Calorie health benefits, benefits and harms of grapes

GrapesGrapes are a versatile berry. Raisins, jelly and wine are made from it. It contains many beneficial substances, including antioxidants. It is also known that grapes contain a lot of resveratrol – a substance that has properties that are beneficial for the heart.

What is known about grapes today

Grapes are a perennial plant belonging to the Vitis family. Each berry consists of a translucent pulp and smooth rind. Some varieties contain seeds. The presence of polyphenolic compounds determines the color of the berries. Reds and blues are rich in anthocyanins, while greens contain more tannins, in particular catechins.

More than 70 million tons of berries are harvested annually in the world, which is significantly more than bananas, oranges or apples. And only 12% of this number goes to table needs (consumption raw, making raisins). Most of the world’s annual harvest is turned into wine.

Today they talk about the existence of several thousand varieties of grapes. They come in a variety of sizes, flavors and colors. There are red, blue, black, purple, green, pink and yellow varieties. They are all equally beneficial, although blue and red grapes are slightly higher in flavonoids and phytonutrients.

Historical information

Some researchers say that viticulture is as old as civilization. Archaeologists find evidence that people cultivated this culture as early as 6500 BC. In particular, in the territories that now belong to Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia. Grapes and wine from it played an important role in the culture of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Already in ancient times, people knew about the existence of more than 90 grape varieties. Several of them were known to the ancient civilizations inhabiting North and South America.

Nutritional value

Grapes are rich in phytonutrients, including polyphenols, resveratrol, and carotenoids. Phytonutrients are chemicals produced by plants that provide many benefits to the plant-based person.

Most of the antioxidants and nutrients are concentrated in the skin and grape seeds, and the pulp contains no more than 5% of the total beneficial composition. Also, grapes are an excellent source of vitamins B, K, copper. These berries contain fiber and relatively few calories.

Nutrients per 100 g

Caloric content 69 kcal Carbohydrates 18 g Proteins 0,72 g Fats 0,16 g Vitamin B1 0,09 mg Vitamin B2 0,08 mg Vitamin B3 0,21 mg Vitamin B5 0,08 mg Vitamin B6 0,12 mg Vitamin B9 1,2, 66 μg Vitamin A 11 IU Vitamin C 0,21 mg Vitamin E 14,6 mg Vitamin K 192 μg Potassium 12 mg Calcium 0,14 mg Copper 0,35 mg Iron 7,3 mg Magnesium 0,06 mg Manganese 0,08 mg Zinc XNUMX , XNUMX mg

Benefits for the body

Benefits of grapes for the bodyAntioxidant Source

Most of the polyphenols in grapes are flavonoids, which work as antioxidants in the body. This means that they prevent free radicals from attacking healthy cells. After all, it is free radicals that are those substances that contribute to cell degeneration and the development of cancer.

According to biologists, grapes contain hundreds of different antioxidant substances. This includes vitamin C, manganese, beta-carotene, and resveratrol. These antioxidants have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which makes grapes useful for the prevention of many diseases.

Heart benefits

Polyphenols are the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet. In 2009, scientists conducted a study, the results of which confirmed that polyphenols from grapes lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, and also have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. It is in polyphenols, as scientists believe, that the secret of the so-called French paradox lies. It lies in the fact that the inhabitants of France, who often consume red wine, live longer than others, while they can smoke and eat a lot of fatty foods. Researchers say that resveratrol, when ingested from grapes, strengthens blood vessels, and, if necessary, relaxes their walls, preventing pressure build-up.

Flavonoids, which are part of the chemical composition of berries, prevent the formation of blood clots. Of particular importance to humans is a flavonoid called rutin, which is found in grapes. This substance prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, which protects against a possible stroke or heart attack.

Also in berries there is fiber, and it is able to reduce the concentration of cholesterol, prevent cardiac disorders.

Another beneficial ingredient in these sun berries that is important for heart health is vitamin K. One medium bunch contains almost a quarter of the daily value of the vitamin, which, according to experts, reduces the risk of heart disease. Scientists also claim that this vitamin prevents the calcification of blood vessels. Well, do not forget that vitamin K is one of the main factors ensuring proper blood clotting. Lack of vitamin is fraught with internal hemorrhages.

Prevention of diabetes

For almost 20 years, a group of scientists observed the participants in the experiment, who ate fruits and berries in varying amounts, in particular apples, grapes and blueberries. It turned out that people whose diet contains grapes in substantial portions are less prone to the risk of type 2 diabetes. But such protection does not work if you use juices from them instead of fruits. Scientists have suggested that the main protective factor is contained in the skin of grapes, and this is already known to us resveratrol. This substance also increases insulin sensitivity.

Slimming grapesWeight loss

And although many refuse grapes during the diet for weight loss, recent studies have proven the fallacy of this practice. Berries, especially dark varieties, on the contrary, contribute to weight loss. Experience has shown that regular consumption of these fruits reduces the body’s ability to store fat by 130%. In addition, grapes almost doubles the rate of fat breakdown. Scientists say that all this is again due to the amazing abilities of resveratrol.

