Carrots – calorie content, composition, benefits and harm to the body

Carrots are an incredibly healthy product for human health, and not only the root crop, but also the tops of the plant bring benefits. Carrots are used for medicinal purposes, many use it as a means to lose weight, and athletes restore strength with it after a hard workout. It is noteworthy that the vegetable is good not only in its raw form – it can be boiled, stewed, steamed or juiced, and at the same time it will hardly lose its beneficial properties.

The product contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, the effect of which is not limited to improving vision, which everyone has known since childhood. Carrot has a healing effect on the entire body as a whole, improves the condition of hair, skin, and has many other useful properties.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content

The composition, nutritional value and calorie content of carrots vary depending on the chosen cooking method: stewing, baking, boiling or grating a raw root crop. Consider the calorie values ​​​​in each case:

Product conditionCalorie content, kcal
raw carrot33,1
boiled carrots31,4
Stewed carrots47,5
Steamed Carrots29,9
Carrot juice33,1
Grated carrot33,1
Oven baked carrots without oil28,9
Butter-fried carrots72,4

Korean-style carrots are the most high-calorie – 137 kcal per 100 g. However, they remain as healthy as raw carrots, but only if they are home-produced.

Nutritional value of raw carrots per 100 g:

  • proteins – 1,4 g;
  • fats – 0,1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6,8 g;
  • water – 87,9 g;
  • dietary fiber – 2,5 g;
  • ash – 1,2 g;
  • organic acids – 0,4 g.

The ratio of BJU in fresh carrots is 1,2 / 0,1 / 5,2, respectively, while the composition of BJU in boiled carrots is 1,1 / 0,4 / 6,6.

Chemical composition of fresh product per 100 g:

Item NameUnitsContent in the product
Vitamin Amg32,1
Vitamin Cmg5,1

In addition, carrots contain glucose and fructose in amounts of 3,4 g and 1,1 g per 100 g, respectively. As well as replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids and a small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

mineral and vitamin composition of carrots

Note: even oil is prepared from the root crop, the chemical composition of which is rich in vitamin B6, potassium with copper, thiamine, magnesium and folic acid.

To preserve all the useful substances of carrots during cooking, it is enough to cook vegetables under a closed lid. Moreover, in the boiled form, the root crop is absorbed a little better than in the raw one – while during the cooking process, the amount of carotene even increases. True, for the best absorption of carotene, carrots should be eaten with fats, for example, in the form of a salad with the addition of a small amount of olive oil and nuts.

The benefits of carrots for humans

The benefits of carrots for the human body are great and practically do not decrease during the heat treatment of the product. But the most useful are: raw carrots (for example, grated or in the form of juice), boiled, and also steamed carrots.

Consider the impact of the root crop on health:

  1. The leading position is occupied by the influence on the human visual organ, namely the ability to improve vision due to vitamin A, which is part of the product. To normalize the work of the eyes, it is necessary to regularly consume a vegetable.
  2. In diabetes, it is also useful to eat carrots, especially boiled ones, because the boiled product contains more antioxidants.
  3. Carrots have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, not only normalizing blood cholesterol levels, but also lowering blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. The systematic use of the root crop reduces the risk of stroke and strengthens blood vessels, which is very useful for athletes who load the heart with cardio.
  4. It is useful to eat a vegetable in the presence of varicose veins or atherosclerosis, as well as simply for the prevention of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Regular consumption of this sweet vegetable helps reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors. In addition, carrots should be consumed not only as a preventive measure, but also for the treatment of oncology.
  6. Carrots have a great effect on the digestive system, due to which the metabolism is accelerated, which is very useful for losing weight. The vegetable improves bowel function, relieves constipation and removes poisons from the body.
  7. The root vegetable has antioxidant properties, especially bright orange carrots.
  8. The vegetable helps with diseases of the kidneys and liver, renewing cells and cleansing the internal organs of toxins.

In addition, some scientists believe that if you regularly eat carrots, you can extend life by several years.

Weight loss and impact on the female body

Useful properties for the female body extend not only to help in losing weight, but also to improve well-being and skin condition, namely:

  1. Carrots prevent cell aging, due to which wrinkles on the face appear much more slowly. In addition, the skin will become softer and more elastic. To enhance the effect, add freshly squeezed carrot juice to face masks.
  2. The root crop prevents the occurrence of cellulite, which often appears due to impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Carrots are better than any product, helping to normalize the indicated exchange.
  3. To improve the condition of your hair, make masks based on carrot oil. This will not only strengthen the hair, but also make it softer and help get rid of dandruff.
  4. Carrots reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.
  5. The product is useful during pregnancy as a diuretic and a source of vitamins.
fresh carrots in a wicker basket

In addition, carrots are a dietary product from which you can cook an unimaginable number of delicious dishes. As you know, it is the observance of proper, balanced nutrition that helps to lose extra pounds and get the figure of your dreams. Fasting days on carrots are extremely useful – they give the stomach a rest and cleanse the intestines.

