Cabbage leaf is a popular answer for many troubles

White cabbage is a very common, favorite vegetable in Russia. You can buy it without any problems at any time of the year in almost every grocery store. It is inexpensive, and contains a lot of biologically important substances for the health of the human body. Scope of application of cabbage is very diverse: it is consumed raw, stewed, fried, boiled, pickled, fermented, baked. What kind of dishes are not made from it – from soups to pies.

Cabbage leaf – the oldest folk remedy in Russia

But it turns out that this vegetable is able to heal and cope with some diseases. Even in ancient Russia, cabbage was actively used in folk medicine. Even now, some ailments can be cured using the leaves of the head of this plant. And all this is due to the fact that the familiar vegetable culture has a very valuable chemical composition.

Chemical composition and useful properties

White cabbage is rich in vitamins, especially B vitamins… Contains a lot of ascorbic acid. Unlike other elements, vitamin C is much more resistant to heat treatment and preservation; in fermented vegetables, the element can be stored for several months. Also sauerkraut contains vitamin B 12 – a very rare element among herbal products.

A rich, tasty and low-calorie vegetable!A rich, tasty and low-calorie vegetable!

Fresh cabbage contains:

  • Vitamin K known for its regenerating properties.
  • Vitamin E, which makes our skin and hair beautiful.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which is of great importance for health.
  • There are many micro-, macroelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, boron and many others).
  • Essential amino acids that are necessary for the body, but a person can get them only with food.
  • Fiber, glucose, fructose.

Not surprisingthat it is so beneficial to use it. Total 200 grams of vegetable per day will give you the daily dose vitamin C! By the way, many people love cabbage not only for its crisp leaves, but also for the so-called “cabbage backbone” – a delicious sweetish stump!

Thanks to the constant use of cabbage, you will make your health stronger, and you will be able to cure some diseases.

Medicinal properties

The rich chemical composition of cabbage has endowed it with medicinal properties. Everyone knows that this is a low-calorie, diabetic product, therefore, it is useful for obesity, metabolic disorders, and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

White cabbage leavesWhite cabbage leaves

In addition, this vegetable has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretics;
  • fortifying;
  • pain relievers;
  • anti-sclerotic.

You can’t even imagine how many diseases the cabbage leaf helps.

With headache

What do we usually do when we have a headache? We drink pills. But for headaches, you can use cabbage. Cabbage compress can relieve pain syndrome, relieve you of aching, squeezing pain. To do this, you can make compresses only from the leaves of a head of cabbage or cabbage with the addition of honey, medicinal herbs.

Cabbage helps with headachesCabbage helps with headaches

Consider the simplest cabbage leaf compresses:

  • Separate several layers from the head of cabbage, cut off the tough veins from them.
  • Thoroughly roll the leaves with a rolling pin so that they are even and let the juice flow.
  • Put them on cling film and attach to the temples, forehead, back of the head.
  • Secure with a bandage or headscarf.

You can use shredded cabbage and even sauerkraut. To do this, finely chopped cabbage, remember well that there is juice, wrap it in cheesecloth and attach it to the temples and forehead, fix it with a scarf.

Interesting! Even just the juice of this plant can help. To do this, remember well the cabbage leaf in your hands and grease the temples, wrists, grooves behind the ears with its juice. Cabbage leaf for headaches is a natural, completely safe method of treatment.

A natural remedy can help not only for migraines, but also for colds.

For sore throat and cough

Cabbage has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it can help with sore throats and coughs. If you have a cold and it hurts to swallow, it suffers from perspiration, then a compress from the leaves of a fork of cabbage will help.


  1. Leaves should be taken at room temperature, in no case cold.
  2. You can pre-pour boiling water over them.
  3. Be sure to cut off all the tough spots from the sheet, but you don’t need to cut out all the veins, they contain the most valuable substances.
  4. There will be no sense from a dry leaf, cabbage juice is important. Therefore, beat off the tops with a hammer, make small cuts, or remember to let the juice come out.
  5. Place on plastic and wrap around your neck. Leave it on for an hour.

