Savoy cabbage: an interesting vegetable native to Europe

French, Italian, Milanese, lace, curly! As soon as they do not dignify this beautiful cabbage. In each country it is given its own name, in Russia it has taken root as a Savoyard. Its history, varieties, health benefits and harms will be discussed further.

Origin history and botanical description

According to legend, the plant appeared in Ancient Greece in 300 BC. Drops of sweat flowing from the god Jupiter fell to the ground and soon a cabbage with lace-shaped leaves grew in this place.

According to history, the vegetable was grown by Italian peasants on the territory of the County of Savoy several centuries ago. Later, the possessions were seized by Napoleon and the cabbage began to be called French.

Savoy cabbage beds

Over the decades, the culture has become popular throughout Europe. King Louis XIV appreciated the taste of cabbage and awarded the gardener the title of nobleman, giving him a coat of arms.

In Russia, the vegetable began to be grown a little later, around the XNUMXth century. But despite all its usefulness, it is somewhat inferior to other types of cabbage in demand.

In botany, savoy cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family. The shape of the fruit is round, the roots are branched, the stem is high and dense. The main difference between this species and others lies in the structure of the leaves. Embossed, large-pored, loose, their texture resembles and looks like crumpled paper. The color of the heads of cabbage varies from light emerald to deep green, depending on the variety. The head of the fetus reaches a mass of 500 g to 3 kg.

Features, composition, calorie content

The peculiarity of the plant culture is the softness of the leaves. They do not have the hard veins typical of white cabbage. The growing season (life span) is 2 years. In the first year, a stalk-stalk is formed, on which a small head of cabbage of light green color begins to form.

Flowering cabbageFlowering cabbage

In the second year, the fruit grows significantly, its weight reaches 3 kg, the taste becomes more pronounced. At the end of the second year, the plant produces an inflorescence with seeds that can be planted over the next 4-5 years.

Attention! The amount of micro and macro elements in savoy cabbage is several times higher than that of white cabbage.

The chemical composition of cabbage is unique:

  • Despite its sweetish taste, it contains from 3 to 80 mg vitamin C.
  • Vitamins of the group are present Π’, А, RR, Π•, Π .

The value of cabbage is given by:

  • mineral salts,
  • iodine,
  • calcium,
  • iron,
  • amino acids,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • zinc.

There is vitamin D, the deficit of which is in 80% of the population of Russia.

The vegetable protein in the composition helps to digest any food faster.

Savoy cabbage leafSavoy cabbage leaf

Fiber in the composition reduces appetite, and thanks to the antioxidant – glutathione, aging of the skin is prevented.

On a note! Studies have shown that the plant culture contains a stable form of vitamin C – ascorbigen. Regular consumption of this substance reduces the risk of cancer.

The calorie content of savoy cabbage is only 25-30 kcal per 100 g product. Of them:

  • 1,2 d – protein,
  • 0,1 g – fats,
  • 6 d – carbohydrates.

In the ratio B / W / U: 17/3/85.

We conclude that the plant belongs to dietary (there is no fat in it) and low-calorie.

Savoy cabbage is also great for vegetarians. You can cook many interesting dishes with it.

Varieties of Savoy cabbage

A selectively bred crop is classified into three ripening periods:

  • early (from the first shoots to full maturity 110-120 days);
  • average (about 130-140 days);
  • late (about 140-150 days).

Each category has its own leadership varieties, popular with summer residents.

Varietal name
Maturation period
Vienna 1346
Early Head weighing up to 1 kg. Dark green upper leaves, lower ones light of moderate density. Cracks often, but disease resistant.
Jubilee 2170
Early Head of cabbage weight up to 2 kg. Finely corrugated sheet plate. Prone to cracking.
Melissa F1
The average weight of the fetus reaches 3 kg. The leaves are deep green, strongly corrugated, dense. Not prone to cracking.
Average head weight 2,2-2,5 kg. Resistant to cracking, leaves with medium curl, sweetish.
Vertu 1340
Late Heads of cabbage are loose, flattened on top, weight 2-2,5 kg. Finely corrugated leaves. Cracking resistance – medium.

It is desirable to eat fresh vegetation. We must not forget that the looser the structure of the head of cabbage, the faster it deteriorates. Suitable for storage are mid-season and late varieties with dense leaves.

Cutaway cabbageCutaway cabbage


A lot is known about the benefits of savoy cabbage for the human body.

Cabbage juice

The vegetable contains 90% water, that is, it is not difficult to get juice from fresh heads of cabbage.

Benefits of Savoy Cabbage Juice:

  1. Supports iron levels. Of course, no juice can cure a neglected form of anemia, but its use as a prophylaxis is a good solution.
  2. Protection against cancer cells. Plant-based phytonutrients block the proliferation of cancer cells, regenerating healthy ones.
  3. Improving immunity. If a person’s body is weakened due to stress or illness, then cabbage juice is a good helper for replenishing vitamins.
  4. Stimulates the brain activity. Regular intake of juice increases concentration and analytical performance of the brain.
  5. Normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens the cardiovascular system and blood pressure.
  6. Tartronic acid, which is part of freshly squeezed juice, reduces the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates. The feeling of satiety persists, appetite decreases.

