Magnolia tree: how to make it the king of your garden

Buy magnolia tree it’s easy (but not cheap). Having it and watching it grow is something else. Due to its characteristics, difficulty when it comes to multiplication and preference of soils, its cultivation acquires special attention. We are going to teach you the preferences of the magnolia tree to make this tree grow healthy and strong.

Magnolia tree characteristics

The magnolia o Magnolia grandiflora L. is a slow growing tree.It goes at its own pace and little grows. Reach sizes such as that found in the vicinity of the Museo del Prado, in Madrid, it is a matter of many years.

This species is native to the United States, specifically the southeast (Texas and Florida), so it is adapted to climates with warm temperatures. It has evergreen leaves and can reach heights close to 30 meters.

Its use is practically ornamental, although in some situations its wood has been used for construction. We believe that if it is a slow-growing tree, it is neither logical nor profitable to use its wood, except for cabinetwork.

Regarding the morphological characteristics, the magnolia tree has large, dark green leaves and some very curious seeds, red in color, wrapped in a conical fruit.

Magnolia tree characteristics

 The conditions for the magnolia tree to grow

Soil characteristics

For the cultivation of this plant it is necessary to have an acid soil. This means that if your terrain is basic you must make amendments to the soil to correct pH and adapt it to the magnolia tree. A constant supply of organic matter ensures an acidity that the tree will appreciate and will favor the drainage of irrigation water. Any basic or calcareous soil without nutrients will produce chlorosis on the tree.

Temperature ranges

The magnolia tree resists the cold well, but without overdoing it, since it is from warm climates. It must be grown in an area that is not exposed to the wind or protected from frost.

Magnolia tree light needs

It requires sun, but it can be planted perfectly in places with semi-shade.

Irrigation characteristics

The soil must be kept constantly humid but without ever generating waterlogging. Irrigation will percolate the compost and ensure a constant supply of nutrients. Also, if you combine the mulching technique you avoid the evaporation of water and generate more usable nutrients for the plant.

Multiplication – seeds or cuttings?

There are different ways and some are faster than others. The fastest way it is usually done is by cuttings o angled in summer. By rooting and some techniques a new plant is achieved in a short time. The other is to multiply it through seed starting in autumn, but due to its nature it is not easy at all. We comment on this for the following.

It usually has a germination percentage 50%, the seeds cannot be kept in winter at room temperature, but rather they have to be in refrigerated conditions between 0-4º C, and it has a hard reddish cover that must be removed before trying to sow it.

Apart from this, in addition to being so slow growing you can go years without seeing the magnolia tree bloom and it can end the patience of anyone who ventures to do so. As we are crazy, we have tried it and we will tell you how.

 Pruning the magnolia tree

It does not require pruning and can even be counterproductive. You can make a few simple cuts of branches that cross or remove dead branches, but without going overboard. For the elimination of some branches in this article we will show you the best electric pruning shears for the garden.

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Anna Evans


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