Why the money tree is considered a magnet for wealth

The money tree is a talisman plant that attracts wealth and prosperity to the house. For good luck to come to you for sure, check out its meaning in the philosophy of feng shui, useful properties and purchase options.

Feng Shui

According to feng shui, proper landscaping allows you to structure the space in the house, enhance the energies of well-being and prosperity. In addition, the symbolic “tree” in the southeast supports the Yang energies – it feeds the element of Fire, helps to activate financial flows.

In China, the role of the money tree is played by tangerines and oranges, the fruits of which resemble round gold coins. It is difficult to grow them in Europe, so the feng shui masters have found a replacement – a fat woman with dense rounded leaves. In America, the zamioculcas, the “dollar tree”, has similar properties.

Traditionally, the “money” plant is placed on the southeast windowsill in the wealth zone.

When planting, coins are poured into the drainage layer so that the fat woman is in contact with the energy of money. The plant is carefully looked after, as its health and attractive appearance are closely related to material well-being in the home.

Sometimes, instead of a living flower, an artificial talisman tree with Chinese coins on the branches is used. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself and decorate it with real money, and place a dragon figurine next to it.

Positive energy

The tree fat woman has positive energy and many useful properties.

With its help, you can prepare medicines at home for sore throats, herpes, ulcers, cystitis, hemorrhoids, as well as for burns, cuts, bruises, wounds and inflammations.

In addition, the fat woman in the house effectively cleans and humidifies the air, relieves it of harmful microorganisms.

It is quite logical that in such an atmosphere people improve their health, work capacity and mood increase, they rest and recover better.

Being in contact with this plant, a person himself is charged with positive energy and becomes a strong magnet for money.

Rare bloom

Why the money tree is considered a magnet for wealth

The fat woman often blooms in its natural environment and very rarely at home. Happy eyewitnesses know that during such periods the miniature “tree” is covered with small white flowers that look like stars.

The bloom is very symbolic and seems to proclaim that your finest hour has finally come.

If such a miracle happened, rejoice with all your might and tune in positively so as not to frighten off, but worthily accept the wealth floating to you.

Unusual purchase options

It is believed that you cannot buy a living money tree, but you need to ask or simply steal a sprout from a wealthy person. Thus, the energy of prosperity will settle with you. The most important thing is that it takes root and takes root.

As a rule, all owners of money trees value their “pets” and do not want anyone to cut off the branches from them or even touch them. Therefore, it is better not to resort to theft, so as not to spoil the relationship with the person.

You can furnish everything symbolically: make an agreement with the owner of the fat woman in advance and get his consent, and when he leaves the room, pretend to “steal” the sprout he has already cut off. So you will observe the ritual exactly and maintain friendly relations.

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Anna Evans


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