Favorable days for sowing tomatoes for seedlings in 2020

Heat-loving tomatoes have long taken root in our latitudes. This crop is necessarily grown by every owner of a household plot. Breeders make life easier for summer residents by breeding varieties intended for cultivation in different climatic zones.

However, this does not mean that agricultural technology should not be given attention. Compliance with the requirements of the culture at all stages of its cultivation is simply necessary in order to maximize the yield of the crop. And it all starts with the right planting of seeds.

Favorable conditions for sowing, growth and development of tomatoes

Favorable conditions for sowing, growth and development of tomatoes

For tomatoes, heat and light are most important. The more intense the light, the faster the crop will ripen. Due to the lack of light, tomatoes will grow weak, elongated.

Temperature conditions. Seeds germinate best at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. If the air is warmed up less than 8-9 degrees, you will not wait for sprouts. In the future, for the normal development of culture, a temperature corridor from +15 to +35 degrees is required. With values ​​outside the normal range, tomatoes will lose their ability to bloom. If even slight frosts come, the bushes will die.

Additional fertilizing. Humidity of air and soil should be moderate. Culture requires fertile soils. At the initial stage of root formation, an element such as phosphorus is of great importance. This mineral is needed by the tomato in the future.

In combination with potassium, phosphorus has a positive effect on the flowering process, fruit formation, and plant immunity.

Nitrogen top dressing is necessary for tomatoes in the initial stages of growth. In the future, an excess of nitrogen can negatively affect fruiting, all the forces of the plant will be directed to the growth of the vegetative mass.

soil. Sandy and loamy soils are suitable for growing tomatoes. The ripening of the crop on such lands is faster, the fruits can be obtained in 1-1,5 months.

Crop rotation. For good growth of tomatoes, it is necessary to observe crop rotation. You can not grow tomatoes after potatoes, these two vegetables have common pests and diseases. Legumes, cabbage, cucumbers are great as predecessors. If tomatoes are grown outdoors, the garden bed must be in a well-lit, elevated place.

Useful advice! Tomatoes grow well after green manure. After the crops of lupine, peas, vetch or mustard sprout, they are mowed, crushed and buried in the ground. Such an organic fertilizer will be an excellent source of nitrogen for tomatoes and at the same time improve soil structure.

Then plant tomatoes

Favorable days for sowing tomatoes for seedlings in 2020 according to the lunar calendar

Favorable days for sowing tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

For sowing tomatoes for seedlings, according to the lunar calendar, there are favorable and unfavorable days.

It is good if the moment of spitting of the seeds coincides with the Full Moon – in this case, the roots will begin to grow on the waning Moon. It turns out that the best time for sowing comes a few days before the moon becomes full.

However, it is permissible to sow even 2-3 days after the New Moon – at this time, the negative influence of the waning moon is not too great.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting tomatoes in 2020

auspicious days unfavorable days
In January: 4-7, 9-10, 27-29
11, 24-26
In February: 1, 2, 6-7, 24, 25, 26-28
 3, 8-9, 17, 21-23
In March: 1-2, 4-6, 26, 28, 31
  9, 19-21, 24, 27
In April: 1-2, 24-25, 27-29 8, 16-17, 21, 23
In May: 6, 25-28
 7, 13-14, 22-23

If for some reason it was not possible to sow on favorable days, you can do it on neutral dates.

On a note! The date of soaking the seeds is considered the day of sowing, because it is from the moment they enter the humid environment that the growth processes are activated in the seed.

On which moon and in which sign of the zodiac do you need to plant tomatoes

On which moon and in which sign of the zodiac do you need to plant tomatoes

Adhering to the lunar calendar, it must be borne in mind that tomatoes are vegetable crops that bear fruit in the aerial part.

Sowing seeds is best done in the phase of the moon when it arrives.

Planting tomatoes on a waxing moon provides tangible benefits:

  • seeds germinate somewhat faster, at a favorable temperature, the first shoots will appear in 5-6 days;
  • plants form a more powerful and developed root system;
  • the immunity of tomatoes in this case will be more developed, they get sick less often, they adapt more easily after picking and landing in a permanent place;
  • bushes quickly increase the vegetative mass, form a strong crown;
  • tomatoes planted on the right days subsequently give abundant flowering and a friendly ovary, the fruits ripen within the time specified by the manufacturer.

Late-ripening and greenhouse varieties begin to be sown for seedlings as early as January. When landing, it is desirable to take into account not only the phase of the moon (descending or arriving), but also the sign of the Zodiac through which the night star passes at this time.

The most fertile signs for tomatoes are:

  • Fish;
  • Taurus;
  • Cancer;
  • Libra;
  • Scorpio;
  • Capricorn.

Every 2-3 days the Moon moves into a new constellation. These data are usually also indicated in the Lunar calendar.

On a note! Planting in signs such as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius will negatively affect the process of seed germination and the further development of seedlings. During these periods, it is better not to do any work with the earth, but to do weeding and pest control.

