What can be sown when the cold weather comes

Sowing some garden crops before winter allows gardeners to save time in the spring. In addition, plants tend to grow stronger and are less affected by garden pests.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

Carrots sown before winter will be juicy and large, since it is usually not hot in spring. The harvest in central Russia is harvested in June.

Seeds must be sown in dry weather. The temperature should be around 2-3 degrees Celsius. With precipitation, seedlings will appear ahead of time.

The varieties Samson, Nantes, Vitaminnaya, Incomparable are recommended. They have a high sugar content, they are unassuming to care for and are perfect for winter sowing.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

Planting onions begins in mid-October. Organic matter is introduced into the soil, dug up. The bulbs are embedded deeper than usual.

The feather is guaranteed to grow very juicy. This is because the plant can make full use of moisture from the soil.

Pros of autumn planting:

  • no need to store planting material;
  • the bow almost does not go to the arrow;
  • the culture is less attacked by pests;
  • the products have the best presentation.

In one of the modern planting methods, the bulbs are placed close to each other.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

Seeds for autumn planting turnips need to be taken twice as much as for spring. The bed is made high, pre-shed so that the soil does not settle.

From above, the planting is compacted and mulched. In spring, the mulch should be removed and the seedlings should be covered with lutrasil or other breathable material.

Turnip grows best after potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. Good organic fertilizing is usually applied for these crops. Additionally, the substrate is fertilized with ash.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

For winter sowing of root parsley, the varieties Alba, Sugar, Urozhainaya are suitable, and for leaf Breeze, Bogatyr and Carnival. The soil to be laid on top is prepared in advance. As soon as slight frosts begin (at a positive daytime temperature), sowing can begin.

The seeds are placed in the furrow, the soil is not compacted. Top mulch with a layer of peat. You cannot water it. In case of significant frosts, the plantings are covered with fallen leaves.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

For winter sowing, cold-resistant varieties with good yields that do not go into the arrow are best suited. Recommended beetroot hybrids – Podzimnyaya A 474, Cold-resistant 19, Egyptian flat, Action F1, Chocolate mulatto.

Before planting, the bed is covered with a film so that the soil warms up a little. Seeds are sown in furrows, slightly buried, mulched and additionally covered with natural material.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

Choose healthy lobules without yellow spots and curvatures. It is desirable to treat them with a solution of ash or potassium permanganate.

The bed for podzimny garlic should be high so that melt water does not flood it in spring.

They are planted to a depth of 5-10 cm; small specimens do not need to be deepened much. Above – a layer of peat or humus.

Cold-resistant varieties of garlic – Bashkir, Caesar, Novgorod, Novosibirsk. They have excellent taste and high yields.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

For the middle lane, sowing is carried out approximately at the end of October. Before planting, compost and humus are introduced into the soil. It is important that the place is open and sunny. There will be a lot of greenery in the shade, but the plants will not form strong.

Dry seeds are poured into furrows located from north to south. Mulch with peat or sawdust.

You can choose another method of reproduction: self-seeding. Several dill umbrellas will provide you with fresh herbs for the whole season.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

This crop is planted in the second half of October. The soils should be light, sandy loam or loamy.

Radishes, carrots, celery, cabbage will be the best precursors for sorrel. This green crop does not need special soil fertility, but yields on fertilized beds will be much higher.

Recommended varieties Vegetarian, Zelenaya Skazka, Shchi-borscht, Champion, Large-leaved, Winter reserve. The seeds are sown in the furrows, after having filled in a layer of dry soil there.


What can be sown when the cold weather comes

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Anna Evans


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