Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

beresklet fortuna
In flower beds, you can increasingly find such a picturesque culture as Fortune’s euonymus. He is able to decorate any local area, personal plot. The advantages of this unpretentious plant are that it fascinates with its decorativeness throughout the season, especially in autumn, when the garden takes on dull tones. During this period, the creeping shrub, with its graceful appearance, makes the garden area stylish.
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Flower appearance

The very name of the variety – “emerald in gold” speaks of how this plant looks. The description of euonymus fortunei emerald n gold is as follows: a dense shrub with harsh oval leaves of a two-color color. In this case, yellow goes along the edges of the sheet, and green in the middle. In winter, the shrub changes its yellowish tint to reddish brown.

The shrub blooms with inconspicuous (sometimes they are called dead flowers) of a pale yellow color. Then bright purple or pink fruits appear, which enliven the whole garden in September. Despite its slow growth, the shrub is able to climb up the support to a height of two meters. Thanks to this plant, you can create beautiful decorative compositions and decorate any garden.

Popular species

On the basis of a natural species, many varieties have been bred, which differ among themselves in foliage color, height and growth rate. The most common varieties are:

  • Vegetas… The variety is frost-resistant, very similar to the natural look. The leaves are ovoid, dark olive in color with a white border and veins along the edges. In favorable conditions, the plant grows rapidly, forming a beautiful spotted carpet.
  • Baby… Dwarf variety with miniature leaves and thin filamentous shoots that form variegated islets against a green background.
  • Fortune’s euonymus Emerald Gold… From English, the variety translates as an emerald in a gold border. The plant is very popular for its foliage color: a golden rim along the edge of a bright green leaf. In autumn, the shrub changes its color to a reddish-brown color. The variety is undersized, slowly growing, tolerates frosts well down to -25 degrees.
  • Euonymus Fortune Emerald Haiti… Slightly growing compact shrub. Green leaves with a white border are uneven in shape. The variety is frost-resistant, tolerates 25 degrees below zero. Found wide application in the design of garden plots. Suitable for growing in northern regions.
  • Silver Queen… Tall and vigorously growing variety. The leaf plate is green with a white edging. At the slightest frost, the snow-white edging turns pale pink.

Planting and care

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
In principle, it is not difficult to take care of the shrubs, the main thing is to remember some recommendations regarding the quality of the soil and its loosening, watering.

  1. The soil. Since the root system is superficial, it is quite sensitive to rough soil and any damage, so you need to take care of it carefully. In order for the plant to please with early flowering, it is necessary to plant the shrub in loamy soil (not dense). It is also important to regularly loosen the soil in order to provide oxygen supply. This should be done 3-4 days after the soil is moistened. The plant will not survive stagnant water, therefore it is important to provide high-quality drainage in order to further exclude the possibility of root rot. To do this, expanded clay or pebbles must be poured into the hole, before planting.
  2. Lighting. The shrub can grow calmly both in the sun and in the shade. It is considered optimal to choose a place where the sun shines part of the day, and the second – partial shade occurs. In this case, the plant will develop normally and the brightness of the color will not fade. In especially hot regions, it is advisable to create artificially diffused light at noon so that the leaves do not get burned.
  3. Watering. Fortune euonymus Emerald Gold is picky about moisture. Therefore, the young plant should be watered as often as possible. An adult shrub is not so picky, therefore, the frequency of soil moisture can be slightly reduced. In a hot period of time, it is recommended to fill the plant 2 times a week. The more often the flower is moistened in the spring, the faster it will wake up from winter frosts.
  4. Top dressing. For high-quality and long-lasting flowering, euonymus must be fertilized. For feeding in the spring (April-May), you can use complex mineral fertilizers. Compost is also fine. In the fall, fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus should be applied to the soil. Thanks to them, the shrub will be nourished and will be able to gain strength during the winter. In addition, it is recommended to mulch the soil with dense bushes.
  5. Wintering. Emerald Gold belongs to frost-resistant plants and is able to withstand up to -25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it is better to prepare young flowers for wintering so that they do not die. To do this, it is enough to cover the vines with dry foliage in a 20 cm layer. If desired, you can cover it with spruce branches, but for this variety of euonymus, such a procedure is optional.

