Dwarf pomegranate in your garden

If yesterday we discussed how you can create your rockery garden, today we have remembered a species that you can include in that environment and even in a pot. The dwarf pomegranate (Punica granatum var. Nana).

A full-fledged pomegranate with a measured size for the decorative purpose of its flowers within a rockery shrubby garden.

Dwarf pomegranate in your rockery garden or in pots

The dwarf variety of the pomegranate is planted with a purpose that is nothing more than ornamental, since its flowers adorn the garden without the need for a large tree, in case of not having much space or not wanting a arboreal appearance.

In its bloom, it is literally a ball of flowers as we see in the following photo. We have already talked about the pomegranate and its conditions in the pomegranate cultivation post. It is a tree perfectly adapted to Mediterranean climates, it tolerates and even prefers poor soils and great sunbathing and heat. And what about the dwarf pomegranate? Does it behave the same? Let’s see it.

Dwarf Pomegranate Grow Guide

The advantage of this variety is in the period of activity we will have a continued flowering from early summer to September. The downside is its slow growth. To reach 1 meter in height, they can take 15 to 20 years.

As this variety is dwarf and its purpose is ornamental and not productive, height is not what we are concerned about. In the winter break, if it has been a harsh winter, it can seem so inactive that you will even think that it has not survived. Give it time, you will get rid of doubts in the month of May. It’s a bit late.

Climate and soil needs

Regarding edaphoclimatic needs, it is not necessary to extend much beyond what we have in the post about the cultivation of pomegranate. In short, a dry, hot environment, without frost and very tolerant of poor and calcareous soils. Let’s go into a little more detail.

Temperatures and exposure

It is warm climate, supports very well high temperatures and high doses of radiation. Just as in the pomegranate we said that in the adult state it supports temperatures of up to -5 ºC, with the dwarf specimen we must be more careful with frost, protecting the plant if it is in a pot.

Dwarf pomegranate flowering

Floración granado enano

Soil characteristics

Like its “big cousin”, it is capable of surprisingly growing in such poor and calcareous soils. Therefore, it is ideal in rockery gardens like the ones we talked about yesterday.


We have already commented that this species resists very well dry spells, but it is necessary to qualify. Remember that when a plant species is resistant to drought (except cacti and succulents), it is because its root system is very strong and deepens finding the water in horizons where other plants do not reach.

If the pomegranate is very young or is in a pot, we cannot neglect the watering or they will irretrievably die. In these cases it is advisable to water a couple of times a week lightly and somewhat more abundantly in summer.


Pruning of the dwarf pomegranate should be done at the end of winter (February) just before awakening from its vegetative activity. It does not suffer with intense pruning, so if it is located in a rockery garden, we can give it shape and adapt it to the space.

Cultivation in rockery or pot

The climate will limit your options like almost any crop. If you suffer from winter frosts regularly, I would tell you that the garden will not be the best place. Then we recommend the pot, that you can always protect it during the harsh winter.

If your weather does not suffer from winter frosts or of some sporadic and not very intense, the rockery garden exposed to the sun will be the perfect place. Rather poor soil, calcareous, with good drainage (this is always important), a lot of sun and without neglecting the watering too much.

Anna Evans


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