Feeding and rearing suckling piglets

Raising suckling piglets is a responsible and rather difficult task, even in the event of a successful farrowing, a large percentage of young animals can die or get sick. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide babies with proper care and feeding. They will help to improve the health of the offspring and increase its survival, which in the future will positively affect the health and productivity of pigs.

Pig with offspring

Peculiarities of growing

In newborn piglets, the process of formation of the main organs and systems of the body is still ongoing. The digestive system is not sufficiently developed, the immune system is gradually building up, the cub is quickly gaining weight. In order for such development to occur productively, it is important to provide the offspring with proper housing conditions, which include a number of different factors.


In the first days of life, the optimal temperature regime plays a paramount role for the growth of the baby. In that part of the room where the offspring was born and kept, the temperature should not fall below 30 degrees. In the pen where the sow lives and is fed, a minimum value of 16 degrees is allowed.

To comply with such a thermal regime, it is advisable to finish the room in which the piglets are kept with high-quality insulation. Also, special lamps with powerful heaters will help maintain heat in an open machine.

Humidity and air access

The body of a piglet immediately after farrowing is still extremely weak and susceptible to various infections. Therefore, to reduce the risk of the spread of pathogens in the pigsty, it is necessary to provide a good ventilation system. But it should not create a draft while working, as babies are extremely sensitive to cold, which slows down their growth.

The floor should be covered with a thick layer of dry straw

The floor should be covered with a thick layer of dry straw

It is important to completely eliminate any sources of dampness in the barn. To do this, the floor in the department where the uterus with offspring is contained should be lined with a thick layer of dry straw. It is necessary to regularly remove manure and liquid feed residues from the premises, to exclude any ways of penetration of atmospheric precipitation inside.

Other Features

Immediately after birth, piglets should be kept close to their mother for an average of 2 months. In the period from 10 to 16 days of being under the sow, all cubs that are planned to be fattened are castrated. Near the uterus, young animals tolerate such a procedure more easily.

It is also worth noting that a significant improvement in digestion, and, as a result, the growth and development of young animals is facilitated by irradiation with ultraviolet rays.

It is imperative to monitor the process of feeding babies. The sow gives birth to piglets already with milk teeth. They are used to hold the nipple firmly, but in some cases it happens that the tooth has a too sharp edge and the baby can injure the uterus. If this happens, you must immediately remove the sharp part of the incisor with forceps. Otherwise, the uterus may refuse to feed the offspring.

Approximate diet

Feeding of suckling pigs in the first days of life is realized exclusively at the expense of milk, which is given by the sow. Immediately after the birth, the babies are wiped dry and placed on the mother’s nipple, and even with prolonged childbirth, this must be done no later than 1,5 hours after farrowing. This approach allows you to significantly strengthen the immunity of newborns, quickly increase their growth due to the full range of nutrients that are contained in milk.

Feeding suckling piglets

Feeding suckling piglets

Since the baby’s stomach is still developing and is small in size, in the first days he is able to consume only 15 g of milk at a time. In the future, this figure is constantly growing and by the 10th day a piglet can eat up to 300 g of milk, by 20 this figure rises to 400 g. to ensure the remaining 85%, feeding should be gradually introduced into the diet.

It is necessary to accustom sucklings to a new type of food from the 5th day of their life. By this time, the piglets have teeth erupted, salivation begins to develop, which plays an important role in the functioning of the digestive system. From now on, suckling piglets can be fed at home. For this, small portions are introduced into the diet:

  • Roasted grains of wheat, corn or peas. Such food, due to the smell, causes appetite in babies, and is also much easier to digest in the still unformed digestive system.
  • Combined feed. Special premixes, balanced according to the needs of suckers, will ensure faster weight gain. They are fed from a separate clean trough, which is located in the family’s machine, and later in a special dining room.
  • Mineral supplement for suckling piglets. Although milk has most of the nutrients, it is not able to fill the offspring’s need for calcium and iron. Accordingly, mineral supplements should also be included in the diet.

The following components can be used as a mineral supplement:

  1. Charcoal. It absorbs the gases accumulating in the intestines and normalizes digestion.
  2. A piece of chalk.
  3. Bone meal.
  4. Purchased mineral complexes.
  5. Iron sulphate. It is mixed into the food of young animals to prevent the development of anemia.



As an anemia prophylaxis, Ferroglyukin injections are also often given to babies. Mineral top dressing, like regular food, is poured into separate clean troughs.

Compound feed and concentrates are thoroughly crushed before serving. They can be given either dry or diluted with a small amount of water (milk, skim milk). It would be useful to supplement such a mixture with flour from legume hay. In addition, hay can also be laid out in bunches in a paddock. It will be the best source of vitamins for young animals.

From 10 days of age, they begin to gradually introduce succulent feed into the diet. First of all, they include grated carrots. It is first fed with a volume of no more than 20 g, so that the pig’s stomach gets used to the new food. In the future, the norm increases to 1 kg, and the root crop itself is no longer rubbed on a grater, but cut into small pieces.

Gradually, from 12-14 days, beets and pumpkins are introduced into food in the same way. At 3 weeks of age, potatoes are also added to the main menu, which are pre-boiled and chopped.

To meet the needs of young animals in vitamins, you should also introduce into the diet:

  • vitamin hay;
  • cow’s milk or skim milk;
  • fish oil in small doses;
  • special premixes and vitamin complexes.