Shrub planting has the following features:

  • The hole is dug twice as much as the root system of the seedling.
  • The bottom is laid with pebbles or expanded clay, and the earth itself is mixed with compost.
  • The seedling should be lowered into a hole and covered with earth so that the root isthmus remains above the soil surface.
  • It is important to form a watering hole around the plant.
  • For replenishment, you can use mulch from bark or humus.

It is optimal to plant a shrub in the spring, or rather, at the end of April. Pruning. The plant needs to be pruned dry or protruding branches to give it a well-groomed appearance. In addition, it is with the help of trimming that you can form the desired crown. This procedure is carried out in early spring or already in the autumn.


Forchun’s euonymus is an unpretentious plant, it is able to withstand a short drought, and it only needs regular watering in the first year after planting and in the case of a long absence of rain. Highlights in caring for Euonymus fortunei:

  • The soil should have time to dry between waterings.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plants – the euonymus has a superficial root system, and soil compaction negatively affects it.
  • Mineral dressings are applied twice a season – in May and in August-September. Organic matter in the form of humus or compost is mixed into the peri-stem circle during the summer period, but it is important not to overdo it here – an excess of nitrogen has a bad effect on the decorativeness of plants with variegated leaves.
  • Euonymus is a shrub that does not need a shaping haircut, but dead or diseased branches should be removed, and shoots that are too long should be cut.

Reproduction of euonymus

Fortune’s euonymus Emerald Gold takes root quite easily with summer cuttings. It is enough just to press them to the ground and roots will soon appear from the knot. An equally common method is cuttings. To do this, cut cuttings 5-10 cm long. You need to take shoots that have not yet become stiff. After spraying the cuttings with a special root growth stimulator, they are planted in a peat-sand mixture and covered with a film. A month later, the root system already appears, after which they need to be transplanted to a place where the shoots will spend the whole winter. In spring, young plants are planted in the ground.

Fortune’s euonymus Esmerald Gold rarely gets sick, especially with proper care. Most often, the plant suffers from the attack of pests such as scale insects, spider mites, aphids, and apple moths.

If pests are identified, it is necessary to cut off the damaged branches, and treat the rest of the shrub with special chemicals. When aphids or powdery mildew appear, it is recommended to spray the leaves with a soap solution and insecticides. Spider mites are afraid of moisture, so you need to water the plant more often. It is important not to overdo it with surface watering.

Pests and diseases

Like other plants, Fortune’s euonymus can be susceptible to disease and attack by insect pests. In order to preserve the plant in all its glory, it is necessary for prevention to carry out treatment with fungicides, as well as to follow all the rules for caring for the shrub.

Most often, euonymus is sick with powdery mildew. The disease can be detected by a white bloom on the leaf.

If you do not take measures to provide assistance, the leaf plate dries up and falls off, and the shrub dies over time. Treatment consists in processing the plant with Bordeaux liquid, as well as in the timely removal of damaged shoots.

Spider mite. The pest can be recognized by the presence of white dots on the outside of the leaf plate and cobwebs on the inside. For treatment, colloidal sulfur and the drug “Acaricide” are used.

Unpretentious shrub euonymus Fortune in the garden: the secrets of planting and care

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

A beautifully designed and equipped plot is the dream of all gardeners. The use of original plants is what guarantees the creation of the coziness of the suburban area. Fortune’s euonymus in landscape design is a stylish and modern solution that will give lightness to the site, fill it with a pleasant atmosphere and a magical aroma. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of this plant in this article.

Description of Fortune’s spindle tree

Fortune’s euonymus (Euonymus fortunei) is an evergreen shrub that develops like a vine using support. Leaves are elliptical, ovoid, pointed, up to 3 centimeters wide and up to 6 cm long.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
The color of the leaves depends on the variety, ranging from green to raspberry-pinkish. The culture can withstand frosty temperatures well. The height of the shrub is up to 0,6 meters, and the lateral shoots are capable of developing up to 3 meters. Thanks to the rich fruits that form on the plant, it becomes even brighter and more original.

Fortune euonymus shrub: planting and care rules

Shrubs prefer sunny areas, but without direct ultraviolet rays. Therefore, slightly shaded areas are ideal. For planting, it is recommended to buy 3-year-old seedlings with a good root system. Planting is best done in spring after warming up the soil, the optimal period is the end of April – beginning of May. The soil is chosen aerated with neutral acidity. You can even prepare the composition yourself. For this, leaf and sod land, humus, sand are used (in a percentage ratio – 50 to 10 to 30 to 10%).

