How to stepson pepper?

The issue of proper pinching of peppers is relevant for a huge number of gardeners, since this vegetable is grown in most areas. Such events are carried out according to the rules, which must be followed. In this article, we will figure out how to correctly stepson pepper.

How to stepson pepper?

Peculiarities of pinching

Removing the shoots of pepper is a necessary procedure. Bulgarian pepper, as a rule, is characterized by average indicators of height. But sometimes his bushes grow tall. If you do not get rid of the side shoots, then the bushes will begin to overgrow. This can adversely affect the state of the landing as a whole.

It makes no sense to pinch low-growing varieties, since they do not break through strong shoots on the sides.

If they appear, they turn out to be weak, not affecting the process of vegetation or fruiting.

How to stepson pepper?

The staking process has its advantages and disadvantages. First, let’s find out what the main advantages of this procedure are:

  • the quantity and quality of the pepper crop increases;
  • bushes are freed from unwanted branches, due to which plants can later receive a much larger amount of natural light, coupled with oxygen;
  • pinching leads to an increase in the quality and strengthening of the ovaries;
  • longer and more voluminous flowering of pepper in the beds is provided;
  • peppers that have undergone the correct pinching procedure grow more fleshy and tasty.
How to stepson pepper?

Inexperienced gardeners should take into account the fact that the operation of harvesting the stepchildren of pepper has one important drawback – it leads to a slow growth of the bush. Stepchildren on pepper seedlings are never harvested in hot weather and high humidity. Against the background of these circumstances, a comfortable environment is created for the appearance of dangerous diseases of a fungal nature, rotting of rhizomes.

It is best to remove stepchildren in the morning, so that in the late afternoon all the wounds left can shrink and dry. It is also recommended to sprinkle the areas of ruptures with wood ash.

How to stepson pepper?


There are various schemes for the correct removal of pepper stepsons in the backyard. The nuances of carrying out such operations largely depend on where exactly the plant is located: in open ground or greenhouse conditions. In different conditions, summer residents need to resort to different actions. Consider how to properly cut off the stepchildren of pepper both in the open field and in the greenhouse.

In open ground

Pasynkovanie sweet and other peppers can be carried out in open ground.

Every summer resident should remember that the removal of the so-called crown bud is a priority.

Thanks to this action, it will be possible to stimulate the rapid growth of the bush. Only after carrying out this operation, you can engage in further trimming.

How to stepson pepper?

Let’s find out exactly how to prune peppers in the open field:

  1. it is necessary to remove excess processes that are located in the side zones of the bush;
  2. it is required to cut off those branches on which there are a large number of leaf plates (on each of the shoots it will be necessary to leave no more than 2-3 leaves);
  3. at the weakest branches it is necessary to cut off the tops;
  4. you will also need to carefully pinch off the shoots that are at a level above the first leaflet.

All other manipulations that will be required from the summer resident will be the same as in the case of processing greenhouse plantings. It is necessary to cut off unnecessary buds formed between the nodes, as well as those that do not bear fruit.

How to stepson pepper?

In the greenhouse

In greenhouse conditions, the vegetable in question also needs proper pinching. This procedure should be carried out from the beginning of the transfer of seedlings to the greenhouse and continue with respect to an adult plant. We will analyze step by step how these operations are carried out.

  1. On the seedling material planted in the greenhouse, shoots are cut off as soon as the bushes grow to a mark of 15 cm.
  2. Next, you need to remove the top growth point. This is done to guarantee the vegetable a more lush branch of the shoots.
How to stepson pepper?

On matured pepper bushes, the following procedures are carried out:

  1. be sure to remove the side branches;
  2. cut off the first formed buds;
  3. cut off the shoots located at the top.

It should be borne in mind that in those greenhouses where a good heating system is installed, pepper bushes grow much more spreading. For this reason, the removal of shoots must be carried out on a regular basis, in accordance with their growth.