How excruciating a cough can be, it’s better not to know. But if you have such a problem, do not neglect folk remedies. When coughing, a compress on the chest or a decoction of a vegetable, as well as fresh juice, will help. With a decoction or juice, you can remove phlegm from the bronchi, reduce sore throat, relieve inflammation.

Cabbage leaf is a popular answer for many troublesCabbage juice with sugar or honey helps with sore throat

Worth knowing! A glass of cabbage juice is mixed with a teaspoon of sugar, taken three times a day before meals. To rinse, dilute this composition with a small amount of warm water and gargle as often as possible – the antibacterial substances of cabbage kill pathogenic bacteria.

For diseases of the respiratory tract, infusion of cabbage with honey is excellent. Three tablespoons of chopped cabbage are mixed with 100 grams of honey, poured with three glasses of boiled water, insisted for a day in a dark place. Take three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For coughs, you can make a compress with leaves on the chest. To do this, they need to be made soft. Blanch the leaves in hot, but not boiling water until soft, but to keep their shape. Spread softened warm honey on the leaves. With the sticky side, we apply cabbage leaves to the chest area in front and on the back, wrap with foil, wrap the body with a warm scarf or scarf. To prevent the bandage from falling off, put on a T-shirt or T-shirt on top.

Healthy cabbageFor coughs, you can prepare a compress on the chest

It is better to do such a compress before going to bed, leave it until morning. In the morning we remove the bandage, wipe the chest and back with a warm wet towel. Even one such compress makes breathing easier, reduces wheezing and coughing. And if you do it every day, you can cure the disease. Such procedures can be done even for children and pregnant women.

Often women are faced with such a problem as mastopathy. And even in this case, cabbage is a wonderful helper.

With mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease of the breast in women. Cabbage cannot completely cure this disease, but it can relieve symptoms and improve the general condition. The compress can be done even when you do not know for sure that you have mastopathy (since only a doctor can make such a diagnosis), but the pain is felt and grows.

Cabbage leaf is a popular answer for many troublesHow to properly apply a cabbage leaf with mastopathy?

You can use the leaves in pure form or with honey:

  1. You need to take the leaves from the middle of the head of cabbage, beat off so that they become soft and release the juice.
  2. Attach to your chest, put on a bra that you do not mind getting dirty. You can add honey to the cabbage and apply it as it is.
  3. With such a compress, you can sleep or walk all day. This remedy helps to reduce painful sensations, reduce swelling.

There are many reviews from nursing mothers about how cabbage helped with chest congestion (lactostasis). After all, such a problem can bring a lot of trouble to a young mother. First of all, this is a strong painful sensation, even with an increase in temperature. And in this case, this wonderful plant will come to the rescue. Leaves attached to the breast quickly normalize the functioning of the mammary glands without harming the health of the baby and mother.

Interesting! Cabbage gives off all the beneficial properties, and itself becomes like a dry sheet of paper. The healing properties of the cabbage leaf have a positive effect on the condition of the female breast, and are also able to cure wounds and burns.

For burns, purulent wounds, ulcers and bedsores

Even in childhood, our mothers applied a leaf of this vegetable to us with wounds, thanks to its bactericidal, wound-healing properties, healing was faster.

In case of burns with a cabbage compress, you can relieve pain, accelerate tissue regeneration. The sheet should be completely sterile, soft, so as not to injure the tissue even more. We take the leaf from the middle part of the head of cabbage, pour it over with boiling water and roll it well with a rolling pin to squeeze out the juice. We put it on the wounds, cover it with cling film on top and make a fixing bandage. As soon as the sheet dries, we change the compress.

Fixing the cabbage compressFixing the cabbage compress

Due to its bactericidal effect, cabbage is able to draw out pus from wounds and perfectly helps with purulent wounds, boils. A standard compress from this plant is applied to the wound, changed every two hours. You can make a healing dressing from finely chopped leaves and egg white. Mix, place inside gauze, tie to a sore spot. Such a bandage will also help with bedsores.

For weeping eczema, make a mixture of cabbage and milk.

With diathesis and soaking eczema

With diathesis and weeping eczema, the following composition is used: cabbage is boiled in milk until soft, then the mass is ground into gruel with a blender, wheat bran is added. The mixture is applied to the affected areas, fixed with a bandage. Cabbage leaf wraps help with joint diseases.

