The minimum amount of fat in the flounder will not lead to problems with excess weight, but it will be perfectly absorbed by the body, saturating the cells with vitamins A and E.

The content of mineral elements in flounder is rather high and varied. Flounder meat contains phosphorus salts that strengthen teeth and bone tissue, iodine, which prevents the occurrence of thyroid gland diseases, omega-3 fatty acids necessary for the heart and blood vessels, and B vitamins.

Flounder is a low-calorie fish, it contains 90 kcal per 100 grams of product. In the countries of the East, this fish is considered an aphrodisiac – a product that increases libido, sexual potential and even the ability to conceive. Flounder is eaten fried, boiled, salted. Fried or flounder is a traditional favorite dish in many eastern and coastal countries.

Anna Evans


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