How to stepson pepper?

Basic methods of formation

There are several basic variations for removing stepchildren of pepper. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances..

  • In one stem. The indicated method of pinching involves a scrap of those shoots that were formed directly in the axils of the foliage. As a result, only the stem and leaf plates remain, which diverge from it. The cutting of the branches itself is carried out using a well-sharpened knife, which must be sterilized with alcohol.
  • In two stems. This is a more gentle operation. It affects the bushes much softer. It is necessary to carefully trim the stepchildren that are in the lower half. As a result, only one should remain, which develops from the leaf sinus in the upper half.
  • in three stems. The main purpose of this procedure is to leave the main trunk. Together with him, two stepsons are left, which are located in the upper part of the plant. Those shoots that are located below must be carefully cut. The considered method of pinching will increase the number of inflorescences and buds.
How to stepson pepper?

Each gardener himself chooses the method of pinching the planted peppers. It all depends on the level of experience and knowledge of the person who undertook to remove unnecessary stepchildren.


After the stepping procedure, the plant must be provided with proper care. In no case should this be neglected if you do not want to be left without a rich harvest. Basic care consists of the following steps.

  • It is very important to provide the plants with proper watering. It must be regular. The plant is watered as the topsoil dries out. Peppers should not be poured too much either, since excess moisture is always harmful.
  • The second important step is loosening. This procedure is required after each watering.
  • It is necessary to carry out weeding of planted pepper beds. Timely removal of harmful weeds will contribute to a healthier and faster crop growth.
  • We must not forget about the introduction of high-quality dressings of a suitable type.. In May-July, it is required to fertilize garden plants with nitrogen compounds. As for the period from August to September, it is advisable to use phosphorus and potash supplements.

Possible mistakes

Initially, it may seem that breaking off pepper stepchildren is very simple. In fact, many summer residents often commit a number of wrong actions. Let’s learn about the most common of them.

  • Often gardeners-gardeners are taken for stepping peppers when dry weather persists in the yard. It is strongly not recommended to do this, since densely overgrown foliage effectively protects the planting from wet fumes.
  • One of the common mistakes summer residents make is pinching peppers suffering from various diseases. Such actions are strictly prohibited, since diseased plants are already too weak.
  • An erroneous action is also the thinning of those pepper bushes that are planted at too impressive a distance from each other. There is no need for such operations, because it will be especially difficult for a single bush to withstand adverse weather conditions.
  • Gardeners-gardeners very often take up pinching varieties of pepper, which reach a height of 20 cm.. Actually, you don’t need to do this.

Useful tips and tricks

    If the summer resident planned to pinch the peppers planted on his site, then he should arm himself with a few useful tips and tricks.

    • Upon completion of the pruning of the stepchildren of pepper, the bush spends all its strength not on the growth and development of shoots, but on the creation of the necessary ovaries and fruits.. This fact is recommended to take into account every gardener-gardener.
    • Pruning shoots must be done correctly. If the procedure is carried out with the assumption of errors, then this can cause the plant to stop flowering. In the worst cases, the landing may even die.
    • Pasynkovanie pepper is a very important procedure that must be carried out as carefully and carefully as possible.. The summer resident must act in such a way that, during the removal of stepchildren, the rather tender pepper bushes are not damaged.
    • There is a way in which you need to leave 4 stems. It should be borne in mind that this method is used in rare cases. Most often, those summer residents who are just learning stepsoning, do not have the proper experience, turn to him.
    • Before proceeding with pinching pepper, it is important to consider its varietal affiliation. For example, varieties “Winnie the Pooh” and “Kapitoshka” do not need to carry out such procedures at all.
    • Excess growth must be removed. If this is not done, then only 10-12 juicy and fleshy fruits can fully ripen. All the rest will develop curves, not the most delicious. Uncared for peppers can have rough skins.
    How to stepson pepper?

    Anna Evans


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