Choose a hole for planting 2 times larger than the rhizome. Pre-tamp the bottom, lay a drainage layer consisting of expanded clay and pebbles. After planting, be sure to water the bush with plenty of water, then sprinkle with soil.

Fortune’s eonymus in landscape design

The shrub is actively used in the formation of beautiful curbs and hedges. Plants are used to highlight functional areas on the site.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
To combine with the culture, barberries, periwinkles, spireas are used. Also an excellent solution is to plant bushes next to conifers, for example, with dwarf thuja, juniper, boxwood. With the help of plants, original multi-level compositions are formed, for this they are planted with different summer flowers in certain tiers.

Use in landscape decoration

Fortune’s euonymus is gaining popularity every year. Each variety is individual and therefore the shrub is widely used in the design of a personal plot:

  • used to create borders;
  • planted in flower beds;
  • undersized varieties decorate rock gardens and rocky gardens;
  • due to its rapid growth, a beautiful living carpet can be created from euonymus.

Fortune’s euonymus is an unpretentious plant with a chic appearance.

By purchasing this evergreen plant, you can create a composition of extraordinary beauty on the garden plot, which can be enjoyed for many years.

Varietal variety of shrubs

The efforts of the breeders were not in vain, so now you can pick up many variants of this variety for planting. Let’s consider the most popular ones:

  • Fortune’s euonymus Emerald’n Gold… Low bush – up to 0,6 meters. It differs in leaves with a golden frame, by autumn they turn into a bright pink color. For the winter, the bush does not require shelter.
  • Vegetus… The bush is notable for its miniature forms – up to 0,15 meters. Leaves of a rich green shade with veins of white, in our regions it can winter without shelter, but in severe winters it is better to insulate the plant with spruce branches.
  • Canadale Gold… The leaves have a yellow border, the bushes are compact, rapid in development, reaching up to 0,6-0,8 meters in width.
  • Harlequin Fortune Chicken… A dwarf variety with variegated white leaves, pink, cream and yellow blotches. It is considered an excellent ground cover for growing in shaded areas. The height of the culture is up to 1,4 meters, the width is 100 cm.

Spindle tree ‘Emerald in Gold’ – charming evergreen shrub

Бересклет ‘Emerald in Gold’

The most elegant, picturesque, unpretentious, and, importantly, frost-resistant evergreen

representatives of the euonymus family – Fortune’s euonymus ‘Emerald in Gold’, which means “emerald in gold”. The plant is native to East Asia, and came to us due to the fact that the famous English botanist, gardener and writer Robert Fortune brought it from China to Europe. The very name of the euonymus variety was due to the beautiful color of the leaves: the leaf blades are bright green inside and golden outside, with watercolor white stains.

You look at the leaves and it seems that all four seasons participated in their coloring. Summer has spread a satin of a rich, dense green color over the leaf. Autumn casually spilled gold leaf around the edge. The gray winter has playfully pushed the whitish stitches and paths. And the young spring adorned all this splendor with emerald druses. Moreover, depending on the seasons, the basic background of the foliage changes from golden-green in spring to pinkish-ocher in autumn.

In early spring

But nature did not award this variety of euonymus with a beautiful flowering. It blooms with inconspicuous greenish flowers. However, this is not so important for us, since in our climate euonymus practically does not bloom, therefore it does not form fruits, which, although they look impressive, are considered poisonous. A handful of beautiful berries is enough for a person to be overtaken by death.

There is a legend that the euonymus was created and raised by an evil witch in order to take revenge on people. Soon the witch repented, endowed the euonymus with medicinal properties, and she herself turned into a robin. For a robin, the fruit is harmless.

Euonymus is easily propagated by root cuttings, cuttings. It is enough to put a freshly cut twig in a jar of water, as the appearance of roots will not be long in coming. In this case, no root formation stimulants are needed.

The euonymus has good frost resistance. In my garden, he perfectly endured the winter without any additional shelter: only a small layer of birch leaves slightly covered the bush.

The euonymus ‘Emerald in Gold’, although a creeping shrub, does not show aggression: it is compact enough, it grows slowly. The bush is good for formative pruning.

The euonymus is so versatile that it can be grown both in the garden and at home, it is planted among stones and used as a border plant, it is used to decorate Japanese gardens and rural front gardens.

Plant euonymus ‘Emerald in Gold’ in your garden, and it will thank you with its decorative effect at any time of the year.

