Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

Roses are considered to be one of the best garden decorations. Many growers boast gorgeous flowering bushes. However, if you come to surprise your neighbors, we advise you to pay attention to the varieties of two-tone roses, which will become the pearl of your infield.


Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

The variety is valued for its high frost-resistant properties (it can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C) and the ability to bloom twice a season.

The main feature of the buds is the red inner petals and the creamy-tender outer ones. They reach 10-11 cm in diameter and have a pleasant and distinct aroma.

Best of all, the Osiria rose grows in loose, slightly acidic soil. Before planting, it is recommended to fill the rose garden with a peat-sand mixture and humus, treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The site must be protected from the wind and receive a sufficient amount of light. Bushes should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

This rose is very capricious to care for. Long-term flowering requires constant pruning from plant owners, which will stimulate new shoot growth and re-flowering. You can only cut 2-3 flowers and branches at a time, otherwise the plant will weaken.

For this variety, timely feeding with fertilizer with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and manganese is important. Roses need to be watered every 10 days, while excess moisture is more dangerous for them than drought.

The cost of a seedling – from 150 rubles.


Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

This is a short striped rose that blooms in whole bouquets. The flowers have a light delicate aroma. If desired, flowering can be made continuous by regularly cutting off wilted inflorescences.

Rose loves fertile, moist soil, which must be drained. For planting, it is worth choosing a sunny area without drafts.

Every 2-3 weeks the plant needs to be fed, for which it is better to use complex fertilizers and vitamins. Watering should be done as the top layer of the soil dries up. In addition, evening spraying with warm filtered water will not be superfluous. They can be combined with top dressing.

It is better not to get carried away with pruning. Old branches can be removed no more than once every 4-5 years.

The cost of seedlings – from 180 rubles.

Monica Bellucci

Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

This variety attracts literally everything: the aroma, and the color of the flowers, and their shape. Roses of Monica Bellucci are luxurious, double, cupped flowers with amazing color and rich aroma with notes of anise and peppermint.

On very long erect shoots, only one large flower with a diameter of 10-12 cm always grows. It is noteworthy that this rose has no thorns.

The variety belongs to heat-loving plants, therefore it feels best in regions with a warm climate. The landing site should be sunny and sheltered from the wind.

The soil is preferable light, fertile, with a lot of nutrients. The rose does not tolerate stagnant water, so it should not be planted in lowlands.

Care includes regular feeding, weeding and watering. Timely pruning will not be superfluous.

The cost of seedlings – from 220 rubles.

Coffee break

Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

The buds of this rose are quite wide and outwardly resemble cabbage. They can stay on the bush for a long time.

Open areas with moist, well-drained soil are suitable for growing Coffee Break roses. The soil can be prepared independently from 3 parts of manure, 2 parts of a fertile soil layer, 2 parts of sand and 1 part of peat. After planting, roses require constant feeding, weeding and watering. It is recommended to choose complex formulations as fertilizers.

It is better to shorten the shoots of roses, and remove the weak ones completely, this will allow the plant to develop faster.

In winter, this variety must be covered.

The cost of seedlings – from 270 rubles.

Paul Gauguin

Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

The bushes of this rose grow up to 90 cm in height, the buds are shaped like pompons with a diameter of 8-9 cm and have a faint unobtrusive smell.

Rose Paul Gauguin is resistant to low temperatures and disease. The variety is characterized by abundant and long flowering from May until the first frost.

For the full development of the seedling, loamy and sandy loam soil is required, which is characterized by good air and moisture permeability. If only clay soil is present, before planting, it is necessary to add sand to it at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq. M. If the earth is sandy, then clay should be added in the same proportions.

In the first year after planting, you only need to remove weeds, loosen the soil and water regularly. In winter, the plant must be covered with a dry method. From the second year, complex fertilizer can be applied to the soil twice a season.

The cost of seedlings – from 250 rubles.

Gloria Day

Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

It is the Gloria Day variety that is considered the standard of hybrid tea roses. It is a tall, branchy bush that has a compact shape and reaches a height of 100-120 cm. Flowers form on thick, erect branches, which almost always grow without thorns. The flower itself has a diameter of about 13-16 cm. The color of the buds changes and depends on the stage of its opening. This rose blooms from mid-June. Re-flowering is possible in September.

For planting, it is recommended to choose open areas with soil-turf soil, which must be covered with a layer of sand and peat. Rose Gloria Day tolerates drought well, but stagnant moisture and waterlogging are destructive for her. In hot summer, two waterings per week will be enough, on other days – once a week.

Maintenance involves regular loosening, weeding and mulching.

As a top dressing, preference should be given to complex fertilizers.

The cost of seedlings – from 290 rubles.

Pink Intuition

Neighbors envy: 7 varieties of two-tone roses that can transform any garden

The variety is characterized by marbled flowers and curved petals.

Plant height reaches 80-120 cm, while the flower diameter is 10-12 cm. Abundant and repeated flowering is characteristic. The buds have a light citrus scent.

Rose prefers windless places with ample light. It is recommended to choose a well-drained soil for planting, as stagnant moisture can destroy the seedling. The plant easily tolerates drought, however, on hot days, the amount of watering should be increased to 2 times a week.

For feeding, complex fertilizers are recommended, which will ensure the full development of the bush.

The cost of seedlings – from 220 rubles.

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Anna Evans


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