We save time and effort when planting tomatoes – the pros and cons of growing seedlings without picking

In the process of growing tomato seedlings, the picking technique is traditionally used: transplanting a seedling with shortening of the central root. The operation is laborious, it takes a lot of time for preparation, picking itself and caring for transplanted plants.

This agricultural technique is used to solve problems of various nature. The main purpose of picking is to obtain a fibrous root system instead of a tap root.Seedlings in pots by the window

Tomatoes without a pick – 3 important benefits

Much depends on the type of root system, including the ability of the plant to independently provide itself with water. This is good news for holidaymakers.

The traditional picking of seedlings contributes to the development of a fibrous root system, which develops the upper heated layers of the soil. Due to the superficial location of the roots, tomatoes receive more nutrients and ripen faster.

Growing tomatoes without a pick has its advantages:

  • saving time and effort on picking;
  • an intact taproot develops well and is able to further penetrate more than 1,5 m deep, up to the aquifers of the soil;
  • seedlings do not suffer from additional transplantation, grow stronger and more resistant to the adverse effects of the weather.

The use of simple agricultural practices (in particular, mulching) allows you to grow tomatoes with almost no watering and chemical treatments.

Planting tomatoes without diving

Reducing labor costs does not mean a decrease in the quality of the tomato crop. To remove the first fruits from the bushes 5-7 days later is not too big a price. Use the technique of agricultural technology should be correct, and not let everything take its course.

Seedling soil

For growing such seedlings, it is convenient to use purchased soil for universal purposes. The main thing is that the soil mixture is loose and homogeneous.

To improve the properties, vermiculite can be added to the mixture – it increases the flowability of the soil and the nutrition of the roots with oxygen.

If desired, the soil for seedlings can be prepared independently:

  1. In equal parts, mix humus (compost), sand and low-lying peat.
  2. For every 1 bucket of mixture, add 1/2 liter jar of ash.
  3. To average the composition – sift through a sieve or mesh with a mesh of 1 cm.

For growing seedlings, it is preferable to use a mixture with a certain lack of nitrogen components. So you protect the seedlings from “pulling”, and the roots will seek food and develop more intensively.Peat soil in hand

Seedling growing containers

For tomatoes without a pick, it is important to grow seedlings from seed to the stage of 3-4 pairs of true leaves without damaging the roots, that is, without intermediate transplants.

Growing containers Advantages Disadvantages Peat tablets Quick and easy to use

  • expensive for a large number of seedlings;
  • after the “germination” of the roots – you still have to plant with a tablet in a larger container.

Peat pots are a convenient container, which subsequently serves as fertilizer. The financial side of the issue is the only drawback of the Cassette.

  • equal conditions for all seedlings;
  • “Lower” watering through the pallet;
  • transplant without damaging the roots;
  • reusable.

If you pick up cassettes with a volume of 150-200 ml, this is an ideal container. Cups Seedlings grow in a sufficient amount of soil. The container takes up a lot of space – a way for a small number of seedlings. In the “sleeves” Each seedling develops without damage without lack of nutrition. Sewing the “sleeves” and filling them with soil is a laborious monotonous task. Seedling boxes Affordable container and easy sowing method

  • take up a lot of space;
  • “Difficulties” begin after the emergence of seedlings.

Seed preparation

Tomato seeds remain viable for a very long time – up to 10 years or more. All this time, the rudiment of the sprout is in a “sleeping” state. If it is competently “awakened”, shoots will appear much faster and will differ in strength and health.

Seeds of home assembly must be disinfected – to prevent fungal diseases.

The easiest way is to soak the seeds for 20-30 minutes in a weak (pale raspberry) solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with running water.

Sprouting stimulants “Energen”, “Fitosporin” provide better growth and give immunity to various diseases. After processing according to the instructions, without washing, the seeds are left in a damp cloth for germination.Stimulator Energen

Tomato seeds germinate quickly – they should be checked at least 2 times a day.

  1. Monitor the condition of the cloth – it should be damp, but not wet.
  2. As soon as the roots begin to appear, the seeds are ready for planting in the ground.

Coated (in colored glaze) seeds produced by large agricultural firms do not need to be subjected to any treatment – they are calibrated, disinfected, treated with stimulants and covered with a layer of fertilizers.

Rules for planting seeds

Tomato seeds with root rudiments of 1-3 mm must be planted as soon as possible in a nutrient substrate until the root has outgrown – fragile roots take root much worse.

