Cauliflower is a must-have vegetable in every home

This wonderful vegetable is not a rare guest on our tables. And this is not surprising, it has a very pleasant taste, it is inexpensive, and you can buy it both fresh and frozen almost all year round. This type of cabbage goes well in various dishes, ideal for feeding babies and those on a diet. a huge number of dishes are prepared from it. What is this vegetable, read on.

Botanical description and characteristics of cauliflower

One of the most delicious and nutritious types of cabbage in the cruciferous family is cauliflower. The plant is annual, it gives harvest and seeds in the first year. However, for the seeds to ripen, a ripening period of up to 230 days is required, which is impossible in open field conditions. But the harvest can ripen within 70 days.

Cauliflower bush

The bush of this plant is powerful, spreading. First, it builds up a rosette of spreading leaves in the amount of 20-30 pieces, each of which is 40 cm long. Only then a head of cauliflower begins to form. To build up such a mass, the plant needs to create good conditions.

Note! This type of cabbage is the most capricious and demanding among its relatives. She needs fertile soil, a lot of sun and warmth. In this case, lighting is required in different periods of the growing season is different. At the time of the growth of the green mass and the formation of the head, a lot of light is needed, but in order for the heads of cabbage to be dense and large, shading is necessary.

The pivotal root system of this plant reaches a length of up to 120 cm, but it is not particularly powerful, so it is imperative to huddle the bushes.

The color of the leaves of this vegetable can be from light green to almost gray. The head is round, conical or flattened. More often white, but there are varieties with yellow heads. The head is unblown inflorescences fused into a dense head of cabbage. Therefore, it is important to cut the heads of cabbage in time, before the inflorescences begin to bloom. After all, then they will become unfit for human consumption.

The formation of inflorescences begins after the rosette of leaves grows. Heads of cabbage can weigh from 0,5 to 2 kg.

Cauliflower flowerCauliflower flower

Cauliflower blooms in thick short tassels. The fruit of this cabbage is just a small cylindrical pod with a lot of seeds.

So where did it come from in our country and why such a name, because we are used to seeing this cabbage with white heads of cabbage.

Why such a name, history

Among the varieties of this cabbage, there are plants not only with white heads, but also purple, salad, even pink. But the name did not go because of this. The head of this vegetable is essentially unopened flowers. We do not eat the fruits, but the flowers of the plant. Therefore, this cabbage is called cauliflower.

Different varieties of cauliflowerDifferent varieties of cauliflower

Such a plant is unknown to the wild. It is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean from collard greens. For many centuries it was grown only in Syria and Arab countries. And in the 12th century she was brought to Spain, then she appeared in Cyprus. For many years Cyprus has supplied the seeds of this plant to Europe.

In the 14th century, they began to grow it in France, Holland, England, Italy.

This plant appeared in Russia under Catherine II, but it was available only to nobles and nobles and was used as a delicacy. In the 18th century, rich people ordered very expensive seeds from the island of Malta. For a very long time, people could not grow this cabbage in our conditions, until the agronomist Andrei Bolotov created a variety suitable for cold climates.

Now in Russia, this vegetable is grown in all regions, but in small quantities. For comparison: in Russia it is 1% among other types of vegetables. while in Germany it is 10%.

What is useful in this vegetable and why are gardeners increasingly planting it on their plots?

Caloric content and nutritional value

Cauliflower headsCauliflower heads

Like other species of the cruciferous family, this cabbage is a dietary vegetable. Her calorie content is negligible, only 30 kcal per 100 grams of vegetable. At the same time, it is quite rich in vitamins, macronutrients. In terms of useful properties and taste, it surpasses white cabbage.

The ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates (Used) in fresh vegetables โ€“ 2,5 / 4,2 / 0,3

Cauliflower contains almost all vitamins of the group ะ’From B1 to B9โ€ฆ Vitamins E, C, H, K, A and many others.

It contains many macronutrients that a person needs:

  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium and others.
  • It is especially rich in silicon and molybdenum.

Undoubtedly, this plant needs to be grown on its own sites, especially since the variety of varieties allows you to choose a plant for any climate.

Variety of species, varieties and hybrids

Varieties and hybrids of cauliflower differ in the shape of the foliage, size, color and shape of the head, the period during which the plant grows fruits.

According to the timing of the harvest, cabbage is divided:

  • early (up to 110 days),
  • medium (about 135 days)
  • late (150 or more days).

Consider the most popular and interesting varieties of various selections.


Variety name
Maturation period
Description of inflorescences
Advantages of the variety
Warranty, bred in 1968 up to 90 days Cream or pale yellow, weight up to 1,2 kg. The taste is excellent. Not prone to cracking and overgrowth. Quite resistant to fusarium.
Goat Derezaโ€ฆ up to 70 days Heads of cabbage are round, white, very tasty. On average, weighing up to 0,8 kg. The crop ripens at a time. The variety is almost not sick.
up to 100 days Yellowish, weighing up to 0,6 kg. Quite loose inflorescences, but with a delicate taste. Due to its excellent taste, it can be eaten raw.
Movir 74
90 days White-yellow, weighing up to 1,3 kg. The head is covered with foliage. Drought-resistant, tolerates cold snaps, perfectly transported.
up to 110 days White, dense forks, up to 0,9kg. Delicate, sweetish taste. Endures even difficult climatic conditions.

