Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower – home care

Botanical description

Clerodendrum is an exotic plant, representative of the Yasnotkov family. It grows in the tropical zone of Africa, Latin America, Asia, Australia and the Indian Islands.

This shrub has several names:

  • in ancient Greece it was called “the tree of fate”, many signs and superstitions are associated with it;
  • древнеримское название цветка – волькамерия, оно также окутано немалым количеством тайн и легенд.

About 400 plant varieties are known, only около 10 из которых пригодны для комнатного культивирования. Растение представлено в виде кустарников, способных вырасти до двух метров, а также в виде лиан, максимальная длина которых достигает 4 метров.
Characteristic features of the plant:

  1. The flowers and leaves of the bush have a pleasant aroma, which depends on the variety.
  2. The color of the leaves is deep green, and the length is about 20-30 cm.
  3. Flowers in most varieties are butterfly-shaped.
  4. The lower part of the shoots is lignified.
  5. Clerodendrum blooms in April-September, after which oblong orange fruits appear in place of flowers. The size of the fruit is about 1 cm. Each fruit contains one seed.
  6. У растения крупные прицветники, они держатся длительное время до самых холодов, когда наступает период покоя. Поэтому кажется, что цветение непрерывно.
  7. Clerodendrum attracts with its spectacular flowers, which are collected in corymbose or racemose inflorescences and are decorated with long stamens.

Clerodendrum is considered a hardy and unpretentious plant.

Pinching the bush helps to give it a beautiful shape – standard, ampelous or bushy.

Clerodendrum: signs and superstitions

Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care

Plants are distinguished by their energy and influence on human life. Flowers grown at home can emit both positive and negative energy. Signs and superstitions about Thompson’s clerodendrum testify in favor of the plant. The indoor flower is unusual due to its exotic appearance and pleasant aroma.

What does the flower symbolize

The plant belongs to the vervain family and includes about 100 varieties. It may look like a bush, tree, or liana, depending on the variety. Australia, Asia, America and Africa are considered homeland. Natural growth requires a tropical climate.

The name is translated from Greek as the tree of fate or happiness. In another way, the flower is called innocent love.

Thompson is a liana characterized by fast growth and a length of 4 m. The leaves, located on long petioles, are up to 12 cm long. Proper care ensures long flowering (May-October). The inflorescence includes up to 20 flowers. The fruit is a small orange berry containing 1 seed.

Согласно приметам и суевериям, клеродендрум Томпсон приносит счастье в дом. В некоторых культурах его называют волькамерией.

The magical properties of the plant

Despite its exotic origin, Clerodendrum Thompson has been cultivated for a long time in different parts of the world as a greenhouse and indoor plant. In ancient Rome, an unusual liana was called the tree of fate. She was considered a symbol of love and was dedicated to the goddess Venus herself.

Люди верили, что выращивание растения Томпсон приносит счастье и удачу. Особую ценность представляет собой цветение лианы, достигающей в длину нескольких метров. Цветение разновидности Томпсон происходит в несколько этапов:

  • белоснежные чашелистники;
  • scarlet petals;
  • stamens;
  • light lilac color.

Is it possible, according to signs, to keep clerodendrum at home

Clerodendrum Thompson can be grown at home, as evidenced by signs and superstitions. Liana is known to bring happiness and good luck. However, one should take into account the considerable length of the flower and the need for diffused sunlight. He does not tolerate dry air, which is manifested by yellowing of the leaves and lack of flowering.

Signs and superstitions about clerodendrum

Clerodendrum Thompson has been cultivated for centuries. The popularity of the tree of fate is not only due to its spectacular appearance. There is a superstition that volkameria brings happiness to the home.

Superstition says that innocent love changes the fate of people for the better. In addition, volcameria has a unique delicate aroma. Each type of destiny tree has its own scent.

The flowering of Clerodendrum Thompson is considered a good omen. Superstition matters when flowers appear in winter. Numerous buds of volcameria are a sign of good luck in love and deeds.

Кому можно дарить цветок

Volcameria is not known to all flower growers due to the exotic nature of the plant and the increased demand for care. It needs enough space to grow, due to its significant size.

Since volcameria is called the tree of fate, such a gift indicates imminent positive changes in life. The beauty of clerodendrum and good omens make it possible to give it to various celebrations.

Where is the best place to put the plant

The plant loves diffused light. It is located on the west or east windows. If the pot is on the south window, you should take care of darkening. Blooming is unlikely when placed on the north side.

