Eggplant benefits, benefits and harms of calories

EggplantAsk people to describe the eggplant,? and, most likely, most will remember the deep purple color, glossy sheen and teardrop shape of this fruit. Eggplants are known all over the world, but they are still in the highest demand in India, which is the birthplace of this fruit. Yes, it is a fruit, since from a scientific point of view, the fruit called Solanum melongena belongs to fruits, although in everyday life “blue” ones are still called vegetables.

General characteristics

Eggplants, like tomatoes, bell peppers and potatoes, belong to the nightshade family. There are many varieties of this plant, but all of them almost do not differ in taste and texture, and the shape of the majority is pear-shaped, although there are also quite round fruits. .… But their color can be very different.

In addition to the usual rich purple, eggplants are pale lavender, jade, orange and even pale yellow.

Where did you come from

Researchers believe that the first wild ancestors of modern eggplants in ancient times “lived” exclusively in India, and the first cultivated plants appeared in the XNUMXth century BC. e. in China. Eggplants came to Africa in the Middle Ages, and closer to the XIV century, they learned about these fruits in Italy. Subsequently, purple vegetables “populated” all of Europe, the Middle East, and a century later they got to the Western Hemisphere. Today, the leading eggplant producers are Italy, Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, Japan, and China.

For several centuries after the “settlement” of Europe, eggplants were used more often as an ornamental plant than food. But in the XVIII century, biologists brought new varieties of plants, the fruits of which were no longer so bitter. And only after this, the cooks of Italy, Greece, Turkey and France let the Indian guest into their kitchens.

Despite its long and rich history, eggplants have managed to gain a revered place in few world cuisines. It’s all about the specific bitter taste characteristic of early varieties of culture.

Meanwhile, eggplant has amazing properties: it can prevent cancer, brain damage, obesity, reduce diabetes and cardiovascular mortality, and affect skin and hair health.

Chinese eggplantThe nutritional value

Eggplant is a rich source of nutrients such as .:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B6;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • niacin;
  • potassium.

Most of the nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, antioxidants and fiber, are concentrated in the skin of the eggplant.

Table of nutrient content in fresh product 100 g

Calories 24 kcal Carbohydrates 5,7 g Proteins 1 g Fats 0,2 g Fiber 3,5 g Folic acid 22 μg Niacin 0,7 mg Pantothenic acid 0,4 mg Pyridoxine 0,07 mg Riboflavin 0,05 mg Thiamine 0,03 mg Vitamin A 26 IU Vitamin C 2,1 mg Vitamin E 0,4 mg Vitamin K 3,6 μg Sodium 2,1 mg Potassium 228 mg Calcium 9 mg Copper 0,07 mg Iron 0,23 mg Magnesium 14 mg Manganese 0,4, 0,3 mg Zinc XNUMX mg

Advantages of eggplant:

  • rich source of fiber;
  • low-calorie product;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • antioxidant vegetable;
  • source of nutrients;
  • prevents early aging;
  • relieves hypertension;
  • prevent osteoporosis ...

Benefits for the body

The benefits of eggplantIn addition to being rich in minerals and vitamins, eggplants contain phytonutrients important for humans, most of which have antioxidant activity. .… Among the phenolic compounds found in “blue” are caffeic and chlorogenic acids, as well as flavonoids (a pigment that gives vegetables a purple color).

Brain benefits

Nasunin, so to speak, is the hallmark of eggplants. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals and prevents the destruction of cell membranes .… The results of the studies have proved that nasunin protects lipids entering the membranes of brain cells from destruction.

In addition, anthocyanins have been shown to inhibit neuroinflammation, improve blood flow to the brain, thereby preventing mental disorders and improving memory. [8].

Antioxidant effects

Researchers have found that eggplant is a good source of phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants. Plants need these compounds for protection from the oxidative effects of the external environment, as well as protection against bacteria and fungi.

Also, almost all varieties of eggplant contain a high concentration of chlorogenic acid and 13 other phenolic acids, which are precisely the “culprits” of the bitter taste. Chlorogenic acid is a powerful anti-free radical [9]… It is believed that this substance has anti-cancer, antimicrobial, antiviral properties, as well as the ability to regulate “bad” cholesterol.

Benefits for the heart

The fiber, potassium, vitamins C and B6, and phytonutrients found in eggplant make this fruit important for maintaining heart health. It is also believed that the consumption of flavonoids strengthens blood vessels and the heart, reduces the risk of death from cardiac diseases. According to research, this risk is reduced by about 34% [10]… Another experience has shown that the components that make up the “blue” are effective for the correction of blood pressure.

