Associated vaccine for rabbits

When breeding rabbits in a significant amount (from 20 pieces), the owners at some point face the problem of infectious diseases in pets. When animals …

Why do rabbits sometimes lose their hair?

Since rabbits are susceptible to external stimuli, their breeding requires special attention and proper care. Animals are highly susceptible to various diseases, so it is …

From what and how to vaccinate rabbits?

Vaccination of rabbits is extremely important, especially if they are bred for meat and skin. Ornamental rabbits do not lag behind, subject to constant diseases …

What and when are rabbits vaccinated

Timely vaccination of rabbits is the only way to prevent the mass death of animals from infectious diseases of various types. Breeders need to be …

Ear problems in rabbits

We all know that rabbits have long and sensitive ears. Therefore, rabbit breeders often encounter ear diseases in rabbits. Ear infections are very common in …