In the summer months, the optimum temperature is up to 25 ° C. It is recommended not to allow the soil to dry out. Provide sufficient moisture in the hot season.

The winter period is considered a dormant time. Clerodendrum Thomson can shed all the leaves. Volkameria requires temperatures up to 16 ° C. Otherwise, flowering will be poor.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in the signs

The tree of happiness is distinguished by good omens and the absence of unfavorable superstitions, which allows both single women and married couples to grow it. For clerodendrum to be happy, it needs to be properly cared for. Only in this case, the tree of fate will delight household members with constant flowering, unique aroma and good luck.


Signs and superstitions about Thompson’s clerodendrum indicate the possibility of growing at home. Despite the fact that volcameria has been used as a decorative culture for more than one century, esotericists are not aware of the negative superstitions associated with it. Innocent love is favorably distinguished by its spectacular appearance and favorable omens. Liana creates a special atmosphere of harmony around itself. Bright unusual flowers distinguish the tree of fate from other indoor plants.


Clerodendrum will be an elegant decoration for any room. However, in order for the plant to look fresh and healthy, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for its content.


Lack of light negatively affects the plant – it loses leaves. But direct rays should not fall on the flower, otherwise there will be burns. Therefore, the best place to grow will be the west or east window.

Temperature conditions

For successful cultivation the flower will need a normal room temperature – 25 degrees выше ноля. Этого показателя нужно придерживаться в летнее время.
In winter, the temperature is significantly reduced to 15-18 degrees.

Clerodendrum is an exotic plant, therefore, with the onset of autumn, it should be transferred to the cool. The temperature should be reduced gradually, and when spring comes, it should be increased again to the required level.

Humidity and watering

Abundant watering in the summer heat and moderate soil moisture during the dormant period is what is necessary for the growth and development of clerodendrum. The main thing is that the top layer of the substrate is dry and then you can water the flower again.

The frequency and abundance of watering directly depends on the temperature at which the flower is grown. The higher it is, the more often the procedure should be carried out.

Another requirement is high air humidity.… Spray the leaves of the plant regularly and take care of the high humidity in the room. To do this, you can purchase a humidifier or place containers with water around the perimeter of the room.

На цветки влага не должна попадать, иначе они погибнут.

Additional fertilizing

Удобрять растение необходимо во время активного роста и цветения, т.к. в это время оно расходует все свои ресурсы.
Подкормки следует чередовать между собойby introducing them into the soil every 2 weeks. To do this, you need to purchase specialized products in the form of granules, lumps or solution. During the dormant period, fertilizers will not be needed for the flower, so they should be canceled.

В качестве минерального удобрения чаще всего используют средство «Агрикола», а среди гуминовых популярен препарат «ФлорГумат».


Clerodendrum is a fast growing plant and when the roots become cramped in the pot, it must be transplanted. Like many indoor flowers, the “tree of fate” is transplanted by transshipment, trying not to touch the fragile roots once again.

The frequency of transplants depends on age:

  • young bushes require an annual transplant;
  • mature plants are replanted every 2-3 years in the spring.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We remove the flower from the pot, after moistening the soil (30 minutes before the start of the procedure) together with the earth.
  2. В подготовленном заранее грунте делаем углубление для корней и ставим цветок в середину, пустоты заполняем почвой и немного утрамбовываем.
  3. Поливаем растение, а при необходимости делаем опору – берем деревянную палочку или купленную в магазине конструкцию.

Expert Opinion
Vera Ivanovna Sh

Since childhood, she was fond of cultivating indoor flowers, then decided to devote her life to landscape design and gardening.

Rooting takes about 1 month – during this period, fertilizing the soil is contraindicated, because the bush has not yet had time to get used to the new environment.


You need to plant a bush in a specialized substrate for beautifully flowering plants or in your own prepared soil. It is not difficult to make a soil mixture. The composition is as follows:

  • leafy land;
  • sand;
  • clay soil;
  • peat.

The components are taken in equal proportions, mixed and disinfected together with the planting container. The bottom of the pot should be covered with a drainage layer of expanded clay, at least three centimeters thick.


Для посадки традиционно берут керамический горшок – он обеспечит хорошую остойчивость массивному кустарнику. Кроме того, такая ёмкость хорошо пропускает воздух. When transplanting, you should not choose a container much larger than the previous one. – it is enough to increase the volume of the pot by a couple of centimeters in width and depth. Remember that if you choose a wide container, you will not be able to achieve flowering.


