Unusual cucumbers and their exotic relatives

Cucumber is a traditional and familiar vegetable. It would seem that nothing can surprise him. But, thanks to the work of breeders, new unusual varieties appear: white and yellow, very tiny and just gigantic …

Cucumbers are different

Cucumbers are different

Summer residents are happy to experiment, testing new items in practice. Our readers have already shared their experience – in the note Unusually colored cucumbers and comments on it, you can learn a lot of useful information. But even this is not enough for tireless naturalists! And in the gardens they settle, in addition to ordinary cucumbers, their exotic relatives from the Pumpkin family – melotria, trichozant, momordica and others. Let’s get to know them a little better.

Chinese cucumber

These cucumbers are called Chinese because of their origin, since they come from China, but there are quite a few varieties of them. Most popular:

  • ‘Chinese snakes’;
  • ‘Chinese disease resistant’;
  • ‘Chinese white’;
  • ‘Chinese Farm F1’;
  • ‘Chinese long-fruited’;
  • ‘Chinese miracle’.

The stem of Chinese cucumbers can reach about 3,5 m in length, the fruits (depending on the variety) – 40-90 cm. But they amaze not so much with their impressive size, but with their unpretentiousness in cultivation and excellent taste. These cucumbers are very productive, absolutely not capricious, practically not affected by pests and almost do not get sick.

Chinese cucumbers. Photo from reddogfarm.net

Chinese cucumbers. Photo from reddogfarm.net

They are perfectly cultivated both in open ground conditions and in greenhouses or greenhouses; feel equally good in the sun and in partial shade. Moreover, they do not need any special care, the only thing is that all varieties of Chinese cucumbers need support, so they grow better, and the fruits give a more regular shape. Otherwise, the same agricultural practices apply to Chinese cucumbers as to ordinary ones: timely weeding, periodic watering, top dressing, and so on, which you can read about in the article Cucumber – the secrets of growing.

Chinese cucumbers bear fruit until the first frost. Their fruits are never bitter and are distinguished by an extremely delicate, slightly sweet taste and a wonderful aroma, slightly reminiscent of watermelon. By the way, it is on the fruits of Chinese cucumbers that the lack of nutrition affects immediately. What does the shape of a Chinese cucumber tell an attentive gardener? About the nutrients that the plant lacks:

  • cucumbers acquire a hook-shaped shape with a lack of nitrogen;
  • they become too thin due to lack of boron;
  • greens, lacking potassium, take a pear-shaped form;
  • lack of calcium will make cucumbers tasteless and small.

Therefore, root or foliar top dressing is best done regularly.

With all the abundance of positive qualities, Chinese cucumbers of various varieties have one common drawback: their fruits quickly wither, so it is better to use them fresh.

Armenian cucumbers

A rather exotic type of Armenian cucumber, which came to us from Central Asia, also has several varieties, the most popular of which are:

  • ‘Bogatyr White’;
  • ‘Silver Melon’.

All varieties of Armenian cucumber grow well both in open ground and in film greenhouses. The taste qualities of fruits, the weight of which can reach up to 1 kg and the length up to 50 cm, are less pronounced than those of Chinese cucumbers. And the fruits themselves (regardless of the variety) are completely covered with white-silver pubescence.

Armenian cucumber

Armenian cucumber

The lashes of such cucumbers can reach 4 m in length, so they need to build a support. The value of Armenian cucumbers lies in long-term fruiting, resistance to diseases and temperature extremes.

Italian cucumbers

Again, as in the case of Chinese, these cucumbers are called Italian because of the country of origin. Considered a real miracle of Italian selection, these cucumbers are very similar in appearance to Armenian ones. The most popular varieties of Italian cucumbers, which are cultivated in the Middle lane: ‘Arbuzze’ (‘Tortorello’) and ‘Barrese’ (both bee-pollinated).