It will be useful from the 8th day to accustom the kids to the grain mess. In this case, the best option is to tear from barley. Of the total volume of the mixture, it should occupy at least 50%, as it gives the young growth a good increase, but the turd from legumes must be cut to 15%. The rest of the composition can be supplemented with corn and oatmeal.

From the listed concentrates, a thick porridge is prepared or steamed. Be sure to add back to it. A positive effect will also be given by wheat bran, which is diluted with the main composition. The resulting porridge is not intended for long-term storage. Therefore, babies should not be given it again, as there is a high risk of bacteria entering the intestines.

A good effect in improving the growth and development of young animals is given by antibiotics that are fed to piglets along with food. To do this, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of milk, skim milk or warm boiled water, about 3 hours before serving. During meals, the resulting mixture is introduced into food and served to babies. Most often, biomycin, terramycin and penicillin are used for this purpose.

From about the 25th day of life, piglets begin to be fed in a separate pen, which acts exclusively as a dining room. In such a room, young animals eat food more actively and completely. But if the offspring of two sows are fed in one dining room at once, the department should be partitioned off for separate feeding of each of the groups.

Feeding piglets

Feeding piglets

Feeding rates

When drawing up the correct diet for a two-month period near the sow, the piglet is able to increase its weight by 13 times or more. But to achieve such a result is possible only if the basic norms of feeding young animals are observed.

It should be noted that already from the first days of a baby’s life, it is necessary to adhere to the schedule of meals. On the 5th day after farrowing, the suckling pig must be fed at least 10 times a day, including night meals. Starting from the 20th day after farrowing, feeding at night can be stopped, while the suckling is transferred to 5-7 meals, with even intervals between them. Starting from 2 months of age, it is already possible to carry out no more than 3-4 feedings per day.

For the period of feeding one piglet up to the age of 2 months, it is necessary to spend about 30 feed units of feed. Of these, the protein is at least 3-4 kg. At the same time, for two-week-old piglets, the daily feeding norms are as follows:

  • required energy – 2,2 mJ;
  • feed units – 0,2;
  • dry matter volume – not less than 132 g;
  • protein – 40 g;
  • amino acids – 2,6 g;
  • calcium – at least 1 g per day;
  • phosphorus – 1,3 g;
  • iron – at least 5 mg.

Closer to the age of 2 months, the needs of the baby’s body change slightly, while the daily norm in the batteries is:

  • required energy – 8,4 mJ;
  • feed units – 0,8;
  • dry matter volume – not less than 545 g;
  • protein – 110 g;
  • amino acids – 5,5 g;
  • calcium – at least 3,5 g per day;
  • phosphorus – 5 g;
  • iron – at least 22 mg.

The composition of compound feed, which will provide the indicated norms of nutrients and minerals, includes the following components:

  • crushed barley – about 46% of the total;
  • peeled oats – 21%;
  • sunflower meal – 9%;
  • peas – at least 5%;
  • skimmed milk – 7%;
  • fodder yeast – 3,5%;
  • premix – not less than 1% of the total volume.

Crushed barley for piglets

Crushed barley for piglets

The rest of the composition is occupied by salt and chalk. Such a combined feed is served to young animals in a diluted, skimmed milk form.

Vitamin Supplements

The growth and proper development of young pigs is also impossible without a sufficient amount of vitamins, so it is imperative to introduce various vitamin supplements for piglets into the diet.

When choosing the right dietary supplement, it is important to pay attention to the fact that it contains the following vitamins:

  • A. Helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • D. Its sufficient amount is an important condition for calcium absorption and bone strength.
  • E. Promotes metabolism, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, affects the reproductive function of the animal.
  • B1. It is an important component of many enzymes. Its deficiency causes the development of convulsions and paralysis in the animal. B1 also contributes to an increase in the body’s resistance.
  • B2. Protects the body from the development of various diseases. Affects the reproductive system. Promotes intercellular metabolism and protein synthesis.
  • B3. Stimulates the growth of the animal by regulating the metabolism of proteins and fats.
  • B12. Also promotes growth. Takes part in the formation of blood cells.

To provide the body of the pig with all the listed vitamins, special protein mineral-vitamin supplements (PMS) are excellent. There are quite a few options for such compositions. All of them are also optimally balanced in terms of the amount of nutrients and minerals for each specific group of animals.

Also today, vitamin complexes Suferovit and Eleovit are quite popular, which are sold in the form of injections. They are administered to piglets in accordance with the instructions.

Significantly increase the level of vitamin D in the body will help special ultraviolet lamps that are installed above the machine, which contains babies.

Attention! Before using any supplements and vitamins, you should first consult with your veterinarian. Excess of vitamins in the body is just as harmful as their lack.


It is necessary to water the offspring with water from the first days of life of piglets. In part, the required amount of liquid replaces the sow’s milk. But already from the 4th day, a drinking bowl with clean boiled water should be placed in the corral. Before serving, such water is thoroughly heated to a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

The offspring must have access to water

The offspring must have access to water

It is better to feed liquid to piglets in a regular trough. Young animals will not be able to fully use nipple and cup models of drinkers. In addition, an important point is the constant monitoring of the purity of the liquid. At first, it is necessary to change the water in the drinkers at least 6 times a day.


To grow a full-fledged and healthy offspring, the breeder will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Moreover, to provide the young animals with proper care and feeding is the primary task of the farm owner. But, despite the complexity of the process, in the future, this approach will pay for itself with high productivity of animals and the absence of the need to spend money on the treatment of many diseases.

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Anna Evans


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