Fighting moles at their summer cottage: an overview of some humane methods

We all love animals and are touched by them in the zoo or on TV. But as soon as some animal or bird begins to encroach on our own site, we declare war on it. Most often, summer residents “howl” with starlings, destroying cherries and cherries, and moles, which have the imprudence to spoil the landscape with fresh mounds of earth. The spoiled lawn is especially frustrating for the owners, because every mole move on it is perfectly visible. But if it is customary to fight with birds by scaring away, without physical destruction, then the “diggers” were less fortunate. As a rule, the fight against moles on the site is carried out by cruel methods: mole traps, poisoned baits and other methods that deprive the animal of life. This is not too humane, because the animal is not at all interested in our green spaces. He damages the roots by accident while looking for his main prey – worms, and killing a mole for trying to somehow feed himself is not entirely ethical. Moreover, there are many effective ways to drive the animal from the site without causing physical harm to it. Here we will consider them in more detail.

A mole from the site can be driven out for a while or forever. The second methods are more difficult to implement, so we will look at them later. Temporary measures are aimed at scaring the animal or causing trouble for its delicate nose. Where it constantly stinks or something makes noise, the mole will not live.

Use of plant repellents

Some plants are distinguished by a pungent specific odor that comes from the roots. The sensitive mole prefers to bypass their landing sites. The most effective are beans (especially black beans), royal hazel grouse and marigolds.

Royal hazel grouse

Royal hazel grouse has a gorgeous appearance, so it will not only scare off a mole, but also decorate any flower garden or lawn edge


Marigolds, planted around the perimeter of the flower bed, will scare off the mole and at the same time disinfect the soil from microbes, especially if they are buried in the soil in the fall

If they are planted along the perimeter of the garden bed, then the “enemy” will not climb on it. True, he will not leave the site, but only crawl to the side, but if it is important for you to preserve the beauty of just one flower bed, then these methods will be enough. For example, marigolds will perfectly fit into a flower garden, along the perimeter of the lawn there are hazel grouses, which will bloom in early spring and completely hide in the soil until next season.

The beds can be decorated with beans, but you have to put vertical supports, because this plant reaches a height of about 2 meters.

Beans in the garden

Legumes are unlikely to fit into a flower garden, because they overshadow the plants with their tall stem, but in the garden they will bring considerable benefit

Fight with sound

The fight against moles is very successful with the help of all kinds of noisemakers and rattles. The mole has a very sensitive hearing, which replaces it with poor eyesight, and cannot withstand life in such conditions (however, like all of us!).

Pinwheel bottles

Many summer residents make turntables from plastic bottles that move from the wind. For example, a pipe is driven into the wormhole, on the upper end of which a long pin is put on. A plastic bottle is “put” on this pin, having drilled a hole in the bottom a little more than the diameter of the pin. The sides of the bottle must be cut and bent with blades so that the wind has something to “catch on”. It turns out to be a pretty strong ratchet.

Turntables from plastic bottles

Turntables made of plastic bottles are the most popular way to scare away a mole from summer cottages, however, their aesthetics are not too high

If they are instructed throughout the site, then during windy weather, not only moles will escape, but also a dog. True, not all summer residents like to endure constant noise.

Singing bottles

A good method of dealing with moles is by burying high-necked bottles in the soil. It is best to use champagne containers. It is necessary to determine from which side the wind blows more often on your estate, and to dig in empty bottles at a slope into the soil so that the necks are directed directly to the windy side. Set aside only 2/3 of the neck above the ground, and bury the rest. During the wind, the bottles will begin to hum, thereby expelling the mole from its home. In this way, you can protect a small space, because the entire area will have to be collected for years or walk around the neighbors.

Mole bottles

This is how they decorate flower beds with champagne bottles, and if they are turned over and dug in under a slope, then the border can protect the flowers from the mole

Ultrasonic repellents

If there is no desire to tinker with something, then the fight against moles in the country can be carried out with ready-made tools offered in stores. These include electronic scarers. They run on batteries or solar energy and are a thick stick that is dug into the ground with a sharp end for almost 2/3 of the device.

3-4 batteries are put inside, which is enough for the summer season (in “solar” devices the energy is absorbed during the day). Scarers buried in the ground emit vibration and a subtle unpleasant sound that is almost invisible on the surface, but perfectly spreads underground. True, over time, the device begins to work quieter, and if it is not insulated from moisture, then the contacts will quickly oxidize.

Ultrasonic repeller

The ultrasonic repeller runs on batteries, so it can be used anywhere in the summer cottage. Battery power lasts about 3 months

Solar Powered Repeller

The solar-powered scarer is placed close to the wormhole so that the ultrasound is carried over the soil as much as possible.

In addition to temporary methods of fighting moles, there are more reliable ones, after which the animal will never be able to visit you at all. But this is not a one-day job. The main point of the fight is to put a blockade along the entire perimeter of the site, through which the mole will not penetrate. And since the animal rarely buries more than a meter deep into the ground, it is precisely this depth that needs to be dug a trench. It takes a long time. But also effective! The finished trench is filled with slate sheets, metal mesh, stones and other hard material that the animal cannot punch through. This layer should reach the very surface of the earth and only slightly covered with soil. It is especially convenient to create such an obstacle at the time of installing the fence. For example, for concrete fences, the foundation is poured, however, not to this depth. But you can dig even deeper and insure yourself against uninvited guests!

It should be remembered that not with every mole, the struggle in the garden will end in your victory. There are animals that are not afraid of either strong smells or noise. And then you will have to catch them with mole traps, and build an underground blockade for the “aliens”.

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Anna Evans


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