Gooseberry benefits and harms

Gooseberry benefits and harms

Fresh berries are rich in serotonin. This useful substance is not in vain called the “hormone of happiness” – it helps to fight fatigue, chronic stress, depression and insomnia. Fresh gooseberry has a stimulating and restorative effect, improves mood, increases the body’s resistance, strengthens the immune system.

Due to the increased content of pectin and ballast substances in berries, gooseberry helps to bind and remove salts, heavy metals and toxins from the body. Traditional medicine recommends the use of fresh gooseberries for chronic constipation, kidney, urinary tract and gallbladder diseases. Also, the beneficial properties of gooseberries are that it helps well with avitominosis and some skin diseases caused by a deficiency of carotene and B vitamins.However, people prone to diabetes should be wary of fresh berries, since they contain a large amount Sahara. Also, gooseberries are not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the duodenum and gastric ulcer – fresh berries can irritate them.

Gooseberry is a delicious and healthy dessert berry. It is used in home cooking and food processing; it makes excellent jams, preserves, confitures, filling for pies, jelly, fruit drinks and compotes. Due to its high pectin content, gooseberries are considered a good raw material for making marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows.

Anna Evans


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