How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
In shops and markets, small tangerine trees are sold ready for planting. Some of them have gained color or even bear fruit, but the cost of such specimens cannot be called cheap. If you don’t feel like overpaying a few thousand for a new pet, try growing a tangerine tree yourself.
Of all citrus fruits, tangerines are considered the most unpretentious. In order to germinate a seed, you do not have to create special conditions, it is enough to provide it with a nutrient medium and water it regularly. There are some rules for growing this plant, but they are not too complicated.

Description of the tangerine tree: how and where it grows

The homeland of the tangerine tree is China. It was from there that the fruit began to spread to India, Japan and further across Southeast Asia. FROMfamily – rue, genus – citrus. In natural habitat, the tree can grow up to 4 meters in height. The branches of the plant are dotted with sharp thorns.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
Under natural conditions, the life cycle of a tree is more than half a century. At home – up to 25 years.

Flowers appear on last year’s shoots. One brush contains 2-3 flowers. They have a delicate pleasant aroma. The appearance of fruits occurs in the spring, ripening ends by autumn.

Growing an ordinary tangerine at home can be difficult, it is better to choose one of the dwarf varieties specially bred for this purpose.

What fruits can you get at home

Any homemade tangerine will bear fruit. When starting planting, it is worthwhile to clearly understand the goals of such cultivation: to obtain a beautiful decorative tangerine tree or a fruit-bearing tree, from which fruits can be eaten. The fruits obtained depend on the material from which the tree is cultivated:

  • from seeds – the tree will grow for a long time, the fruits will be decorative;
  • to obtain sweet fruits, mandarin is grown by cuttings or grafting.

Homemade citrus fruits – decorative mandarin

After several years have passed, only then will you be able to admire a beautiful tree with shiny leaves and fragrant flowers, when the fragrance itself will spread throughout the house, bringing in it unique comfort and coziness. The tangerine tree itself belongs to the rue family, has a spherical crown shape, the leaves are evergreen and are replaced every four years – the flowers are small, white with a characteristic strong aroma. The plant itself reproduces either by seeds, or vegetatively and at home, tangerines grown from seeds are most often found. For the most part, this is a decorative tree that blooms beautifully and smells good, decorates the interior and nothing more – its fruits are small and tasteless. In the farm gardens, for the most part, tangerines are grown and subsequently grafted so that such plants not only decorate, but also give tasty, juicy fruits, those that fall on our table with you. If you want such a fruiting tree, then you will have to graft it, but this will be discussed below.

How to choose a fruit for planting and how to select seeds

For planting, a ripe juicy fruit is chosen, without signs of rotting or dryness. The seeds are separated from the pulp, do not dry the seeds for too long – this affects the germination of the material.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
Planting material is taken with a margin, many seeds simply will not sprout.

Seeds should not be:

  • withered;
  • blackened;
  • deformed.

There is no guarantee of the germination of store fruit seeds. For a higher chance of germination, you can buy seeds from the store.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: step by step

All stages of preparation and cultivation have their own characteristics, the observance of which guarantees a beautiful plant in a short time.

How to germinate – features of seed preparation

Cooked, dried seeds of artichoke, lemon or tangerine are soaked for 12 hours using stimulants (for example, “Zircon”, “Epin extra”). Such stimulation with drugs will strengthen the root system of the future plant, accelerate germination. Soaking rules:

  • the soaking container should not be flat or very deep;
  • the seeds are wrapped with a moistened piece of cloth;
  • the container is placed in a warm place;
  • the container should be placed in polyethylene to prevent the fabric from drying out.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video

The most favorable period to plant a seed in the soil is early February. At this time, daylight hours increase, the plant will need light. Although at the stage of germination, light is not as important to the plant as heat.

Selection of soil and containers for planting

The soil for planting must have a neutral pH. The soil can be prepared independently from humus, earth and sand without impurities (2: 2: 1). The easiest way is to pick up a special soil substrate in the store.

To germinate a mandarin or orange seed, it is convenient to use plastic cups or saucers. You can choose small pots in the store. All containers must have drain holes.

Landing rules and methods

The most important rule for germinating the hearth of citrus trees from seeds is to place the seed in the ground as quickly as possible.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
After removing the seeds from the fruit, you must almost immediately place it in the ground, digging it to a depth of about 5 cm.

If it was not possible to plant immediately, they resort to soaking together with growth stimulants. After placing the seed in the ground, seedlings are expected. It is impossible to determine the exact time, it all depends on the quality of the planting material. Sometimes this period is two weeks, but more often than not, the gatherings will have to wait a month. How to grow lychee from a bone, read here.