Clerodendrum grows rather quickly, so it will need regular pruning and pinching. The owner must promptly remove infected areas, dry leaves and inflorescences and cut lignified branches by 1/3. To form a beautiful crown, you should cut off the top when the tree reaches a height of 50-70 cm.

To achieve the desired result, pruning is done annually.

A symbol of love and happiness – Thompson’s Clerodendrum: photo and home care

Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care

People call this amazing plant “the tree of destiny” or “pure love”. If Thompson’s Clerodendrum has settled in your house – a deciduous plant from the Verbenov family, good times await you.

In this article, we will talk in detail about как вырастить клеродендрум в комнатных условиях and how to care for him so that he always pleases with his exuberant flowering.


Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care
Clerodendrum Thompson flower – fast growing evergreen liana.

  • Вид: листопадное.
  • Family: Verbenaceae.
  • Latin name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae.
  • Natural region: South Africa.

The stems of the flower are very flexible, slightly curly. They can reach a height of 4 meters or more. In adult specimens, the stems are most often lignified.

Листочки этого представителя флоры с короткими черешками, супротивные, изумрудного оттенка. Прожилки выражены ярко.

Благодаря их расположению поверхность листиков имеет quilted shape. The edges of the leaves are smooth. The leaf plate is rounded with a small elongated edge. In length, it reaches no more than 10-13 cm.

The buds are in the middle of the flower axils. They are located on elongated peduncles of the stems. Inflorescences in the form of brushes. В каждой штучке расположено 6-22 миниатюрных цветочка. Цветки с пятью листиками.

Прицветник в форме фонарика, диаметром не более 3 мм. Внутри находится венчик, по форме напоминающий бабочку. Из него торчат удлиненные тычинки длинной чуть более 2,5-3,5 см.

Отмирание венчиков происходит достаточно быстро. А белоснежные прицветники находятся на Клеродендруме Томпсона 45-60 дней. После отцветания появляются округлые fruits of an orange hue. In length, they reach about 1 cm. In each of these fruits, one seed is formed.

Today, the clerodendrum has more than 450 varieties.

On our website you can see some of them:

You can visually familiarize yourself with Thompson’s Clerodendrum in the photo:

Home care

Despite its exotic origin and unusual appearance, Thomson’s Clerodendrum does not require special care at home.

This plant is hardy and resistant to negative factors. Чтобы расти и цвести цветку требуются условия максимально приближенные к природным, а значит ему нужны:

  • bright sunlight (we place the plant on the windowsill from the south or southeast side);
  • air temperature in summer – 20-25 degrees, in winter – 10-15;
  • высокая влажность воздуха (поддерживаем с помощью опрыскивания);
  • не стоит оставлять растение вблизи отопительных приборов зимой.

A clerodendrome is required to have an annual transplant and regular watering. Sand must certainly be present in the composition of the earth.

Read more about caring for Clerodendrum here.


Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care
Adult clerodendrum plants need to be pruned regularly. This will help not only maintain the beautiful shape of the plant, but also contribute to the abundant flowering.
Самое предпочтительное время для этой процедуры — весна, период до начала полноценного роста. Стебли формируют на одну треть.

Молодые растения формировать нельзя. Изредка у них отрезают края стебельков. Такая процедура повышает ветвистость.

Using pruning, you can get a decorative standard tree or an amazing branching bush.


When watering this plant, do not overfill the soil. In this case, the root system can rot. Wait for the top of the earth to dry slightly before watering again.

However, the plant drought intolerant especially during the period of active growth. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to take the water settled, soft, without any chemical impurities.


Clerodendrum prefers nutritious, slightly acidic soils. The plant grows best at 4,9-6,6 pH. For planting, use purchased soil for home flowers. You can take soil for roses and mix it with soil for violets or azaleas.

If you make the substrate yourself, you need sod and mineral leaf land. A small amount of humus, peat and fine-grained sea sand is added to it. There must be small drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

На дно насыпают гальку, ракушки или мелкие морские камушки. Покрывают дренаж небольшим слоем земли. В центр устанавливают растение. Засыпают почвой и обильно поливают.


Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care

The plant can be transplanted in early spring, before it begins to actively grow. The new pot should be deeper and larger in diameter than the previous one.