Vegetable detox cocktailVegetable detox cocktail

For a variety of taste, you can combine cabbage juice with apple, carrot, beetroot juice. Combining several types of juice with the addition of pieces of vegetables or fruits is called a detox shake.

Savoy cabbage juice is used not only internally, but also externally. It has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

As an antiseptic, it can be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and gargled with sore throat or stomatitis.

For men, women and children

Doctors recommend adding cabbage to the diet for women with heavy and painful menstruation – blood clotting increases.

But it is useful not only for women. The product has an invaluable contribution to the health of men. It has been proven that the beneficial properties of savoy cabbage prevent the development of urological diseases, such as prostatitis. Cabbage plays a significant role in increasing libido and supporting sexual function.

Savoy cabbage platterSavoy cabbage platter

For children under six months, WHO of Russia does not recommend the introduction of products of the cruciferous family. After 6 months, the intake of vegetables from the cabbage family is allowed, but in small portions. It is better to start introducing Savoy cabbage to the baby closer to the year, as it stimulates intestinal peristalsis and causes increased gas formation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

For proper intrauterine development of the baby, the mother needs sufficient maintenance of folic acid. It can be replenished with pills, but eating savoy cabbage will also help. Including a few leaves in the daily intake of a pregnant woman significantly increases the metabolism in the body, new cells are synthesized, and the risk of a fetal neural tube defect is reduced.

To note! When fermenting and pickling vegetables, nutrients break down. On average, fresh heads of cabbage have a shelf life of six months at a temperature of + 2 + 4 Β° C in a dark, dry room.

There is an opinion that any cabbage during breastfeeding causes fermentation in the baby’s stomach. But this is more of a myth. There is no evidence that food eaten by a woman affects the digestion of a baby.

Cabbage and breastfeedingCabbage and breastfeeding

The only limitation in admission is allergies. In this case, the product is prohibited. If, after eating cabbage, a reaction is noticed in the form of a rash, diarrhea or constipation, then it should be canceled for at least a month.

For weight loss and dietetics

When metabolism increases, calorie expenditure increases. And in combination with physical activity, weight loss will occur faster. Savoy cabbage is unambiguously recommended by nutritionists, as, together with a high content of vitamins, it speeds up metabolism.

There are a number of detox diets that include many herbal plants. But they give short-term results in weight loss. A more rational solution would be to regularly include foods high in fiber and vitamins in the diet.

On a note! If you add fresh cabbage leaves to salads, then before that it is advisable to pour boiling water over them. When stewing or other heat treatment, the cooking time is about 10-15 minutes.

A few Savoy cabbage leaves combined with a side dish and protein will saturate well for a few hours. At the same time, the vegetable does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, which is ideal for diabetics.

Savoy cabbage in the dietSavoy cabbage in the diet

Savoy cabbage is very useful for hypertensive patients – it helps to keep blood pressure normal.

In cosmetology and folk medicine

Acting as an antiseptic, savoy cabbage juice is used in cosmetology.

Methods of application:

  1. Savoy cabbage is used to make face lotions. Cabbage juice in toners moisturizes dry skin and softens it. Suitable as a prophylaxis against acne and inflammation. Allows the skin to look younger.
  2. Hair masks. In combination with aloe, it has a strengthening effect on the hair roots.
  3. When coughing. Cough is a symptom of the disease, but to reduce discomfort, mix cabbage juice with honey (1: 1) and drink several sips a day.
  4. Wound healing. For a small cut or burn, apply a bandage soaked in juice or immediately leaves.
  5. With lactostasis. Broken fresh leaves are applied to the breast lumps. The buds dissolve overnight, but the leaves need to be changed every 2 hours.
  6. Against bleeding gums. Gargling with diluted cabbage juice reduces oral inflammation.

Broken cabbage leafBroken cabbage leaf

There are several other uses for this healthy vegetable, for example, for a hangover. But with this problem, brine from white cabbage will better cope with it due to increased acidity.

Harm and contraindications

Any product has a negative effect on the body.

Diseases for which the culture is recommended to be limited:

  • enterocolitis;
  • exacerbation of ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • flatulence;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gastritis and hyperacidity of the stomach;
  • thyroid disorders.

Savoy cabbage rollsSavoy cabbage rolls

Diseases of the stomach in the stage of exacerbation are a contraindication for the use of vegetation. The pulp of the leaves contains a lot of ascorbic acid. The secretion of digestive juice increases, which is harmful to the damaged gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! In the presence of certain diseases, the recommended intake of cabbage should be discussed with your doctor.

Limit it a few days before surgical interventions on the abdominal cavity or chest. Savoy cabbage is contraindicated in the postoperative diet menu, as it increases intestinal gas, which means the load on the seams.

The most interesting about savoy cabbage


Savoy cabbage contains a treasure trove of elements. It is not so fast to grow it in garden beds, but autumn vitamin deficiency does not threaten. If you have to choose heads of cabbage in the store, then pay attention to the integrity of the head. The fruits should be free of cracks and odor, with a uniform color without plaque. You can not use cabbage stumps, as they accumulate everything harmful that was in the ground, especially nitrates.

Savoy cabbageSavoy cabbage

If you once had a chance to taste the crispy and sweetish leaves of this vegetable, then they are likely to be included in the weekly diet of a person who monitors their health.

Savoy cabbage is a worthy competitor to white cabbage

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