Sake benefits and harms

2. after 2-3 days of soaking, the swollen rice is placed in special chambers in which a strict temperature and humidity regime is maintained, and enriched with a culture of special molds;

These mushrooms are the main difference between sake and all other types of alcoholic beverages, during the preparation of which the raw materials are fermented by bacteria or yeast. And it is precisely for the normal reproduction of these mushrooms and the course of the fermentation process that strict maintenance of climatic conditions is required.

3. after two days of processing the wort with molds, the whole mass is poured with water with sugar and yeast and left for several weeks for the formation of alcohol;

4. After fermentation, the liquid fraction of sake is carefully filtered and pasteurized to destroy pathogenic microbes.

The degree of filtration and purification of the sake composition can be different. However, only a very pure drink is considered to be of high quality.

How to drink sake properly

As a result, everyone can notice that with the exception of the procedure for adding molds to sake, the whole process is very similar to brewing beer. The way it is. And molds are needed here only to create an analogue of European malt. Sake is a rice beer with a very specific taste and very different from all alcoholic beverages existing in the world.

Moreover, it is sometimes drunk warmed up, like mulled wine. This, however, is not entirely correct. It is believed that when heated, part of the taste of sake disappears, and this maneuver is used by unscrupulous restaurant owners to mask the extraneous tastes of the drink, which are present in it due to poor filtration.

In other words, usually second-rate sake is heated. And the most solid and high-quality rice beer should be cold and have its own unique bitter taste with a faint aroma of apples and wine. So enjoy your cold sake!

Anna Evans


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