Fruit varieties ‘Arbuzze’ (‘Tortorello’) with a light green skin and pronounced ribbing, can reach 50 cm in length. The taste of the fruit is slightly sweet – something between a cucumber and a watermelon.

Variety ‘Barrese’ also has a pronounced ribbing, but, unlike variety ‘Arbuzze’, its fruits are dark green in color, which gradually (as it ripens) turns into orange-yellow. By taste and aroma, the fruits of the ‘Barrese’ variety are more reminiscent of a melon.


Cucumber-lemon variety ‘Crystal Apple’, I’m not afraid of this word, is a masterpiece of English breeders. The variety is unusual in that its ripened fruits are very similar in appearance to a lemon, although they have nothing in common with this citrus fruit in taste.



Cucumber-lemon is best grown through seedlings, it is very warm and moisture-loving. The stem of the plant is capable of reaching a length of 6 m. You can learn a little more about it by reading this useful note.

white cucumbers

These cucumbers are called white because of the unusual color of the fruit. The most popular varieties:

  • ‘Snow Leopard’;
  • ‘Bride’;
  • ‘White angel’;
  • ‘Snow White’;
  • ‘Three White Sheets’;
  • ‘Italian White’.

White cucumbers form long lashes. They are suitable for growing both outdoors and in a greenhouse. Resistant to diseases, able to withstand high temperatures – up to +45 ° C, which makes them especially attractive for growing in hot regions.

The fruits of white cucumbers reach only 20 cm in length, they are more delicate in taste than ordinary cucumbers and slightly sweet. White cucumbers outgrow very quickly, keep this in mind when deciding to grow them.

Melotria rough, or mini-cucumber

Melotria rough, or mini-cucumber, belongs to the same family as the usual cucumber – Pumpkin. A perennial liana native to Africa, melotria in the Middle lane is most often grown through seedlings, and only as an annual plant.

For growing seedlings, a universal soil substrate is suitable. Small melotria seeds need to be covered with earth only slightly, if the optimum temperature is observed (about + 25 … + 27 ° C), they will sprout already for 5-7 days. Seedlings easily tolerate transplantation, and in just a few weeks they grow to unprecedented sizes: they can reach 3 m in length, so they need support. By the way, when transplanting melotria seedlings into open ground, select for them the most sunny area with loose soil. Water the plants at least once every 4-5 days, feed every 10-14 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.



Melotria is especially valued not so much for the taste of its fruits, but for its expressive and very decorative appearance: the rich green leaves of the plant do not lose their color until autumn. Although the fruits of melotria, similar to tiny (1,5-2,5 cm) watermelons, are quite edible. To taste, they resemble ordinary cucumbers and are quite suitable for further processing: pickling and canning. By the way, the first fruits of melothria will appear already on the 14-18th day after planting the plant in the ground.

Indian cucumber – momordica

Another exotic relative of the cucumber is the momordica, or Indian cucumber. With success, you can grow momordica not only in the open field, but also on the windowsill. Probably, it is this quality and, of course, the exotic appearance of the plant that has recently made it mega-popular with gardeners.

Anyone can grow a momordica, because it’s not difficult at all. However, there are some subtleties that must be taken into account. Before sowing momordica seeds in the ground substrate, they must be scarified – just rub the sharp tip of the seed on a piece of sandpaper. After scarification, the seeds must be disinfected (how to do this correctly is described in detail in this useful article).

After the pre-sowing treatment, momordica seeds should be placed in a pre-moistened cloth or toilet paper and placed in a warm place (with a temperature of about +25 ° C), where they will quickly germinate. By spending very little time treating momordica seeds in this way, you will significantly increase their germination.

After the seed coat cracks, it can be sown in seedling pots. Nutrient soil mixture for growing momordica is purchased ready-made, or they are made independently by mixing 10 kg (about a bucket) of earth from the garden with 10 kg of sand and 5 kg of rotted leaves. Until the seeds germinate, the earth should not dry out, so make sure that it is always moderately moist.