Description of creeping shrub

Fortchun’s euonymus came to us from China. The evergreen shrub is undersized and reaches a height of no more than 25-30 centimeters. In this case, euonymus shoots can grow on the ground quite quickly due to aerial roots, which germinate and take root easily. The oval and leathery leaves of the plant are bright green in color, with a white or golden border around the edge.

In the autumn, the shrub becomes darker or even pink in color. It is the variegated leaves that are decorative value, since the pale yellow flowers are completely inconspicuous.

To replace the peduncles, fruits are formed, which, as they ripen, become red, purple, crimson or yellow, which look very attractive against the background of a creeping bush.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

The Haiti variety is perfect for the northern regions as a good ground cover, because its shoots and leaves grow very densely and densely.

History of origin and legends

An evergreen shrub called the Forchuna euonymus is a representative of the eponymous family of the Bereskletovs, which contains more than two hundred different species. Among them are deciduous and evergreens, which are of great value to landscape designers. A distinctive feature of euonymus is its extraordinary color of foliage, as well as the ability of branches to quickly braid supports, creating living compositions.

There are two legends describing the origin of the shrub:

  1. The first one says that the creator of the euonymus was an evil sorceress who was angry with people and wanted to take revenge on them by creating a poisonous plant. But at some point, she took pity on the person, as a result of which the bush became medicinal. The witch herself turned into a robin bird, which, as you know, is not afraid of euonymus. Knowing about this legend, people began to call the fruits of the shrub “robin berries”.
  2. The second legend tells that the history of the origin of the shrub goes back to the time of the creation of all plant life on Earth. Having lost a precious earring and a brooch, the goddess Flora did not go in search, but simply made a plant out of jewelry. And given the fact that they were scattered in one place, the shrub received an interesting feature: in the springtime it blooms with dead flowers, and in the fall it becomes covered with earrings.

Fortune euonymus Emerald Haiti, C2

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Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

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Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

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Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

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Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

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Characteristics of Fortune’s spindle tree

Planting and caring for euonymus is of interest to many modern gardeners. This is due to the incredible beauty of the shrub, its unpretentious nature and unique properties. But before you start growing your crop, you need to get a general idea of ​​its characteristics and preferences:

  1. Under natural conditions, the shrub can grow up to 60 centimeters in height, while its branches grow up to three meters in length. In the process of development, they form nodes, which become the basis for the roots and allow the plant to trail freely along the ground or nearby supports. The close arrangement of leaves to each other makes the crown of the euonymus lush and dense.
  2. The foliage of the shrub is brightly colored with different color variations. The most popular shades are emerald with gold tones or bright green with silvers. The leaves are slightly oblong in shape, and compact in size. Their length does not exceed 2-6 centimeters.
  3. It is problematic to meet flowering shrubs in mid-latitudes and in the temperate continental climatic zone. Flowering is possible only in the wild if conditions are favorable. During this period, euonymus is covered with many bright flowers with a greenish tint.
  4. As for the fruits, they appear on the crop only in the fall. But due to their toxic composition, they cannot be eaten.
  5. Unpretentious nature and good resistance to cold weather allows you to grow the plant in Russian latitudes.
  6. Despite the rapid growth in popularity, euonymus is still considered exotic for domestic gardeners.

Euonymus plant

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub


– this is a very interesting shrub, today there are about 200 varieties of this plant. Translation of the name – “
glorious tree ”.
Often this shrub is used in landscape design, it looks especially impressive as a fence or hedge.

There is high views

, these are no longer shrubs, but full-fledged trees, the height of which can reach four meters.

The plant was loved for the beauty of the leaves, because there are varieties

with very unusual leaves
with spots
cream in color, as well as with white and even silver splashes.

Euonymus: planting and care


Usually this plant is planted in the spring, but sometimes you can plant it in the fall. Spotted varieties are very fond of the sun, but most species are best planted in light partial shade.

Euonymus do not like acidic soils, it is better to choose a neutral option. Light, permeable and fertile soils are ideal. A lot of varieties grow quickly in width, take this factor into account when planting, and plant dwarf euonymus in containers, then the plant will decorate the garden in summer, and your home in winter.

Prepare your planting hole in two weeks! It should be large, about one and a half times the size of the plant’s roots. The top soil is mixed with compost, and sand is poured onto the bottom.