Young specimens are transplanted every year as the root system fills the container. Adults – once every 1-2 years. To fortify the soil and increase its nutritional value, you can replace the top layer, well, and do not forget about fertilizers.


The most optimal temperature for flower growth in the summer is 19-24 ° C. In winter, he needs a cooler room (14-16 ° C).

At this time, he begins a dormant period and begins to shed leaves. If you do not follow these wintering conditions, the plant will not bloom.


Цветок любит bright natural light. Optimum illumination 2900-4000 lux. When the sun is too bright, the liana is shaded by other plants. With a lack of light, bud formation may slow down, and the leaves may begin to turn yellow.


The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. Let’s consider both of these methods.


For propagation by cuttings, you can use the apical stems that remain after pruning. They should contain minimum 3-4 internodes. The rooting of the plant is very simple and fast. The plant can be rooted both in a container with water and in a wet substrate.

Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care

How to propagate clerodendrum by cuttings:

  1. Plant the stalk remaining after pruning in a plastic cup with a substrate;
  2. Cover with a mini greenhouse made of cellophane or a bottle;
  3. Place in a well-lit place;
  4. Ventilate from time to time so that the fungus does not start.

After 30-60 days, new leaves should appear on the seedlings. After complete rooting, the flower is transplanted into large containers.


After the flowering of the plant, small fruits are formed on it. Each of them contains one seed. The seeds are collected and sown in prepared containers with fortified soil. The planting is covered with a mini-greenhouse from a glass jar or transparent cup.

Periodically future seedlings ventilate… Sprouts should appear in 45-60 days. After the leaves appear on them, they can be transplanted into large containers. If the planting is additionally illuminated with artificial light, then the sprouts will appear earlier – in 10-15 days.

Diseases and pests

The main cause of plant disease is improper care.… Withering or dropping of leaves indicates a lack or excess of watering. Also, the reason may be too dry air or poorly nutritious soil without useful minerals.

Why isn’t Thompson’s Clerodendrum blooming? The answer is simple. The lack of flowering indicates improper wintering with too high temperatures. Also, the reason may be a lack of light, improper crown formation or infrequent feeding.

With poor care, it may appear spider mite or whitefly. При первых симптомах листочки растения протирают салфеткой с мыльным раствором. Затем промывают под струей теплой воды.

Useful video

You can admire the home-grown Clerodendrum Thompson in the video:


Clerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home careClerodendrum Thomsoniae flower - home care
Thompson’s Clerodendrum is propagated by seeds and stems. It grows at a temperature of 19-24 ° C.
Prefers soil rich in vitamins and minerals. It requires systematic pruning to form the crown.

Him support needed in the form of a fishing line or lattice. Young plants require annual replanting.

The flowering of this representative of the flora is very long and abundant – twice a year.

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Why does the plant not bloom and how to make it?

The duration of flowering and its onset depend on the variety. So, fragrant volcameria blooms almost all year long and has a short dormant period.
Thompson’s Clerodendrum begins flowering in March-June, and the beautiful volcameria blooms throughout the summer.

However, it happens that the plant does not want to bloom. The reason for this behavior lies in non-compliance with the conditions for its content.

For a beautiful and long-lasting flowering, you need to follow some requirements:

  • provide the clerodendrum with a dormant period by lowering the room temperature to 12-15 degrees and reducing watering;
  • transplant and pruning on time;
  • position the pot with the plant correctly, providing it with good lighting;
  • fertilize the soil in the summer.

An excess of fertilizers in the soil negatively affects flowering, so they should be applied no more than twice a month, and during the winter rest, feeding is completely stopped.

The most common types and their features

Due to its simple content and spectacular appearance, clerodendrum is widely used by designers for interior decoration.

Thompson’s Clerodendrum

Thompson’s Clerodendrum can be called a climbing shrub, as it releases shoots that can twist around like a liana. In nature, they can grow up to 4 meters in length.

Thompson's clerodendrumклеродендрум Томпсона
White flowers with red corollas look very impressive. They are collected in clustered inflorescences. After the end of flowering, the closed cups change from white to pink or lilac.

It got its name in honor of George Thompson, who first brought it to Europe. The flower of this species also has another name, which was named after the discoverer’s wife – “Mrs. Thompson’s clerodendrum.”