  1. Gently, with tweezers or a toothpick, lay the tomato seeds on moist soil.
  2. In each container – one germinated seed root down.
  3. Seeds need to be lightly (0,5 -1 cm) sprinkled with soil, it is impossible to compact, if necessary, the earth is added during the growth process.

How to grow tomato seedlings without picking

Young tomato plants that have not undergone a picking operation are fundamentally no different from those that have been picked. Agrotechnical practices and recommendations for the care of seedlings are general.

In order to show the best qualities of seedlings that have grown without shortening the roots, some nuances should be taken into account.

  1. With the advent of the first shoots, containers with tomato seedlings are transferred to a cool (16-20 ° C) place to prevent seedlings from stretching. Weak sprouts should be cut off (not pulled out, but cut off at the root) so as not to damage the roots of plants growing nearby.
  2. Loosening is carried out once a week – with hilling or adding soil to a container with a seedling.
  3. Watering must be done in such a way that the soil is saturated with water to the full depth – not often, but plentifully. The best option is “bottom watering” through the pallet.
  4. Do not rush with top dressing – they can provoke the active growth of the green part of the plant and the seedlings will “outgrow”. Lack of nutrition stimulates root development.
  5. Before planting in a permanent place, it is imperative to “harden off the plants” – periodically take them out into the fresh air. It is very important to gradually accustom the seedlings to the sun’s rays. The air temperature outside should be at least 8 ° C, start “air baths” should be from 1/2 hour and gradually increase to 10-15 minutes.

Now the seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place – a garden bed, in a greenhouse or a container on the balcony.Seedlings in containers on the balcony

Features of planting in a permanent place

To successfully grow a tomato culture without a pick, you should always remember that the roots of the seedling are not shortened and continue to grow deeper. Delay in transplanting will cause not only the “outgrowth” of seedlings familiar to all vegetable growers. If the tap root grows to the bottom of the container, it will be very difficult for the tomato to recover during transplantation.

It is very important to calculate the time when you need to plant. Seedlings can be determined in the ground only when the top layer warms up to 14-15 ° C to a depth of 10 cm. From planting seeds to getting a seedling ready for transplanting, 55-60 days pass.

It is the timing of sowing that seedlings for open ground, greenhouses or balconies differ.

When planting in a permanent place, the main thing is not to damage the root hairs. To do this, seedlings are planted in the ground either with a clod of earth or with a peat pot (tablet). This method allows minimizing traumatic consequences – the plant practically does not notice the change of residence.

If there were no special requirements for the fertility of the substrate for growing seedlings, after planting in a permanent place, the tomato should be provided with a sufficient supply of nutrients. It is advisable to add 1-2 liters of compost or humus and ½ cup of ash to each well.

Rules for planting seedlings grown without a pick:

  • it is good to spill the hole for the seedling with water;
  • place a plant with a clod of earth just below the previous level;
  • fill the hole halfway with soil;
  • water the plant well – at least 2 liters;
  • fill the hole with dry soil – mulch.

Water the bed in the open ground no earlier than 4-5 days later. Additional mulching with straw, husks, grass, etc. will only improve the condition of the surface layer of the soil: loosening and weeding will become unnecessary, the need for irrigation will be significantly reduced.

In the video, the author tells when the first pick is needed, why it is needed, why you can do without it.

Tomato Care Rules

Reducing the number of waterings is a huge plus for growing tomatoes without a pick.

Open ground A layer of mulch of at least 5 cm can not only reduce watering to a minimum, but also get rid of weeds, loosening, and prevent the development of fungal diseases. Greenhouse The best option is drip irrigation. The irrigation system is laid under a layer of mulch. Balcony It is best to water through the pan, feed only the roots with water, without provoking the development of fungi on the soil surface.

The main difference between tomatoes grown without a pick is the root system that penetrates deep into the soil. Applying top dressing under a bush does not make sense – the plant can only partially use top dressing.

To avoid nitrogen starvation, foliar feeding with complex fertilizers is carried out. For the prevention of fungal diseases, before flowering, “Ridomil” and “Arcerid” are added to the solution according to the instructions (2 treatments with an interval of 10 days).

After the appearance of the first ovaries, tomatoes cannot be treated with chemicals.

When growing tomatoes on a balcony, top dressing can be added to the pallet. When watered, the plants will consume food on their own.

Growing a tomato without a pick has more advantages than disadvantages. The use of a simple method of agricultural technology allows you to really reduce labor costs – to get a gain in money and time. The main thing is that summer residents will be calm – nothing will happen to the garden without daily watering and weeding.

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Anna Evans


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