How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

Sweet bell pepper is grown not only in different regions of Russia, but also far beyond its borders. This is a popular, but whimsical vegetable crop, which is demanding on growing conditions and care.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

The key to a successful harvest lies not only in regular watering and fertilization, but also in choosing the right planting pattern.

Why is the landing pattern important?

Planting seedlings must be done in such a way that so that there is enough free space between the plants. Excessive density reduces yield and adversely affects the condition of shrubs.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

The need for a certain interval between plants is due to the following factors:

  • Fresh air will circulate freely on the site, which will positively affect the growth of seedlings;
  • with dense planting in the green mass dangerous pests often start;
  • fruits will not lack natural light, so the color of the pepper will be bright, and the taste will be sweet and rich (when grown indoors, artificial light sources are used);
  • well-chosen and implemented scheme – guarantee of good health of shrubs and prevention of fungus;
  • enough free space is needed for comfortable plant care and harvesting.
How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

Most novice gardeners underestimate the need to calculate the correct distance between plants, often violating the established rules of agricultural technology. However, experts say that it directly affects the size of vegetables. Proper planting will make it easier to control dangerous pests that often attack the roots of fruit crops.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

Also, at a certain distance, shrubs do not transmit fungal spores to each other, which is especially important when grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Growing pepper according to the scheme has the following advantages:

  • A well thought out plan will help you achieve maximum fruiting, especially when it comes to high-yielding varieties;
  • shrubs take root quickly, and roots develop at an accelerated rate – if the distance between the seedlings is insufficient, the roots grow very slowly and interfere with each other, as a result of which the development of shrubs slows down, and the yield drops noticeably;
  • when placing seedlings on small plots of land, you can significantly save space and plant the optimal number of seedlings – plants can be placed compactly on the site, while they will not interfere with each other.

Fit Options

Schema types

Today, there are many schemes that modern gardeners use when planting pepper. Each of the options has certain features. Gardeners have compiled a list of the most common and effective planting patterns, evaluating their pros and cons.

When growing peppers in greenhouse conditions, one of the schemes listed below will do.


When choosing this option, beds are made one meter wide, and a minimum passage of 50 centimeters is left between them. Line planting involves planting seedlings in two rows, between which a gap of no more than 0,6 meters is left.

It is necessary to plant pepper in a polycarbonate greenhouse at a distance of 15 centimeters – the optimal gap between bushes of undersized varieties. When working with medium-sized seedlings, it is increased to 25 centimeters, and tall shrubs are planted at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?


In this case, young plants are planted in small groups – 2-3 bushes in a planting hole with dimensions of 60×60 centimeters. A tree vine is covered in each hole before planting. It will serve as top dressing in the first stages of plant development. This method is recommended to choose for the southern regions, where the summer is long and hot.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

Shrubs growing side by side are natural protection to each other, saving from burns.


This option has long been popular among both beginners and experienced gardeners. In this case, adhere to parameters such as 30×50 or 30×30 centimeters. The scheme is great for small areas where it is important to correctly use every meter of the territory.

When choosing one of the schemes, it is necessary to take into account the method and frequency of irrigation. When laying a large-scale plantation, it is advisable to use drip irrigation. It moderately and regularly moistens the soil, preventing it from waterlogging and drying out. In this case, you should make a choice in favor of a lower landing. With the sprinkling method, seedlings are planted in a square-nested or staggered pattern.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

The note! The organic space forces the planting to be compacted, leaving only 25 centimeters between rows, and no more than 10 centimeters between plants. Such placement is not suitable for a rich harvest.

If seedlings are planted in open ground, you need to choose one of the schemes that was developed specifically for this growing method. Planting work is carried out in late spring or early summer. During this period, the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees, even at night.

You need to decide on the distance between the bushes and rows before the day of disembarkation. When digging planting holes, a gap of about 0,5 meters is left between them. Reduce the recommended distance should not be, especially when working with tall shrubs. They grow rapidly and interfere with each other. For the free formation of side shoots, you need a lot of space. Young plants are placed in holes, making even rows. The soil in the planting pits is fed using mineral preparations and organic matter.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

Low seedlings are planted at a distance of about 50 centimeters. Such varieties form a large number of fruits on the side shoots, so you can not get rid of them. Tall shrubs need increased space – from 55 to 60 centimeters between the bushes. These indicators are considered optimal, and the scheme can be changed depending on the characteristics of a particular variety.

When making a landing, you should correctly calculate the distance not only between plants, but also between the beds. Like many other varieties of vegetable crops, peppers are planted in rows. For convenient and easy care, it is desirable to make the beds as long as possible. The recommended size is about 60-70 centimeters.

Under this condition, the gardener receives important advantages.

  • Feeding pepper becomes very convenient. This applies both to foliar dressings and to preparations that are sprayed on leaves and shoots. With a comfortable fit, the plants will not be injured.
  • In order to carry out watering in a timely manner, you also need to correctly place the seedlings in the selected area.. If desired, you can install any of the irrigation systems.
  • Free access to each plant will allow you to harvest on time and monitor the state of maturity of vegetables.
How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

Depending on the variety

The average pepper planting rate may vary depending on the characteristics of the selected variety.

  • Tall shrubs need more free space compared to medium and low plants.. The optimal distance is indicated above in the article.
  • Also take into account the structure of the plant. Spreading shrubs will take up more space on the site due to the special shape.
  • If the variety forms fruits on the lower shoots, the distance between rows needs to be increased.
  • Some plants do not tolerate bright sunlight and grow well in shady areas.. When planting shrubs in darkened locations, they must be placed away from each other.
  • If the variety forms a large number of lateral shoots, this is also taken into account when choosing an appropriate scheme.
  • The gap between rows and seedlings can be reduced, if pruning of excess growth or garter of bushes is carried out.

Having stopped your choice on a particular variety, you should definitely familiarize yourself with agricultural technology. It should contain not only information about the care, but also the recommended growing scheme.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

The note! Leaving too much space between rows and seedlings is also not worth it, especially if branches are attached to supports for comfortable growing. If an irrigation system is installed on the site or in the greenhouse, the beds must be designed in such a way that the plants receive the required amount of moisture. When watering by hand, the average distance is about 50 centimeters.

Useful Tips

Before planting shrubs in a greenhouse or in open areas, the selected area should be prepared. If necessary, it is leveled, cleaned of debris, weeds, and also fed. Mineral compounds or organic matter are used as fertilizers. If the acidity of the soil is high, it can be reduced with limestone or dolomite flour. Only after carrying out the preparatory work, you can start digging holes.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

If earlier root crops or other fruit crops grew on the site, be sure to maintain a suitable distance between the bushes. Every centimeter of used soil needs to be additionally fed to replenish the amount of nutrients in the soil.

How far apart should peppers be planted in a greenhouse?

When growing in a greenhouse, the proximity to other plants (if any) should be taken into account. If the pepper grows too close to other crops, its root system will suffer and the size of the fruit will decrease.

It is also recommended to take into account the following features of growing and planting peppers.

  • As a rule, seedlings are recommended to be transferred to open ground in the period from early to mid-May. The age of seedlings should be 60 days, height – 25 centimeters.
  • Vegetable culture prefers light soil with a high content of nutrients.
  • Young plants need to be planted in the evening, so that they do not suffer from sunburn.
  • The average depth of the planting hole is about 15 centimeters.
  • When symptoms of disease are detected you need to immediately get rid of the diseased plant or cure ituntil the infection spread to other shrubs.

Anna Evans


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