Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

Leaky pepper leaves are a fairly common situation in greenhouses. This is due to pests that gnaw on the foliage, causing irreparable damage to it. The varieties of these pests, methods of dealing with them will be discussed in the article.

Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

Pest Overview

There are several parasites capable of eating peppers in a greenhouse. Let’s list them.

  • Slugs. They love humidity and darkness, so it is almost impossible to meet them during the day. However, the presence of a pest can be accurately determined, because it leaves behind sticky stripes. Slugs are very fond of eating sweet bell peppers, leaving holes in the leaf plates.

Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?
  • Shchitovka. These are very small insects that parasitize on the foliage and fruits of pepper. If there are a lot of insects, then you can see them with the naked eye, because the larvae cover the leaf plate with a dense layer. Still such insects are dangerous for their ability to spread the fungus.
Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?
  • Whitefly. A small light butterfly. Of particular danger are caterpillars, which begin to feed on foliage and stems immediately after birth. They especially love young seedlings. It is not difficult to detect a pest: you just need to shake the bush, as a whole cloud of tiny insects will instantly fly out of it.
Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?
  • Aphid. This is probably the most popular pest, and not only of pepper, but of all garden crops in general. Aphids completely eat foliage, leaving only veins. You can recognize it by twisted plates and an abundance of sticky traces.
Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

In addition, ants will definitely crawl nearby.

  • Spider mite. A small insect with a short proboscis, with which it feeds. The result of the mite’s labors are gnawed leaves with small holes. In addition, cobwebs will braid the foliage.
Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?
  • Noctuid. This is a small butterfly that flies at night. Its larvae parasitize on pepper, they strongly eat the edges of the leaf plates. It is easy to identify scoop caterpillars: they are green, with a longitudinal light green stripe on the back.
  • Colorado beetle. This pest is unmistakably recognizable by its light coloration with dark stripes. The leaves will be eaten by both adults and larvae. You can recognize the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle by their characteristic pinkish color.
Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?
  • Medvedka. Terrifying huge insect that parasitizes underground. Medvedka is a real mole among insects: she digs long passages, moving from plant to plant. It eats roots, and when it hits the surface, it also bites the stem.
Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

Methods of struggle

If eaten leaves appear on the pepper in the greenhouse, something urgently needs to be done. The first step is to determine the type of pest. Only after understanding what kind of creature deals damage, you can begin to fight with it.

For example, the You can get rid of slugs without chemicals. They are looked for during the day in secluded places and collected by hand. And also places of accumulation of parasites can be spilled with var. Another great measure is to spread lime between the bushes. She will burn the tender body, and the insect will die. You can also harm him with coniferous needles used as mulch.

The shield at the initial stage is also freely removed manually. Onion tincture will also be an excellent technique against them. You need to take a large onion and cut into small pieces. Then immerse the product in a glass of water. After a few hours, the mixture is filtered and the bushes are sprayed with it. This is the cheapest way available to everyone.

Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

As for whiteflies, their caterpillars are easily washed away with water, but the pressure must be strong. Next, the foliage is wiped with a mild soapy solution. You can also use garlic, for this half a liter is poured into the crushed head and left for 7 days.

Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

Before spraying, the concentrate is diluted with water.

Launching ladybugs into greenhouses will help to cope with aphids. In addition, a mixture of ash and tobacco gives good results (a glass of each product in a bucket of hot water). A day later, a little soap is added there and the bushes are sprayed with the product. Carrying out the fight against aphids, one must also take care of the destruction of ants on the site.

Tobacco will also kill spider mites. You need to take 0,4 kg of this product, pour a bucket of water, insist 24 hours. Then hold on fire for 120 minutes, add laundry soap and dilute again in 10 liters. And also in the fight against insects, you can use kerosene.

Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

Scoop is recommended to collect manually. In addition, gardeners often use homemade traps with sweet mixtures, where insects flock at night.

If Colorado beetles came to the pepper bushes, then they are first collected on their own. Then the pepper can be sprayed with a solution of wormwood. You need to take 0,2 kg of this herb, as well as a glass of wood ash, insist a couple of hours in a bucket of boiling water. Strain and use as directed.

To combat the bears in greenhouses, light traps with kerosene are installed. And also larvae can be found independently in the upper layers of the soil. The passages along which the parasite crawls are shed with warm soapy water (0,2 kg of soap per bucket of water).

Who eats pepper in the greenhouse and what to do?

Important: it is necessary to resort to the use of insecticides only in extreme cases, when folk methods turned out to be useless.

Preventive measures

The following rules will help prevent the appearance of leaf-eating parasites:

  • disinfect the soil before planting and monitor the quality of the seeds;

  • even before planting, fumigate the greenhouse with a smoke bomb;

  • in the fall, dig up the soil – larvae and eggs may remain there;

  • maintain the correct temperature, do not forget about humidity;

  • increase immunity with top dressing;

  • every day open the doors of greenhouses for airing;

  • carry out preventive treatments with biological products.

Anna Evans


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