Clerodendrum Filipino

Clerodendrum Filipino is a shrub that is quite common as an indoor crop. Stems are erect, in conditions of an apartment it reaches 2 meters in height. The leaves are large, heart-shaped. Fragrant double flowers, reminiscent of roses, are collected in inflorescences.

Clerodendrum of Uganda


Clerodendrum Ugandan is a fast-growing vine that winds around a support in a short time. It grows in length up to 2 – 3 meters. Delicate flowers of a blue-blue hue, resemble fluttering butterflies in shape.

Unlike other species, it has a specific smell that not everyone may like.

Cleroendrum Inerme


Clerodendrum inerme (unarmed) is a vine that is quite rare at home. In hot climates, it can be used as a hedge. The flowers in the photo are white and contrast with the bright purple stamens.


The flower is characterized by rapid growth and attracts attention with its beauty, so owners need to know how to get new bushes. there is two possible ways of breeding clerodendrum – seed and cuttings. Hybrid varieties cannot be propagated with seeds.


As a planting material, we take healthy stems of the plant or those that were obtained during pruning of the bush. Each stalk must contain at least three rows of buds, and the harvesting process takes place in the spring – early fall.
We put the cuttings in a container with water, cover with glass and wait for the roots to appear. At the time of rooting, the cuttings should be kept in partial shade, and when roots appear, they should be planted in a prepared substrate.


Disembarkation is carried out in late winter – early spring. For planting, it is better to take wooden boxes or plastic cupswhere drainage holes must be provided.

Landing Instructions:

  1. Peat, river sand and sod land must be mixed in equal proportions – this is the composition needed for planting seeds.
  2. We disinfect the finished mixture in the oven at 180 degrees, cool it and distribute it over the planting containers. We thoroughly moisten the substrate.
  3. We sow the seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkle with earth.
  4. Cover the seedlings with glass or foil, periodically ventilate and do not forget about watering.

You should not buy seeds in advance, because they quickly deteriorate. To get seedlings, you need fresh seeds.

Diseases and pests

Pests love to attack an attractive bush, so you need to know how to get rid of them:

Whitefly – attacks the lower part of the leaves, after which the flowers and leaves lose their vitality and begin to dry. The pest can be detected by its characteristic white bloom. To get rid of the whitefly, you should cut off all the affected areas and treat the flower with insecticides. You can use Aktellika solution – 3-4 procedures every three days.

Aphids are another dangerous pest that quickly leads to the death of the clarodendrum by drinking nutritious juices from it. При появлении тли цветок начинает отставать в росте, flowers and leaves are deformed, dry and fall off. A soap solution is used for treatment, but if it does not give an effect and the plant is severely affected, insecticides will be required.

Shield. Quite often, it attacks volcameria and is expressed by the appearance of small yellow spots on the leaves of the plant, which gradually increase. The flower loses its leaves and may die. To combat the pest, you can use a soapy solution, having previously removed the insects with a brush. If necessary, use special means – “Fosbecid” or “Actellik”.

Spider mites usually appear when there is a lack of moisture. Its presence is indicated by small cobwebs that entangle the branches of the plant. Wash the bush with soapy water, then give it a warm shower. If this does not help, purchase insecticides for flowering plants.

Предотвратить нашествие насекомых несложно – раз в месяц проводите профилактические опрыскивания раствором «Фитоверм».

Problems can also arise due to the fault of the grower.if the conditions of detention are violated:

Leaves turn yellow. This symptom occurs more often than others, because leaves react fastest to external factors.

When the lower leaves turn yellow and there are not too many of them, there is no need to worry – the clerodendrum is simply renewed, getting rid of the old foliage. However, there are a number of reasons for this behavior that you should pay attention to:

  • stagnation of liquid in the roots of the plant;
  • lack of moisture;
  • в помещении с цветком есть сквозняки;
  • improper selection of the pot – it is too tight;
  • wrong location of the plant in the room.

The leaves are falling off the flower. There are several factors that provoke foliage falling:

  • unregulated watering;
  • rough soil that does not allow water to be absorbed;
  • watering with hard water;
  • low air humidity;
  • bright sun.

Leaves turn black – this is a sign of an excess of moisture in the soil. It is necessary to establish watering, but if the roots of the flower begin to rot, an unscheduled transplant will be needed.
Thus, the appearance of insects in the plant pot and other possible problems arise from improper care. Correct the errors that have arisen and the exotic bush will delight you with its extraordinary flowers.

Anna Evans


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