The early varieties are grown even in climates with short summers. You are guaranteed to have time to get the harvest. In the south, you can harvest several times per season.

There is one drawback, in early varieties, the heads are smaller and stored little.

The middle-ripening

The advantage of this type of vegetable is its shelf life. It is longer than other species.

Variety name
Maturation period
Description of inflorescences
Advantages of the variety
Woman resident
up to 130 days Excellent taste, weight up to 1 kg, color from white to cream. Well tolerates high humidity and temperature differences
Purple ball. A beautiful, interesting variety, bred several years ago. 120 days Dense heads of cabbage, very beautiful lilac color, up to 0,9 kg. Very delicate and pleasant taste
110 days Round, milky color, weight up to 0,9 kg. Excellent taste. It tolerates low temperatures well and almost does not get sick.

Variety "Lilac ball"Variety โ€œLilac ballโ€


In this species, the crop ripens the longest. However, late-ripening varieties have the largest heads, which have good keeping quality and are excellently transported.

Variety name
Maturation period
Description of inflorescences
Advantages of the variety
Russian size
One of the largest varieties at least 120 days Very large white heads of cabbage, weighing up to 5 kg. Does not crack, keeps well and tastes good even raw.
150 days Weight 1,5 kg, dense, whitish color. Interesting in that they sow it before winter.
Green snowdrift
190 days Beautiful heads of green color. The taste is great. Not susceptible to bacteriosis.

Late varieties are best for freezing and storage for the winter.

Cauliflower variety Green snowdriftVariety โ€œGreen snowdriftโ€

Hybrids of Dutch selection deserve attention. After all, this plant has been grown there for a long time.

Dutch varieties

Dutch hybrids are popular among gardeners. They consistently give a good harvest, have an excellent taste, and are resistant to many cruciferous diseases.

Variety name
Maturation period
Description of inflorescences
Advantages of the variety
Goodman F1
100 days White-yellow, weighing up to 1,5 kg. The head is partially covered with foliage, which preserves it. Rarely sick, but does not tolerate drought well.
Asterix F1
135 days White inflorescences weighing up to 0,9 kg. Resistant to powdery mildew. Good taste and dense bud structure.
Cortez F1
70 days after disembarking on the beds Large heads of cabbage, white, weighing up to 2 kg. Withstands frost
Fremont F1
early Heads of cabbage weighing up to 1,5 kg, delicate taste Withstands heat, immunity to diseases.
Vinson F1
early Large, flattened head, weighing up to 3 kg. Juicy, tender pulp. Resistant to heat and cold, various diseases. Excellent transportability.

Dutch hybrids are quite demanding on feeding, but with proper agricultural technology they give a wonderful harvest.

Grade Goodman F1Goodman F1 variety

Of all the varieties, the Romanesco cabbage stands out for its uniqueness.

Unusual Variety โ€“ Romanesco

Romanesco cabbage surprises gardeners with its shape and color. It has a wonderful taste and at the same time you can grow it on your site.

Cabbage "Romanesco"Cabbage โ€œRomanescoโ€

It is not known exactly where this type of cabbage came from. Growers consider Romanesco a subspecies of cauliflower.

This vegetable has a very beautiful salad color of a head of cabbage, and the shape resembles a pyramid.

This large pyramid, as it were, consists of several pyramids assembled in a spiral. The taste of this species is delicate, without bitter aftertaste, sweeter than that of ordinary cauliflower. Has a creamy nutty flavor.

She is unique not only in appearance, but also in a set of useful trace elements, vitamins and fatty acids. Romanesco cabbage contains a lot of vitamin A, iron, fiber, dietary fiber and antioxidants. It is high in B vitamins, contains Omega-3 and is very useful for consumption.

Inflorescences of Romanesco cabbageInflorescences of Romanesco cabbage

It is not recommended to eat it raw, but you can cook, fry, stew.

In cultivation, this culture is quite whimsical and is suitable for greenhouse cultivation with the observance of suitable temperatures.

The best varieties and hybrids of cauliflower

All types of cauliflower are united by one thing โ€“ it is a delicate taste and benefits for the body.


The benefits of cauliflower for the human body are obvious. It has dietary properties and is absolutely non-allergenic. This allows young mothers, young children, and overweight people to eat it.

CauliflowerCauliflower and its inflorescences

Due to the content of dietary fiber, cabbage helps people to normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, to get rid of such troubles as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.

Vitamins of group B have a very good effect on the body and appearance of women, making the skin radiant, and the hair and nails strong.