Since momordica is a heat-loving plant, it should be planted in open ground no earlier than in the second half of May. We transplant young, still immature plants along with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the delicate roots. After transplantation, every 2-3 weeks we feed momordica with a nutrient yeast solution, diluting 10 g of yeast in 1 liter of water.

Very little time will pass after planting in the ground, and momordica will thank you for proper care with a chic look of decorative foliage, bright yellow flowers smelling of jasmine, and a little later – exotic-looking fruits.

The fruits of momordica are tuberous, as they grow, they change color – from dark green to bright orange. But this is by no means their only feature. The main secret of momordica fruits lies in their shape, which changes as they ripen. When ripe, they open up and become very similar to a crocodile that has opened its mouth, from which bright crimson seeds peep out, covered with a dense jelly-like pulp. By the way, it is for such an amazing resemblance that momordica is also called “cucumber-crocodile”.

Trichozant – serpentine cucumber

Another representative of the pumpkin is trichozant, often referred to as the serpentine cucumber. In the countries of Southeast Asia, it is cultivated as a vegetable crop. It is still not widely distributed in our country, but numerous exotic lovers are happy to grow such unusual cucumbers on their plots. Trichosanth is valued not only for its exotic appearance, but also for its unpretentiousness, as well as resistance to diseases and pests.



The cylindrical Trichosanth fruits can reach 1,2 m in length. But not only the size is surprising: its fruits wriggle like snakes, and as they ripen, change their color from green to bright red-orange. The flowers also look unusual: they look like medium-sized (up to 4 cm in diameter) weightless snowflakes.

Given that trichozant is very thermophilic, it is better to grow it through seedlings. Seeds in the second decade of May are sown in the same soil substrate as for growing cucumbers. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in early June. In the Middle lane, it can only be grown in greenhouses, but not in open ground – keep this in mind when deciding to acquire such a curiosity.

Tladianta doubtful – red cucumber

Perennial climbing liana, reaching 5 m in height, dubious tladianta comes from the countries of Southeast Asia. The plant has heart-shaped leaves of light green color and bright yellow flowers, abundantly covering the vine. They bloom throughout the summer, outwardly reminiscent of tulips.

In place of the flowers, small fruits are formed over time, which are used for preservation and salting, but only until they reach 15 cm and begin to change their color. As soon as the fruits of Tladianta dubious ripen and turn red, they become very sweet, and they begin to make jam from them.



It is not so easy to achieve fruiting, especially in the first year of a plant’s life, in the conditions of the Middle Strip: female plants develop late, as a result of which the fruits simply do not have time to ripen. In addition, in the homeland, tladiantu is pollinated by insects that we do not have. So it turns out that domestic gardeners are forced to carry out pollination by hand.

Propagated not only by seeds, but also by tubers that look like potatoes. Very small tladianta seeds (their size is smaller than poppy seeds) are sown for seedlings already in early March. Before sowing, they must be stratified. Seedlings develop well even in low light (therefore, they do not need additional illumination), they grow quietly at low temperatures. Therefore, the plant can be grown on an insulated loggia or balcony, the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below 0 ° C. Already grown seedlings are planted in the ground after the spring return frosts have passed – in late May or early June.

When propagating tladiantu with tubers, remember: the plant needs frequent watering, but at the same time it can quickly die from waterlogging of the soil. Tubers are planted to a depth of about 8-10 cm around mid-April. Shoots appear by mid-May, after which fairly rapid growth begins. In autumn, the above-ground part of the plant dies off, and the underground part forms large tubers. Without a transplant in one place, tladianta can grow for about 10 years.

More about this amazing plant is described in the publication of Tladianta dubious – an exotic vine with fruits of 2 flavors: kiwi and pineapple.

And what cucumbers of unusual varieties or their outlandish relatives did you grow? What did you like or dislike about them?

More about cucumbers:

Anna Evans


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