Carrot weight

Carrots are a vegetable that is used in many dishes. To make it easier for a person to figure out how many root crops will be needed in the work, you need to determine the weight of one medium carrot. This information will also help gardeners understand how many plants they should plant in their area.

When choosing vegetables, it is worth remembering that the weight of carrots depends on its variety. First, let’s talk about early vegetables. Pay attention to the most popular varieties.

  1. “Alenka”. Such carrots can be grown in cold regions. It ripens within 45-50 days after the appearance of the first shoots. One medium-sized root crop weighs approximately 130-150 grams.

  2. “Tushon.” This is another early ripe carrot. Ripens two months after planting. Carrots of this variety are slightly larger. It usually weighs about 160 grams.

  3. “Paris”. This variety is also known as the Carotel. The root crop has a delicate pleasant taste and rich orange color. This carrot weighs about 120 grams.

  4. “Fun.” This carrot has an elongated shape. Its fruits are slightly pointed at the ends. The average length of a carrot is 10-12 centimeters, the average weight is 70-80 grams.

  5. “Bangor F1”. Like most hybrids, this one combines the benefits of many plants. Root crops are long and juicy. Their average weight is 200 grams.

  6. “Fairy”. On average, each of the fully ripe vegetables weighs about 180 grams. Large early ripe carrots are perfectly stored. Therefore, it is often harvested for the winter.

  7. Parmex. These plants have rather unusual fruits. They are spherical, juicy and very bright. Despite the fact that such plants weigh only 50-60 grams, they are often planted on their site. After all, the taste of such fruits is very pleasant and sweet.

The choice of mid-season varieties is also quite large.

  1. “Vitamin”. Many gardeners plant such carrots. The average length of the fruit is 15-17 centimeters, the average weight is 150-170 grams. Most juicy and sweet root crops are regular in shape.

  2. “Red Giant” As the name implies, the fruits of this variety are orange, almost red. They are thin and long. The average weight of each vegetable is 120 grams.

  3. Nantes Tito. Fully ripened fruits have the shape of an elongated cylinder. They are quite large. The average weight of one such carrot is 180 grams.

  4. “Incomparable.” This is one of the largest varieties of carrots. Fruits on average weigh about 200 grams. Therefore, it is quite profitable to grow such vegetables in your area.

It is these varieties of fruits that gardeners plant most often.

Most late-ripening varieties of vegetables are represented by large fruits.

  1. “Queen of Autumn” A root crop with such a beautiful name ripens in about 4,5 months. If the plants are well fed, ripe fruits will weigh 150-170 grams.

  2. “Flakke.” You can recognize such fruits by their elongated shape. They mature about 120 days after planting and weigh about 170 grams.

  3. “Emperor”. Carrots of this variety are really impressive in size. The length of the fruit varies from 20 to 30 centimeters. This carrot weighs about 200 grams.

  4. “Yellowstone”. The weight and length of ripe fruits are the same as those of the Emperor variety. The fruits have a pleasant orange color. In its appearance, each carrot is a bit like a spindle.

  5. Shantene. Short root crops are distinguished by a light orange color. This variety is one of the most large-fruited. One medium carrot weighs from 280 to 500 grams.

When choosing vegetables for planting, it is worth understanding that it is impossible to understand in advance how much ripe carrots will weigh. After all, its weight largely depends not only on varietal characteristics, but also on the quality of the soil, as well as on the amount of fertilizer used.

If the recipe states that 100 grams of carrots will be needed to prepare a dish, the cook should use one carrot or half a large fruit. Over time, a person will be able to learn how to determine the right amount of carrots per eye.

It is worth noting that Many people recommend eating carrots on a daily basis. It helps maintain visual acuity, fight gum and tooth diseases, and strengthen the immune system.

A person can get all the necessary nutrients by eating 100-150 grams of carrots per day. That is, it will be enough for him to eat one fully ripened fruit.

When choosing carrots for cooking various dishes, it is worth remembering that the largest fruits are not always the most delicious.

Anna Evans


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