Agricultural Machines: 6 steps to make the right choice

In a market as competitive as today, it is essential that the producer has the tools and agricultural machinery capable of optimizing the productive capacity of your farm. In this sense, good machinery is one that offers cost reduction, as well as greater agility and ease of operation.

It is natural for the producer to have doubts when purchasing this equipment, but there are some simple guidelines that can make this task easier. One of them is to know your business very well, to know how to choose the most suitable items for your specific production.

Want to know more about it? So, read on and check out our tips on how to choose agricultural machinery right!

The importance of efficiency in agriculture

Agricultural activities directly depend on weather conditions. Therefore, recent climate changes have caused many challenges to producers, such as variations in the quality of the harvest, an increase in the incidence of pests and even the loss of production due to a drought or heavy rains out of season.

According to a report released by Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), the reduction in coffee production areas, for example, can reach up to 95% in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Goiás.

In addition, the impact of the weather will also affect wheat and corn plantations.

To minimize this scenario for agriculture, technology has been implemented in the sector and greatly optimizing its productivity, mainly through modern and agile machines.

Machinery and productivity

The market has made increasingly innovative and potent products available: transgenic seeds, pesticides or fertilizers are some examples. Some cultural practices are also undergoing transformations, becoming increasingly agile and sustainable.

When we talk about agricultural machinery, this is no different. They are increasingly innovative, guaranteeing the producer cutting-edge technology with fuel optimization, terrain adaptability and a GPS system, among many other features.

Thus, they allow the improvement of work in the field in the main stages of cultivation, such as soil preparation, sowing and harvesting.

In general, the most sought after agricultural equipment today are:

  • seeders — carry out the sowing and fertilization of seeds;
  • tractors — perform various activities such as plowing and leveling the ground;
  • harvesters or harvesters — responsible for harvesting the crop;
  • sprayers — used to apply pesticides and fertilizers.

Expansion of production

From what we have seen so far, it is clear that investing in good machinery is always positive for the business. After all, with its use, it is possible to increase the production of your crop without having to increase the cultivation territory.

In other words, with the mapping of your crop, the monitoring of weather forecasts and the support of quality machinery, you can close the year with record harvests!

Which agricultural machines should I choose

Ideally, you should have at least one machine at each stage of your crop’s production. But, in the beginning, you can do a study to identify which one of them are being registered more problems or costs and acquire the equipment that will meet those needs.

Then, from the gains generated by that first acquisition, continue to scale your production by buying more machines.

In addition, there are other tips that should be taken into account to make the most accurate choice. Check it out below!

Farmers holding hands with tractor in the background
Before buying an agricultural machine, you should pay attention to several decisive details.

1. Assess the proper potency

After defining the type of machine you are going to add to your production, it’s time to go to the market and get to know the models available. And, at that time, an important point to evaluate is the potency.

This is because the size of the land and the power of the machinery are directly related to its productivity. Basically, the larger your area for cultivation, the greater the power of the equipment.

2. Consider fuel costs

In November, Petrobras announced an increase of 2,8% in the cost of gasoline at refineries and of 1,2% in diesel. This news impacts many sectors, especially agriculture, which needs these fuels in the operation of machinery.

In view of this, the producer should look for models of agricultural machines with larger tanks, to reduce the idle time in supply, and that have a better yield.

And also don’t forget that the type of tire its maintenance can directly affect the fuel consumption of your agricultural machine, so this is a small detail that can make a difference.

3. Research differentiating features

It is also interesting to consider the differentiating features that each machine offers. Some examples are GPS system, autopilot, telemetry and automatic closing of sessions.

The best way to validate this information and make a comparison between products in the same category is to participate in fairs and industry events. These places are great for discovering what is most innovative at the service of the agricultural producer.

4. Trust the ease of operation

There’s no point in investing in cutting-edge equipment if it’s difficult to handle, right? It is essential, for example, that its panel is arranged in an intuitive way, making it easier for the operator to learn how to use the machine correctly.

Also evaluate the comfort of the cabin: see if it has the ergonomic conditions, with seat adjustment, climate and good visualization for the operator.

5. Don’t forget about sustainable awareness

One of the most discussed topics in the agribusiness sector today is how to guarantee the sustainable development of agriculture and livestock.

Certainly, producers who manage to align high performance with sustainable practices stand out in the sector, in addition to contributing to the environment and society.

For that, you should choose machines that have lower emissions of pollutants and that offer safety in their handling.

In the case of sprayers, for example, no product should be wasted and dumped in the wrong places.

Remember: smart management is what promotes business sustainability!

6. Always look for a reliable supplier

Regardless of whether you choose a new or used agricultural machine, it is essential to investigate the origin of this equipment in the market. So do research with other growers, visit their fields and validate what brands and models they use.

Anyway, now you are able to acquire the ideal equipment for your farming! Follow our steps and don’t forget to stay tuned for news on the market. Our tip is to see a wide variety of used tractors on our website and talk directly to the seller of the machine.

Agricultural machines are increasingly technological, so to always ensure the highest productivity of your business, you need to know them to make the best decision possible.

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Anna Evans


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