Place the seedling in the hole, fill with earth and tamp lightly. For planting hedges, a trench planting method is suitable.

It is not at all difficult to care for the euonymus, water it when the earth is completely dry. Better to mulch the soil. If it rains often in your area or the summer is not very hot, then you may not water your plant at all.

They are fed only twice during the spring-autumn season. Mineral fertilizer is applied in spring and autumn.

It is worth paying attention to pruning, because the beauty of your shrub or tree depends on it. You can form an unusual and beautiful crown, the euonymus on the trunk looks spectacular and neat.

Euonymus species

There are many interesting, beautiful and unusual species of this plant. A very popular species is the Forchun euonymus, it is unique, because most varieties of this species do not grow up, but spread along the ground.

Fortune’s euonymus Emerald Gold

A very impressive plant. It is perfect for creating curbs, low hedges, as a shrub on the wall, for decorating flower beds, tree trunks, for growing in rock gardens and on the balcony. It looks especially beautiful against the background of plastered white walls.

Fortune’s spindle tree Emerald Gold or Emerald ‘n’ Gold euonymus (Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”) is an evergreen dwarf shrub with a tropical appearance. Creeping view of euonymus.

It features bright green foliage with a golden border, which turns pinkish-red in autumn and winter. It grows up to 60 cm in height and up to 100-150 cm in width.

The bush is dense, fluffy, fast-growing to medium-sized, with a wide-spread crown. It can climb a support or travel along the ground. It is spread by creeping roots or stems (if they touch the ground).

Leaves are dense, leathery, shiny, elliptical, 2 to 4 cm long. The flowers are unremarkable, small, greenish-white in color. They appear in late spring – early summer.

The fruits are very spectacular, but differ from the fruits of other types of euonymus. They are smaller, flattened spherical, white or pale yellow in color. They keep on the plant for a long time (until January). When cracked, the fruits give bright orange seeds. Caution, fruits contain toxic substances!

Fortune’s eonymus grows in full sun in well-drained soils. It can grow in partial shade, but then it loses its decorative effect. It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and high humidity (except for marshy soil) well.

Needs regular watering: weekly or more often in hot weather. Drought tolerant.

Fortune’s spindle tree Emerald Gold – winters well in the temperate zone. It can withstand – 23 ° С frost. But since the bush is completely covered with snow in winter, severe frosts are not terrible for this plant.

Meanwhile, the name of this euonymus has its own history. The specific epithet “Fortunei” appeared due to the fact that this euonymus was brought from China by the botanist Robert Fortunei in 1907. And finally, the variety named after, Emerald ‘n’ Gold (Emerald-and-Gold), of course, for its variegated foliage: the leaves are emerald or green with a gold border.

Winged spindle tree Euonymus alatus

This is another popular species, it includes about twenty varieties of euonymus. China, Japan, South Sakhalin and Korea are the natural habitats of the plant.

The average height of the winged euonymus is two and a half meters, the leaves are dense, dark green. The main feature of the species is the very decorative fruit-boxes of bright red color, they immediately catch the eye and decorate the plant.

Japanese spindle tree Euonymus japonica. A very interesting variety, because this euonymus can be grown not only in the garden, but also in your home. The variety does not tolerate cold, if the temperature on the thermometer is more than five degrees below zero, the plant dies. This is why it is often grown in containers.

When the Japanese euonymus is good, it grows very quickly, then if the conditions are bad, then it seems to freeze, but remains beautiful. Consider this if you want to decorate an apartment, house, office, restaurant or other room with a plant.

European spindle tree Euonymus europaeus. This type of euonymus perfectly adapts to our climate, because in nature it grows in many European countries. In Ukraine, it grows in the Crimea, as well as in other southern regions.

The maximum height is up to six meters, but more often the European euonymus looks like a shrub, not a tree. The species is loved to be planted in gardens because of the very beautiful red fruits that complement the green leaves.

Eonymus photo

Winged euonymus
Euonymus alatus:

The most popular varieties

Currently, Fortune’s euonymus has more than 20 unique varieties, which are in special demand among summer residents and gardeners.

One of the most famous is the Fortune Emerald Gold euonymus. Planting and caring for this variety remains extremely simple, while it is considered to be a true standard of shrub beauty. Even the name perfectly conveys the bright appearance of the plant, namely its incredible foliage, which has a shade of “Emerald in Gold”.