It is not recommended to place the future plant in mini greenhouses. The tangerine tree has poor germination, such stimulation will lead to the fact that the future plant will not be able to develop outside the greenhouse conditions.

How to transplant

Depending on the type of planting and the emerging sprout, the transplant is performed:

  • in different containers as soon as four leaves appeared. Choose straight and strong shoots;
  • in the presence of two sprouts from one bone – pinch one or plant two sprouts in different containers. Usually the two sprouts have different root systems.

The next transplant should take place as soon as the root system takes up the entire capacity.

You cannot immediately choose a huge container with an eye on an adult plant – waterlogging of the soil is possible, which is detrimental to tangerine.

It is recommended to replant the tree every year, if it bears fruit – three times less often. Each time, the earth is replaced and a container of a larger diameter is selected. When performing manipulations, it is important to monitor the safety of the root collar.

Old and very large specimens are not transplanted, but every 2 years they renew the soil, affecting only the top layer (about 5 cm) and introducing a new fertile one.

How to grow a fruit-bearing mandarin tree at home

If you think that by planting a seed in the ground, having received shoots and flowering, you will receive sweet fruits on your windowsill, you are deeply and deeply mistaken. From the seed you get only a decorative tree that will delight you with fragrant flowers, green foliage and tiny, very inedible fruits. In order to get a really edible mandarin fruit, the plant itself should be grafted – in this case, it is worth taking a scion from a mother, fruiting, varietal tree and grafting your wild trunk with it.

Care of the plant

For the normal growth of a tangerine tree you need:

  • good illumination, correct temperature conditions;
  • lack of excess moisture;
  • drained soil;
  • additional soil nutrition.

Temperature conditions

Mandarin is the most cold-resistant among other citrus fruits. Unlike mango, all parts of the plant can withstand zero temperature. At a lower one, only a tree with thick evergreen leaves remains. Required temperature regime of mandarin:

  • active growth of mandarin (spring) should occur at a temperature of 17 to 25 degrees;
  • in the autumn and winter periods, the tangerine can develop within 13-17 degrees.

In winter, you need to make sure that the leaves and twigs do not touch the frozen surface of the window glass or frame.


The tangerine tree loves light. The best place to place the pot is on the windowsill.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
The plant is best placed on the east, southeast, west side.

Watering and moisture levels

Natural conditions for the growth of the tangerine tree are subtropics. It is almost impossible to reach the level typical of a humid climate in an apartment (90-95%). For a home plant, it will be enough to provide a moisture percentage of exactly 65%. Read about the temperature for tomato seedlings here.

Moisture provision methods:

  • a small container filled with expanded clay granules is placed next to the plant. They are filled with water. The moisture will evaporate to provide moisture. Add water as needed;
  • use of special humidifiers.

The plant should not be placed next to radiators or heating appliances that drain it out.

For irrigation, tap, rainwater is used, which has settled for a day. Watering rules:

  • use warm water;
  • in summer and in the off-season, watering is abundant;
  • in winter, the plant needs rest and moderate watering. Provided that it is not located next to heating devices.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

To obtain a strong healthy plant, it is necessary to use fertilizers and nutrient complexes. Fertilization rules:

  • for feeding, a special complex for citrus fruits is chosen;
  • the procedure is carried out once every 1 weeks;
  • feeding is carried out according to the principle of alternation;
  • in winter, feeding is not done. During this period, fertilizers are not assimilated, an excess concentration of chemicals in the soil will occur;

transplant is a reason to cancel stimulation procedures for a month. The plant has enough nutrients in the new soil.

Pruning and shaping the crown

The tree will grow beautifully even without pruning and shaping. But external beauty cannot be achieved. The ideal appearance is a branched crown with fan-shaped branches. This shape of the crown allows the tangerine to effectively absorb the rays of the sun. This article will tell you about the processing of tomato seeds before planting seedlings.

Pruning rules:

  • start with pinching, trimming excess shoots;
  • in the spring, the main shoot is cut off by 15 cm, but several buds are left;
  • to form skeletal branches, plants leave 3-5 shoots, limiting their growth to 25 cm;
  • the second order must be shortened by 10 cm;
  • the third and fourth order of shoots must be shortened by 5 cm.

A compact tree takes about 3 years to form. It is important every two weeks to turn the plant towards the sun in different directions for a certain period. Read about the principle of action of phytosporin for currants in this material.