Note: fresh, baked in the oven, boiled, grated (even with honey, but not with sugar) and steamed carrots are suitable for weight loss.

Useful properties for men

The benefits of carrots for men:

  1. Carrots are especially useful for athletes or people doing hard physical work, as the vegetable strengthens the heart and helps to quickly restore strength after exhausting stress.
  2. The vegetable prevents the development of prostate cancer and is used in the complex therapy of this disease.
  3. Carrots have a positive effect on potency.
  4. Carrot oil can be used for massage purposes to relieve muscle soreness that often occurs after strength training in the gym or after chores.

The systematic use of carrots improves immunity and strengthens bones, reduces the risk of developing lung cancer in active and passive smokers.

Carrot juice for health

Carrot juice is traditionally considered beneficial for everyone without exception – children, women and men. All this is due to the high content of vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements.

A freshly squeezed drink affects the body as follows:

  1. Appetite, work of a pancreas improves, fatigue decreases.
  2. Juice is used to combat gallstone diseases.
  3. Due to the high content of iron in the composition of carrots, juice is used to treat anemia, as well as to strengthen the nervous system.
  4. Carrot juice is a natural sedative.
  5. The drink cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves well-being in diseases of the eyes, liver, skin or kidneys.
  6. Thanks to the vitamin C included in the product, it strengthens the immune system.

However, remember that only real freshly squeezed juice from ripe carrots has all of the above properties.

carrot juice and fresh carrots with tops

Grated root vegetable

A grated root vegetable is useful to the same extent as a whole carrot, but there is one caveat: it is much more convenient to eat it, and it is better absorbed by the body.

In addition to an extensive list of beneficial effects on the body, grated carrots can be used externally as an antiseptic with antiviral action.

Grated pulp for medicinal purposes is treated with small open wounds on the skin or burns. In addition, the product can be used to relieve redness and rash, which appears as a result of an allergic reaction from the abuse of honey.

You can eat carrots with sugar (but not for diabetics), since all the useful substances from the composition of the product do not go anywhere. But to enhance their positive impact on the body, it is better to use carrots with honey. This delicacy is especially effective in the winter, when flu and cold outbreaks begin.

Tops of carrots

The tops of carrots have a high content of vitamin C, which is many times more here than in the root crop. Plus, it has potassium and folic acid.

Benefits of greenery:

  • tops strengthens the nervous system;
  • reduces the manifestation of varicose veins;
  • the systematic use of foliage reduces the pain of hemorrhoids;
  • leaves improve the functioning of the visual organs;
  • the product has a positive effect on the reproductive function of men and women, if taken in the form of a decoction;
  • juice from the tops can be rinsed in the mouth to relieve inflammation of the gums;
  • carrot tops in the form of tea strengthens the immune system.

Take your time to throw out carrot leaves because of their specific taste, in small quantities it can be added to salads instead of parsley or dill.

Possible harm from carrots and contraindications

Possible harm from carrots (including tops) and contraindications for use may be caused by individual intolerance, an allergic reaction, or overeating.

The daily intake for an adult is 3 or 4 medium-sized carrots, and for children, 1 is enough.

In case of abuse, you may experience:

  • dizziness;
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • rash;
  • weakness in the body.

Fresh root crop (grated or in the form of juice) is contraindicated:

  • during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of large kidney stones (carrots are used to remove sand from the kidneys, and therefore, the stones can also move, which is painful and dangerous to health);
  • with chronic liver disease – this body will be problematic to process a large amount of beta-carotene.

You will have to refuse to use the leaves of the root crop:

  • if you are allergic to any of the elements of the product;
  • pregnant women and during breastfeeding;
  • small children.

People suffering from diabetes are advised to eat carrots not just in boiled form, but also in limited quantities (which the doctor will announce).

Harm from fried carrots, in addition to the above, can be caused in case of excess oil during the frying process. In this case, people suffering from obesity, it is better to refrain from eating the root crop.

clean carrot with tops


Carrots are a product of healthy people and athletes. Regular consumption of a sweet vegetable will strengthen the immune system, improve eyesight, smooth the skin from wrinkles, and support the heart. With the help of carrots, you can lose weight and get rid of muscle pain that appears after active loads in the gym. The root crop and its tops are used for medicinal purposes, because they are equally useful for both the female and the male body. Be sure to follow the recommended daily intake, and then carrots will only benefit.

Anna Evans


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