When is the best time for sowing tomatoes according to popular beliefs

When is the best time for sowing tomatoes according to popular beliefs

It is impossible to focus only on calendar data when sowing tomatoes. After all, climatic conditions are unstable, the weather in different years can differ significantly in its performance. Our gardeners have long been guided by the clues of nature in order to sow in a timely manner.

According to the signs, it is necessary to take into account the phase of development of a particular wild plant, which, just exactly, will tell you whether it is time to start sowing work or it is better to postpone it. For tomatoes, such a landmark is the flowering of touching snowdrops and blueberries.

Flowers appear on the surface right from under the melted snow.

  • In the southern regions, flowering of primroses occurs already in January.
  • In the middle lane, this event happens in February-March.
  • North in April.

The life cycle of these plants depends on the average daily air temperature.

When to plant tomatoes, focusing on weather and climatic conditions

The timing of sowing tomatoes is calculated based on when the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. The seedlings are moved to the greenhouse 2 weeks earlier than to the open ground. Of primary importance is the region in which the tomatoes will be grown.

In outskirts of Moscow

The climate of the Moscow region has its own characteristics. In the spring, it is characterized by night frosts, fairly strong winds, and a short daylight hours. Most gardeners in this region prefer to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. But there are excellent varieties for open ground.

When sowing tomatoes, you need to take into account the characteristics of a particular variety.

  • Late varieties are sown first, they should be planted between February 20 and March 10.
  • Mid-ripening tomatoes are planted from March 10 to March 20.
  • Early varieties need a little more than 3 months to ripen, they can be planted in the next favorable days after March 25.

In the Leningrad region

In the Leningrad region, the weather often brings surprises. This is due to the constant change of air fronts, the proximity of the sea. Even within one day, temperature fluctuations can be significant (up to 15-20 degrees).

In addition, precipitation often falls in this region, strong winds blow. In spring and summer, the number of sunny days here is not as great as in other parts of Russia. In the State Register, this zone belongs to the second growing region, which must be taken into account when choosing a variety.

The gardener must also take into account their capabilities in organizing additional lighting.

If you grow seedlings without additional illumination, then it is recommended to sow the seeds in the second half of February. The owner of a sunny window can take his time with sowing and start this work in the first decade of March.

Getting enough light, the tomatoes will grow strong, strong and, despite the later planting, by the time they move to a permanent place, I will fully meet the criteria for a full-fledged seedling.

In Siberia

In Siberia

Gardeners in Siberia may be faced with a situation where the seedlings are already ready for transplanting to a permanent place, and the weather conditions do not allow this. In case, it is recommended to lower the air temperature in the room by 5-7 degrees and reduce watering to a minimum.

If these measures did not give the desired result, you can use the drug “Athlete”, which will restrain the growth of tomatoes for some time. Greenhouse varieties are more suitable for growing crops in this region.

On a note! If it is not possible to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is better for them to choose an elevated, well-lit and sheltered place from the winds or build a warm bed with straw underlay.

The temperature suitable for planting tomatoes in the ground is set in mid-June. At this point, the seedlings should have 4 true leaves of a bright color and a strong stem. From the moment of sowing to planting in open ground, it usually takes 50-65 days.

You can start sowing seeds in early April. You can more accurately calculate the timing, taking into account the characteristics of the variety and the weather outside the window.

In the Urals

The timing of sowing tomatoes in the Urals will depend on the characteristics of the variety and the method of cultivation. Tomatoes intended for greenhouses are sown in the first half of February. Seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place at the end of April.

Sowing tomatoes for open ground will depend on the timing of their ripening.

  • Early and mid-ripening tomatoes begin to be sown from mid-March.
  • Ultra early compact varieties will need to be sown in April.
  • If a late-ripening variety is chosen that gives large fruits, the seeds for seedlings are planted in mid-February so that the culture has time to go through a full vegetation cycle.

In the middle lane

The middle lane is located in the temperate continental climate zone. Summer residents grow tomatoes here in any convenient way. If there is no greenhouse on the site, it will not be difficult to choose tomatoes for open ground.

In addition to weather conditions and the method of cultivation, the timing of planting is also affected by pre-sowing seed treatment.

  • If the seed has been soaked in water or treated with a growth stimulator, it can be planted 4-5 days later than dry seeds.
  • The varieties that will be grown in the greenhouse must be sown between March 1 and March 10.
  • If the gardener is going to grow tomatoes in the open field, the beginning of April will be the optimal time for sowing.

Mistakes in the timing of sowing can be costly.

Seedlings sown too early will turn out to be overgrown, which will inevitably result in a decrease in the yield. If you are late with the deadlines, the fruiting will be delayed – in this case, you also will not receive the full return that you expected.

Favorable days for sowing tomatoes for seedlings in 2020 – video

Don’t forget also about enough heat and light for successful growing of tomatoes. Only the right agricultural technology will achieve abundant fruiting.

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Anna Evans


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