The benefits of using sugarcane molasses in agriculture

One of the main desires of any agricultural producer is that his production is the best possible. In this sense, it is common for him to seek specific methods and products that are capable of guaranteeing excellent productivity and, consequently, a good financial return.

If you are an agricultural producer and are looking for alternatives to boost your production, today’s tip is aimed especially at you. In this post, we will talk about the benefits of using sugarcane molasses in agriculture. Follow along and understand why this can be one of the most advantageous investment for your business.

Want to read other content about agricultural practices and tips on how to improve your business’s productivity? On our blog you will find a series of publications on the subject!

the cane molasses

Before we talk about the benefits of using sugarcane molasses in agriculture, it is important to clarify what this powerful natural product is. It is an ultra concentrated syrup, composed of sucrose and mineral salts and obtained from boiling and cooking sugar cane.

Cane molasses being spilled
Sugarcane molasses is a by-product with several applications

It is considered a by-product of sugar manufacturing and can be applied in several segments, such as mining, agriculture, cement production, ceramics, animal feed, among others.

Check below some of the positive impacts that this natural wonder can bring to agricultural production.

Powerful natural fertilizer

The first benefit of sugarcane molasses in agriculture, which should be highlighted, is its role as a powerful fertilizer and natural fertilizer. This is because the product is a source of several chemical elements essential for soil fertility, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and proteins.

In addition, the high sugar content present in molasses is easily converted into food for microorganisms present in the soil, such as bacteria, which act in the multiplication of nutrients that plants will use.

As a result of this “sweet fertilization”, a healthy, vigorous production with a much more vivid color is obtained.

Increases productivity rates

Precisely because it contains so many nutrients needed by plants and influences the reproduction of soil microorganisms, sugarcane molasses acts directly in increasing agricultural productivity. In other words, the application of this natural fertilizer optimizes and enhances the plantations even more and, of course, generates better results.

Another benefit of cane molasses that has a direct impact on productivity is its ability to help fight pests. It can be used to enhance the effects of anti-pest products and improve the prevention of new attacks, generating savings and excellent results.

It is also an option to protect plants from water stress and frost.

Sugarcane molasses in fruit growing

Although sugarcane molasses is indicated for almost all types of agricultural production, it is in fruit growing that it has gained more notoriety. An example of this is its application in the grape orchards of the São Francisco Valley, Pernambuco, where the natural fertilizer has increased productivity rates by approximately 15%.

More than that, using cane molasses on site generates savings of 20% when compared to other methods and products. The results are more showy bunches with larger berries, as well as improvements in color, vigor and quality of fruits and leaves.

How is cane molasses applied in agriculture?

In agriculture, sugarcane molasses is applied through the fertigation process, which uses 5 liters of the product diluted in 200 liters of water. Per hectare, 25 liters of fertilizer are used in a normal crop.

Truck pouring molasses on sugarcane plantation
Application of molasses in sugarcane plantations as fertilizer

Finally, it is worth noting that sugarcane molasses is a product that, in addition to being efficient, has an excellent cost-benefit ratio. Other advantages of applying it in agriculture are the fact that it is completely organic, safe and can be used even by novice producers.

Are you interested in applying sugarcane molasses in your production and obtaining all the aforementioned benefits? Check offers for this product on our website!

Anna Evans


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