Benefits for the digestive system

Grapes contain fiber, and it is known to be able to significantly improve the digestion process. And although a portion of berries contains no more than 5% of the daily fiber requirement, but for a berry this is a rather high figure. Dietary fibers are indispensable for humans, if only because they activate the proper functioning of the intestines, and also prevent the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticulitis.

Long-livers’ food

Grapes, especially muscat varieties, contain substances that not only slow down the aging process, but activate the gene responsible for longevity. Isn’t that why there are so many old-timers in countries with an ancient tradition of viticulture? Whatever it was, but scientists attributed grapes to products that prolong life.

Brain benefits

British scientists recently observed elderly people who had memory problems. It turned out that after the introduction of a glass of grape juice into their daily diet, their brain performance increased significantly. Another study found that this berry improves learning talent by increasing blood flow to brain cells by up to 200 percent.

Migraine medicine

Grape juice is considered a cure for migraines. To get rid of an obsessive headache, it is advised to drink a little fresh juice diluted with water every morning. To some, this recommendation may seem strange, since wine made from this berry, on the contrary, is a common cause of headaches. Meanwhile, the juice has the opposite properties and heals migraines.

Protection against cancer

Grapes and grapes are rich sources of anti-cancer substances.

Laboratory studies have proven the effectiveness of berries against malignant tumors in the tissues of the breast, prostate and colon. Many studies confirm that resveratrol inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. And in grape seeds, scientists have found a substance that is effective against prostate cancer. Another study demonstrated the benefits of grapes in preventing skin cancer by creating a protective barrier against UV radiation.

Bone benefitsGrapes and strengthening the immune system

Vitamin K (the one that is responsible for blood clotting) is also good for bone tissue. It strengthens bones, preventing fracture tendencies. Scientists have calculated that if you take 110 mcg of vitamin K daily, the risk of hip fractures is reduced by 30%. This information should be of interest to women after menopause, who are more prone to osteoporosis and thinning of the bones. Vitamin K is also involved in bone mineralization and maintains calcium balance in the body. Other ingredients in grapes that are good for bones are copper. This mineral is important for the synthesis of several beneficial components, which also helps prevent bone loss.

Other benefits of grapes:

  • useful for asthma;
  • is a mild laxative;
  • relieves depression;
  • heals fatigue;
  • important for people with renal failure (reduces the concentration of uric acid, which reduces the pressure on the kidneys);
  • has antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • useful in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Grapes in folk medicineApplication in folk medicine

This ancient plant has found its application in folk medicine. In addition, folk healers at all times used not only berries, but also grape leaves.

A decoction of the leaves was used to treat angina, laryngitis, periodontal disease, skin diseases and ulcers. For the preparation of such a medicine, it is advised to use May leaves. Metabolic disorders were treated with a decoction prepared from 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and a glass of boiling water, and a decoction of seeds was used as a diuretic. Fresh juice from grape leaves will help treat dysentery, bleeding and vomiting.

And in our time, treatment with grapes has formed into a separate science, which has already been given a name – ampelotherapy. Supporters of this trend believe that if you eat grapes every day for 2 months on an empty stomach (the amount is determined individually), you can get rid of almost any disease.

Use in cosmetology

The use of grapes in cosmetology

Antioxidants contained in grapes protect the skin from aging, increase its elasticity and firmness, smooth wrinkles, restore a healthy complexion, and even out tone. Vitamin E provides healthy hydration to the epidermis. For this reason, grape extract is often added to skin care products. Vitamin C also has a beneficial effect on the skin, which rejuvenates and protects against harmful solar radiation.

The benefits of grapes are felt by the hair as well. This berry, or rather the oil from its seeds, improves blood circulation, thereby contributing to the rapid growth of healthy hair, giving it shine, and the skin eliminates dandruff, excessive dryness and itching.

Cosmetologists advise to apply masks of grape pulp to the skin of the face and hair at every opportunity.

Possible side effects

Researchers are convinced that the most useful grapes are with the skin. But at the same time, the peel absorbs the pesticides with which the vineyards were treated. For this reason, it is important to wash the berries thoroughly before consuming them.

You can not abuse this berry and people taking beta-blockers (prescribed for cardiovascular diseases), as hyperkalemia may occur, which is highly undesirable for the kidneys.

How to choose and store

How to choose and store grapesNowadays, fresh grapes are available throughout the year. The berries should be juicy, they should not have wrinkled or damaged skin. The quality of the product is evidenced by the berries tightly attached to the fresh green branch. If the berries are crumbling, it is better not to take such a product. The ripeness of green varieties is evidenced by a yellowish tint. Red varieties should be pinkish-red, while purple and blue-black varieties should have a deep rich color.

Since grapes spoil quickly and are prone to fermentation at room temperature, it is best to store the berries in a refrigerator in a paper bag to maintain freshness.

Many consider grapes to be the king of fruits, and the nutritional properties of these tiny berries have been known to mankind since time immemorial. The combination of juicy texture and pleasant sweet taste has made grapes a favorite snack food around the world.

Anna Evans


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