Cholesterol regulation

Animal studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of eggplant juice on cholesterol levels. Laboratory experiments have clearly demonstrated that phenolic substances, in particular, chlorogenic acid, help to regulate this indicator in the blood.

Bone health

There are a number of bone health benefits of eggplant. These vegetables are especially beneficial for people at risk of bone degradation and osteoporosis. Bone health is influenced by phenolic substances, iron and calcium, which increase tissue strength.

Benefits for pregnant women

Foliates are an important part of any diet. Folic acid, or, as it is also known, vitamin B9, is especially useful for pregnant women and an unborn child (prevents defects in the development of the nervous system). A high concentration of this vitamin is found in eggplants.

Weight effect

The effect of fiber on body weight regulation has been proven for a long time. Eggplant contains enough fiber to improve food digestion, speed up metabolic processes, increase satiety, and reduce appetite. Among other things, eggplant is a low calorie dietary product. [11].

So “blue” is an ideal vegetable for a low-calorie diet.

Potential health hazard

Eggplant and gallbladder diseaseThe chemical nasunin found in eggplant has many beneficial properties. In addition, it has another function that is not always useful for the human body. Nasunin is able to bind and remove iron from the body. This function is not terrible for people with an excess of the mineral, but not in any way for the benefit of people with low hemoglobin.

Eggplants are also rich in oxalates, which in excess can provoke urolithiasis. Kidney stones can cause nephropathy or even death. For this reason, excessive consumption of eggplant is not recommended for people prone to kidney stones, as well as for patients with pre-existing urolithiasis.

It is also important to remember that “blue”, like most nightshades, can cause allergic reactions [12]… These vegetables are contraindicated for gastritis, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal disorders.

How to choose and store fruit

When buying eggplants, it is best to opt for hard fruits that seem heavy for their size. The peel of fresh fruits is smooth, shiny, and the color is bright and rich. Healthy vegetables should be free of stains, scratches, dents, or other damage. It is also important that the stem at the end of the “blue” is bright green.

To check the maturity of the fruit, you need to lightly press the pad of your thumb on the rind. If the pulp bounces back, then the eggplant is ripe, there is a dent – it was torn off too early.

Although eggplants look “hardy”, they are actually perishable vegetables, so it is important to be careful when storing the fruit. “Blue” are sensitive to both heat and cold. The ideal temperature for ripe fruits is 10 degrees Celsius. Cut fruits or with damaged skin deteriorate almost immediately. But a whole, unwashed fruit in a plastic bag in the refrigerator can keep its fresh appearance for up to several days. In no case should you wrap the fruits in cling film, under which they will not be able to “breathe” and will quickly lose their freshness.

Oven baked eggplantsHow to cook eggplant

It is advisable to use a stainless steel knife to cut the vegetable, as carbon steel can react with phytonutrients and cause the fruit to turn black. Most eggplants can be eaten with or without the skin.

Eggplants can be fried, steamed, stewed, or baked in the oven. For baking, it is better to take unpeeled fruits, but in several places pierced with a fork. To soften the vegetable and remove the bitter aftertaste, salt it before cooking and leave it for 30 minutes. Drain the resulting juice, rinse the vegetable from salt and continue to cook the dish as usual.

Eggplant in traditional medicine

Eggplant juice for jadeWith gout, arthritis, rheumatism

Wipe the sore spot with a soda solution (take 1 ml of boiling water for 500 teaspoon of soda) and attach a slice of dried eggplant, previously steamed in hot water. Wrap the sore spot for 3 hours. Remove the compress, wipe the affected area with cool water, then lubricate with vegetable oil.

Eczema, acne, urticaria

Chopped leaves and stalks of eggplant (2 Art. L) pour boiling water (2 cup). Let it stand for 10 hours. Strain, add honey (1 tsp.). Soak a gauze cloth with infusion and apply to the skin for a few minutes. Repeat on 2-3 once a day.


Drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed eggplant juice twice a day.

Eggplant in cosmetology

Eggplant maskEggplant mask

Peel the fruit and grate. Add to mush 1 Art. l kefir and a few drops of aloe juice. Apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask and rub the face with ice cubes.

Dentifrice for teeth whitening

Cut the eggplant into cubes and place in the hot oven. Bake until the vegetable is brown. When it cools down, grind and add table salt (1: 1 ratio). Apply as a toothpaste. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Eggplant is an amazing vegetable. For centuries, mankind did not even know about the beneficial properties of these dark purple fruits. They were used to decorate yards and gardens, and a little later they learned how to cook them. But the “blue” ones received their well-deserved recognition quite recently, only after scientists discovered their wondrous abilities and unique effects on the body. Only after that did humanity know how important these fruits are in the diet of adults and children.

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Anna Evans


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