The small leaves of the Emerald in Gold cultivar have an oblong shape and a unique bright green color with golden yellow edging. With the arrival of autumn, the edges acquire a pinkish or reddish-brown color. The size of the shrub is relatively small, while it grows very slowly. The maximum height rarely exceeds 30 centimeters, although individual specimens have managed to grow up to 60 centimeters. At the same time, dense branches often grow up to two meters, as a result of which they are often used for vertical gardening. Emerald Gold is considered a frost-resistant plant that can withstand extreme cold up to minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Another well-known variety is the Fortune Emerald of Haiti. Despite its compact size (the maximum height of the bush does not exceed 20 centimeters), this type of euonymus can be an excellent addition for rocky gardens or paths. Unlike previous varieties, the Haiti Emerald Emerald does not have strong branch growth. Small ovoid leaves are famous for their bright green color and have an intermittent white border. The key advantage of the Gaiety cultivar is its amazing frost resistance. It is known that the shrub is able to survive even the most severe frost with temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius.

Also among gardeners, the variety “Malyutka” has a good reputation. From the name it becomes clear that this shrub has a very compact size, which makes it an interesting decoration for rocky gardens and framing paths. The advantage of the variety is considered to be a small overgrowth of branches and beautiful dark green foliage.

Other popular shrub varieties include Blondie, Eresclet Fortune Harlequin, and Harlequin.

Common varieties

Based on the natural species, various varieties have been created that meet various landscape design tasks. They differ in foliage color, height and growth rate.

Emerald Gold

Beresklet Fortuna «Emerald ‘n’ Gold» (or “Emerald in gold”) forms bushes up to half a meter in height. The name of the variety perfectly describes the color of the foliage of this shrub. The small oval leaves have a bright green core and golden edging around the edges, and turn reddish brown in autumn. The shrub grows slowly, but is suitable for vertical gardening – its lashes can “climb” to a height of 2 m. Although the frost resistance of this variety is quite high, the plant can die in a particularly harsh winter.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
«Emerald Gold»

“Minimas” (“Baby”)

Creeping variety of Fortune euonymus “Minimas» belongs to slow-growing and reaches a height of only 15-20 cm. The shoots of the plant are very thin, and the shiny leathery leaves barely exceed 1 cm in size. The color of the foliage is dark green all year round. This variety forms a dense “pillow” crown and is used as a ground cover plant.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
“Minimus” (“Baby”)


“Vegetus” (“Vegetas”) is a relatively tall variety, the bushes of which rise 50-60 cm above the ground. Compared to other varieties, it has large (up to 4-5 cm) leaves, the surface of which is dull, and the veins stand out on the green background in the form of a white or light green grid. It grows quickly and forms dense thickets, which is used to create imitations of a lawn and low living curbs.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

Emerald Haiti

“Emerald Gaiety” (“Emerald of Haiti”) – a variety whose bushes do not take up much space and reach a height of 25 cm. Egg-shaped leaves have a bright green core and a slightly uneven border around the edge, white in spring and summer, and acquiring a pink tint in autumn … It grows at an average rate and forms a dense “carpet” rather quickly. This species is perfect for the northern regions as a ground cover.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
«Emerald Gaiety»

“Silver Queen”

“Silver Queen” (“Silver Queen”) forms bushes up to 80 cm high. Light green leaves in the spring turn gray-green over time, the edging at the edges is white, and in the fall it acquires a pinkish tint, which makes Silver Queen similar to the previous one. grade. The shrub is fast-growing and forms a pillow-shaped crown with a diameter of 60-90 cm.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
«Silver Queen»

Sheridan Gold

“Sheridan Gold” is a slow-growing variety that grows weakly to the sides and has a height of up to 40 cm. The leaves are quite large, up to 4 cm, at first they have a juicy yellow color, which is then replaced by yellow-green.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
«Sheridan Gold»


The “Sunspot” variety is photophilous and loses its variegated color when there is a lack of sun. The leaves of this variety are glossy, golden yellow at the core and dark green at the edges. The bush grows weakly in width, and its height rarely exceeds 20 cm.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
«Sunspot» («Санспот»)


Harlequin prefers to grow in shaded areas. Its greenish-white leaves with pink areas fade in full sun. The plant is not tall and quickly forms a dense “pillow”.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub


Euonymus “Coloratus” (“Coloratus”) – ground cover dark green variety, reaching a height of 40 cm, and can grow up to 1,5 m. Loves shady places in which forms a green carpet. If there is vertical support, it will fly up. The foliage turns purple in autumn. Winter-hardy, because withstands frost down to -29 ° C

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

“Darts Blanket”

“Dart’s Blanket” is also a ground cover, but in comparison with the previous variety forms a denser carpet up to 60 cm in height. Scourges can reach a length of 2 m. In summer, the foliage is rich green, in autumn it is bronze. Suitable for vertical landscaping. Winter-hardy, but young plants should be covered in the first year.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub
«Dart’s Blanket»

Methods of reproduction

If you want to start growing euonymus, you should decide on the reproduction method. Currently, the plant is grown vegetatively or from seed, although most gardeners prefer the first method, since the second does not allow preserving the maternal traits.

If we talk about reproduction by rooted layers, then it is distinguished by particular simplicity and availability. Due to the ability to creep along the ground and form roots on the branches, this euonymus takes root on its own, and several young plants can appear from one branch. All that is required from the gardener is to separate the new shoot from the old one, and then transplant it into open ground.

If you want to equip vertical gardening, it is enough to dig a depression in the near-trunk circle and bend individual branches to it. Then they need to be covered with soil, leaving for some time for full rooting. If young shoots are firmly rooted in the ground, they can soon be separated from the mother bush and moved to a permanent flower bed.

When propagating by cuttings, you need to prepare planting material in the summer. In this case, non-lignified shoots are selected, having a length of 10-12 centimeters and at least one healthy node. For high-quality rooting of cuttings, it is better to withstand some time in a growth stimulator (a special composition that is pre-diluted in a container with water). PAfter processing with such a means, the planting material can be transferred to the prepared substrate, which consists of two parts:

In order for the shrub to take root and be able to fully take root, it is better to root it in a greenhouse. Unfortunately, this action takes about 1 month. Only after a similar period of time the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Another vegetative propagation method is to divide the bush. It is most often practiced in early spring, when an adult mother plant is carefully removed from the ground, after which it is divided into several full-fledged parts. The main thing is that each part has strong roots and growth points. As a result, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place, having previously treated them with wood ash, which will ensure rapid healing of the cut sites.

Planting euonymus

The gaeti euonymus, despite its unpretentiousness, requires a little attention from the gardener, especially when planting it.

Growing begins with the selection of a seedling. Indeed, the further development of the plant depends on the quality of the planting material. Therefore, it is recommended to buy seedlings at specialized points of sale. The spindle tree should have healthy and strong roots, as well as intact branches.

The optimal time for acquiring and planting seedlings is spring. After buying a shrub, you need to choose the right place for it. Fortune Emerald loves well-lit areas, can painlessly tolerate light partial shade at lunchtime, which is even a necessity, since aggressive sunlight at this time can lead to loss of moisture in the leaves and their lethargy.

Another important point when choosing a location is the location of groundwater. They should go as low as possible, since the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore, it is best to plant a shrub on an easy hill.

After choosing a location, attention should be paid to preparing the soil. In general, a plant can grow on any soil, but for its favorable development and maintaining high decorative qualities, the soil should be prepared before planting, since shrubs feel best in a nutritious and light soil. You can prepare the substrate as follows:

All components are mixed and mineral fertilizers are added to the prepared substrate; for these purposes, special complexes for evergreens are suitable.

After the preparatory work, you can start planting the seedling. This is done as follows:

  • landing pits are being prepared on the site, their number depends on the nature of the planned landing, for group pits it is recommended to maintain a distance between the pits of thirty to fifty centimeters;
  • the size of the planting pits depends on the root system of the seedlings, it should be twice as large;
  • at the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer is laid, at least fifteen centimeters thick, made of broken brick, small stones and sand;
  • then the pit is covered by one third with the prepared substrate;
  • a seedling is planted, and covered with the rest of the substrate. In this case, the root collar is not buried;
  • the planted plant is abundantly watered and the root circle of the earth is mulched with peat and sawdust.

As you can see, the planting of the euonymus does not have any particular difficulties. The main thing is to remember the main points and strictly follow them.

Spring planting of seedlings gives them more chances, because before the onset of cold weather, the plant fully adapts and takes root. And it is quite ready to spend the winter safely. Therefore, forchun is planted in open ground no later than the first days of May.