On a note! Scientists have proven the important property of this type of cabbage to fight malignant tumors. It contains glucosinolates, which are then converted to isothiocyanates and contribute to the destruction of cancer cells.

Vitamin K promotes rapid regeneration of damaged human tissues, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition of this plant improves metabolic processes in the human body.

Puree from this vegetable is introduced into complementary foods for children from infancy. The beneficial substances of this plant help to saturate the childโ€™s body with vitamins and help strengthen bones.

However, not all situations will benefit from cauliflower.


Cauliflower should be eaten with caution by people if:

  • you ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer, irritable bowel, high acidity.
  • have recently undergone abdominal or chest surgery.
  • suffer diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, hypertonic.
  • are sick gout or problems with thyroid.
  • individual intolerance vegetables.

If you do not have these problems, then feel free to eat cabbage, prepare a variety of dishes from it.

Application in cooking, what is made of it

Food CauliflowerFood Cauliflower

This healthy vegetable can be eaten raw and used in a variety of dishes. It goes well with any kind of meat, fish, cereals and other vegetables.

Many people wonder if cauliflower leaves are edible? We answer: Yes, not only the inflorescences of cauliflower are edible, but also the leaves, which are also added to some dishes.

Cauliflower is also good as an independent dish. Boiled, fried, baked cabbage will please adults and children. And how delicious, crunchy it is when marinated. This vegetable produces an excellent puree that tastes like a potato. For those looking to lose weight, it can be steamed.

For most recipes, cauliflower must be divided into inflorescences or cut, how to do this correctly can be seen in detail in the video below:

How to cut cauliflower into inflorescences

Here are some delicious recipes for this vegetable.

Cabbage in batter.

The head of the vegetable must be disassembled into inflorescences. Boil them in water with salt 7-8 minutes.

Cooking a batter from one egg, wheat flour and milk. The dough should be the consistency of sour cream. Add salt and other spices to taste. Cover the inflorescences with batter and fry in vegetable oil until browning. They turn out to be very tender, just yummy.

You can make crispy cabbage in batter. To do this, the inflorescences are dipped in an egg, then rolled into a mixture of bread crumbs and cheese. Bake on a baking sheet in the oven until golden brown. Cabbage inflorescences are very tender inside with a pleasant crust on top.

Cauliflower in batterCauliflower in batter


Cut the head of cabbage into inflorescences and first cook in salted boiling water. You need to boil for 5 minutes, no more. She prepares very quickly. Place on a sieve. Finely chop the onion. Grind the oatmeal in a blender to flour. Finely chop the boiled inflorescences or grind in a blender. Mix together cabbage, oatmeal, onion, salt, spices and make cutlets. Bread with ground breadcrumbs and fry in a pan until browning, adding a little vegetable oil.

For a more dietary option, bake the patties in the oven.

In a creamy sauce.

We prepare the vegetable for the dish. We disassemble into inflorescences, boil in water.

Mix the cabbage with sour cream or mayonnaise, then add a lot of grated cheese on top. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes, until the cheese crust is browned. Thatโ€™s all. A tasty and simple dish is ready.

Cauliflower in a creamy sauceCauliflower in a creamy sauce

Puree soup.

For this dish you will need: cabbage, potatoes, onions, cream, garlic and various spices to your taste. Fry finely chopped onions in a saucepan in butter. Add the diced potatoes, salt, spices to a saucepan and cover with water, cook until almost ready. Add small cabbage inflorescences and cook until tender. Then add 200 ml of 10% cream and cook a little. Do not boil to prevent curdling. After that, beat the finished soup with a blender until puree. In a preheated skillet, fry the bread, cut into cubes or cubes. Add the croutons to the puree soup when serving. The low-calorie meal is ready. This soup โ€“ puree will appeal to both adults and children.

Marinated CauliflowerMarinated Cauliflower


You can make delicious canned meals from cabbage for the winter.

  • Cabbage 1,5kg,
  • one carrot,
  • small beets โ€“ 1 pc.,
  • garlic cloves โ€“ 8 pieces,
  • vegetable oil โ€“ ยฝ cup,
  • vinegar 9% โ€“ 150 ml,
  • salt
  • sugar to taste
  • you can add paprika, hot pepper,
  • warm water โ€“ 1 liter.

Wash the vegetables, peel, disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Beets and carrots can be cut into thin slices or grated on a coarse grater. Chop the garlic. Put cabbage, chopped carrots, beets, garlic in layers in pasteurized jars and fill with marinade. We put it in a cold place for at least three days. After a week, pickled cabbage can be eaten. It turns out to be crispy, with a slight edge, and a beautiful pink color.

5 recipes that will make you fall in love with cauliflower

This is just a small part of the variety of dishes that are prepared from this vegetable.


Cauliflower is not only a healthy, dietary product, but also very tasty and nutritious. Try to grow it on your own sites, it is possible. Be sure to include this healthy vegetable in your diet, you will not only provide the body with vitamins, but also enjoy the great taste.

Cauliflower. Benefit and harm

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