Iris benefit and harm

The use of iris, by the way, is also that it raises our mood by stimulating the production of hormones of joy.

2. Butter or vegetable oil.

It is a rich source of fats in iris, which are physiologically needed by our body for a variety of purposes – for energy, for building cell membranes, for many reactions in the body.

3. Condensed milk, which is a rich source of proteins and fats.

Milk proteins are highly digestible and rich in amino acids, while fats, like simple sugars, are abundant sources of energy. It is clear that with one toffee candy does not contain a lot of these substances, but the very presence of them in the composition is already better than just one …

4. Soy protein.

By the way, it has been added to toffee candies almost from the time when these candies were just launched into production. True, initially it was added to the butterscotch composition quite a bit, just for the sake of economy. Today, some sweets do not contain milk proteins at all, and the smell and taste of condensed milk are given to sweets using synthetic ingredients.

But soy protein is very good. Especially for vegetarians. Its benefit is that it is also rich in amino acids, it is also quite easy to digest. Its main disadvantage over dairy milk is the absence of that very “great” taste of condensed milk.

5. Stream.

This is a cross between simple sugar and complex starch, the product of incomplete processing of the latter. Like simple sugars, molasses is a rich source of energy. It is used in the composition of butterscotch rather to give them an appropriate stretching consistency.

6. Various natural supplements.

Toffee can contain many of them – chocolate and vanilla, nuts and seeds, candied fruits and liqueur filling. They all have both positive and negative qualities. Nuts, for example, are almost unambiguously beneficial, but the properties of the alcoholic filling can be debated. This must be remembered when choosing one or another candy.

Anna Evans


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