If there is an urgent need, then you can plant a seedling in the fall, then in this case there is a great risk of its death in the winter.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

Seed cultivation

As already mentioned, vegetative breeding methods are considered the simplest, most affordable and productive. In most cases, they give excellent results, allowing the grower to enjoy a healthy and vibrant plant in a short period of time.

However, in addition to these techniques, euonymus can be grown by seed. Naturally, such an action takes a lot of time and effort, and when propagated by seeds it is impossible to preserve the decorative properties of the mother bush, which is also a minus.

Immediately before planting, the selected material lends itself to stratification in a manganese solution. After such treatment, the seeds are placed in a container with wet sand, where they are kept for at least three months, as a rule, all winter.

Then the stratified seeds need to be transferred to a warm room for 3-4 months, which is quite enough for their full germination. Planting material is sown into peat or sand, leaving it there for about 30 days. During this period of time, the first green seedlings should appear from the ground. Basically, the seed method takes about 3-4 years, while the probability of seeds rooting, unfortunately, is minimal.

Preparatory stages

If you want to start growing euonymus, you need to allocate the optimal time for planting activities. According to experts, the best time for planting shrubs is April-May. During this period, the weather conditions are already quite favorable, so the young seedling will be able to finally get stronger and stock up on the necessary strength before the onset of winter cold weather. Often, gardeners start planting in the fall, but this method leads to the emergence of risks of death of the culture.

For the landing to be successful and give the expected result, you need to follow the following step-by-step guidance:

  1. A recess or a trench is dug in a previously prepared area, depending on the expected composition.
  2. The size of the pit should exceed the volume of roots with an earthen clod by 1,5-2 times.
  3. Place a 15 cm drainage layer at the bottom of the groove. Otherwise, moisture stagnation will lead to root rot and the development of dangerous fungal diseases. Broken brick, gravel or expanded clay are used as drainage.
  4. The excavated soil is thoroughly mixed with sand, humus, peat or mineral compounds, after which the seedling is placed in a hole at the same depth at which it is in the container.
  5. The seedling must be buried by compacting the earth around it. It is also important to arrange a place for watering and thoroughly water the euonymus.
  6. Another important step in planting is mulching the trunk circle, which will reduce the percentage of moisture evaporation. Peat, sawdust or fallen leaves can be used as a layer of mulch.

Thinness of care

It is not difficult to care for Fortune’s spindle tree, although some rules and recommendations must be followed. By giving the culture minimal attention, care and maintenance, in a short time it will be possible to enjoy its lush foliage and extraordinary coloring.

Careful watering is an important step in the care. And although euonymus belongs to drought-resistant species, at a young age it needs to be watered regularly, which will have a good effect on survival in new conditions. The optimal frequency of watering is once a week, while in the dry period it is increased up to two times. As for the more mature representatives of the variety, they are watered twice a month.

Also, the gardener needs to loosen and mulch the soil, regularly feed, pruning and arranging the protection of the bush from the cold.

Performing such actions will be the key to productive growth and development of an incredibly beautiful evergreen shrub.

Growing fortune

Caring for the fortune euonymus shrub is absolutely not burdensome. The plant can safely tolerate mild drought, lack of nutrients and low temperatures. But if we want to grow a gorgeous evergreen bush with decorative leaves, then even so, some attention should be paid to the plant.

Watering is very important for young seedlings. After planting, they should be watered regularly and abundantly; in summer, the frequency of watering can be up to twice a week. As the bush matures, you can water it much less often, only after the ground around the bush is completely dry. But in the springtime, in the absence of rain, forchuna, regardless of age, needs regular watering, because moisture gives the plant an incentive for further development.

Mulching is most often used for young shrubs. It allows not only to retain moisture, protects against weeds, but also serves as an additional top dressing, because peat or humus is used as mulch. The mulching layer needs to be renewed periodically.

Euonymus is fed in spring and autumn. The first top dressing is applied in mid-April. Fertilize the bush with a complex mineral preparation and compost. And in the fall, potassium and phosphorus are added.

Shrub maintenance includes sanitary pruning. It is held in early spring. During this period, dry and damaged branches are removed.

Haitian euonymus belongs to frost-resistant varieties, but its young specimens require shelter. In late autumn, it is recommended to spud the root circle with peat or humus and cover the shrub with burlap or fallen leaves.

Features of caring for the euonymus Fortune shrub

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Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

Euonymus fortunei “Emerald Gold”

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Anna Evans


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