Mullet benefits and harms

Mullet, or gray mullet (lat.Mugil) – sea fish of the mullet family. The genus has many different species, for example, the mullet, which lives in the Black Sea, as well as in the Sea of ​​Japan. Fish can be found in the seas of subtropical and tropical regions. Some species live in fresh waters – mainly in East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

The length of a mullet carcass can reach about 50 cm. It has gray shiny scales, a small mouth and extraordinary mobility – these fish can easily jump out of the water and even jump over nets and barriers. They prefer to live and move in flocks. Mullet is a valuable fishing object all over the world, as well as for recreational fishing and fishing sport.

Mullet composition

The beneficial properties of mullet are associated with its tasty, tender and nutritious meat, rich in various valuable elements. The composition of the fish is high quality protein, water, fat and ash compounds, as well as vitamins and minerals. The chemical composition includes: calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, zinc and chromium. Its meat is rich in provitamin A, B vitamins, in particular, B1, and niacin.

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Anna Evans


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