An unscheduled mandarin transplant is performed when the root system fills the entire volume of the pot. The process is carried out with care so as not to damage the roots. The tree is moved to a new container with a clod of earth on the system. Upon completion, watering is carried out, not feeding.


To get a tree to bear fruit at home, you need to graft it. Vaccination rules:

  1. The stock is pre-grown until the trunk reaches a thickness of about 5 mm.
  2. A scion is prepared – a small shoot cut from a varietal tree.
  3. A T-shaped incision is made on the bark of the stock. A deep cut must be avoided. The cut in width is 2 cm in the leg of the letter, 1 cm in its cap.
  4. Bend the ends of the cut and carefully insert the scion (mandarin bud), press the bark.
  5. Secure the place with the left scion with garden varnish, wrap it with electrical tape. The petiole is left outside.
  6. Place the grafted tree in a bag, making an impromptu greenhouse.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
Mandarin is usually grafted into the cleft and cut.

Successful vaccination – the kidney will take root, the petiole will disappear. If not, the petiole will turn black. After a month, the greenhouse is completely removed, the stem of the stock is cut a few millimeters (3-5) from the place with the inoculation. Remove the electrical tape, process with a pitch. This link will tell you about wine and Chardonnay grapes.

What to do during flowering and fruiting

During these periods, the needs of the tree change – there is a need for potassium and phosphorus, but not nitrogen. During the period of the appearance of flowers, watering is done moderately, switching to gentle spraying, avoiding getting on the flowers.

When ripe, the fruits may crack – it is necessary to adjust the irrigation rate or reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers.

Indoor plant grafting

In order for a citrus tree to bear fruit, it is necessary to inoculate the cuttings from varietal mandarin. Slices are made with a disinfected sharp instrument. At the time of vaccination, the young tree should be as thick as a pencil. There are many ways of vaccination, we choose the most convenient option:

  • T-shaped scion using a shallow incision under the bark;
  • acute angle inoculation, the cut is attached to the cut on the tree;
  • V-shaped cut the game is done in the center, a twig is inserted inside.

Tangerine grafting into cleavage
You need to vaccinate quickly and accurately. Tightly bandage the vaccination site and cover it with garden varnish… To ensure comfortable conditions for the plant after the scion, you can cover it with a transparent bag or glass jar. You can use growth stimulants.

A rooted and grafted tree, being on the south side with sufficient watering and fertilization, will delight with an abundance of tangerines. With advice on growing, you can safely start planting… As experience shows, it turns out that everyone can grow a tangerine from a bone.

Mandarin pests and diseases

Citrus fruits are susceptible to many diseases, pests love them:

  • spider mite. The sign is a thin white spider web on the leaves. Most common for dry air. At the first stage of infection, a simple spraying with water will wash, then you will need to apply special insecticidal solutions;
  • aphid – an insect of yellow or green color, small in size and rapidly multiplying – up to 25 generations during the summer period. The larvae are able to spend the whole winter hibernating on parts of the plant. At the first stage of infection, a hot water shower (no more than 60 degrees) will help, mass infection is cured with special drugs;
  • gommose – brown spots on the trunk and shoots. The bark at the locations of the spots begins to fall off, the cracks ooze with a golden gum. Sore spots need to be cleaned at the first stages of the disease, treated with copper sulfate, garden varnish.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
The cause of the disease is a deficiency of minerals, mechanical damage.

Pest Control

Even if all the conditions for planting mandarin seeds are met, this does not protect the plant from the development of diseases or pest attacks, which in the end often lead to the death of a citrus pet. Most often, the tangerine tree is attacked by the following pests:

  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly citrus;
  • scabbard and others.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
Mandarins infect several species of scale insects

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video
The scale insect causes irreparable harm to the plant

As a preventive measure, young plants must be inspected regularly to take action when the first suspicious signs are detected… But if they are identified, you need to immediately rinse the plant under warm water, treat it with “green soap”. No less effective in the fight against various pests and diseases are “Actellik” and “Fitoverm”.

How to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, videoHow to grow a tangerine from a bone at home: photo, video

Potential Growing Problems – What Difficulties You Can Face

Growing an exotic fruit for our area is not complete without a number of problems:

  • yellowness and falling leaves. The most common reason is a lack of nitrogen and iron. A solution of urea or boric acid (1 g per 1 liter of water), iron chelate will help. Leaf fall can be associated with the onset of autumn, dry air, and tree movement;
  • falling flowers. Occurs due to heat in the room, overflow or underfilling, accumulation of nitrogen. The problem is solved by eliminating the conditions that led to the fall.

Anna Evans


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