With arthrosis of the knee joint and gout

This wonderful vegetable is able to relieve joint swelling, pain subsides during treatment, and blood circulation improves.

Cabbage leaf compressCompress from cabbage leaves for joint pain

To do this, pre-prepared heads of cabbage leaves are wrapped around the sore spot, fixed with a bandage. Be sure to insulate the compress with cotton wool or a warm scarf. It is advisable to leave it overnight. For gout, you need to apply up to 8 compresses to feel relief.

With seals from pricks

If you were given an unsuccessful injection and a seal appeared in this place, then a miracle vegetable will help in this case. He is able to quickly soften such bumps, hematomas dissolve.

How to do? Apply the softened sheet to the injection site, fix. They say that 2-3 hours after the compress, the bumps become smaller, and the pain sensations disappear.

For bruises and bruises

Troubles such as bruises and bruises are common among children. A fresh head of cabbage will come to the rescue again.

The cabbage leaf will help with bruises and bruisesThe cabbage leaf will help with bruises and bruises

In case of bruises, the cabbage leaf reveals its healing properties in all its glory: not only relieves pain, but also quickly resolves hematomas. To do this, attach a mashed cabbage leaf or a bandage soaked in vegetable juice to the damaged area. Change the dressing as it dries. The bruised area will soon stop hurting, and the bruise will resolve. And you will see that there is no trace of the damage left.

Spur treatment

Elderly people often have such a nuisance as a heel spur. She is a lot of trouble. It is impossible to wear shoes, even walking becomes painful. To treat this problem for a long time, sometimes, surgical intervention is required. Cabbage compresses help some people. You can use it neat, or with honey or sour cream.

Cabbage compress for heel spursWe treat heel spurs with a cabbage leaf compress

To do this, a mashed cabbage leaf is applied to the heel or the entire foot, a cloth is applied on top, and fixed with a toe. You can put honey or sour cream on the sheet and apply such a compress to the leg. Such treatment can relieve pain, inflammation, but does not guarantee complete recovery. The analgesic property of this plant is very important, because sometimes even medications cannot relieve pain and swelling of the legs, and in some cases it is not recommended to take pills.

Pain relieving properties

When something hurts, nothing makes you happy. I want to get rid of the pain faster. The healing properties of the cabbage leaf at this moment are very helpful. It is a natural remedy that can be used externally by anyone, even small children.

Cabbage has pain relieving propertiesCabbage has pain relieving properties

The pain relieving effect of this vegetable can be felt almost immediately. It is an excellent anesthetic, able to relieve even severe pain. Therefore, it is often used for joint pain, varicose veins, various injuries and damage to the skin. We talked about what diseases a compress with cabbage can help with. In addition, it will be a good “relieving” remedy for:

  1. female gynecological diseases;
  2. muscle pain;
  3. digestive problems;
  4. varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  5. various diseases of the joints. Relieves pain and swelling, relieving the patient’s condition.
  6. with osteochondrosis;
  7. sprains and bruises;
  8. relieve swelling with toothaches;
  9. at stings of bees, wasps;
  10. with problem skin.

All these problems are accompanied by painful sensations, with which cabbage does an excellent job, the main thing is to apply the compress correctly.

A simple and affordable remedy for various pains

We make a compress correctly

For cabbage treatment to give a positive result, you need to carry it out correctly. It is advisable to use very fresh cabbage, ideally from your own garden. It should be free of stains and rot, wash the head thoroughly before use.

Blanching cabbage leaves for compressBlanching cabbage leaves for compress

In some cases, you can take the outer leaves from the head of cabbage, and in others, only tender leaves from the middle. Cabbage juice has a healing effect, so the leaves must be crushed so that they give as much juice as possible.

Attention! Place the cabbage tightly on the sore spot. It is desirable that there are several layers of softened leaves, overlapping each other.

In many recipes, a vegetable is mixed with an egg, honey, mustard, and various medicinal herbs. Only sterile sheets are applied to open wounds, for this they are pre-poured with boiling water. Never use cold compresses, especially when it comes to joint diseases and colds.

Preparing cabbage leaves for compressPreparing cabbage leaves for compress – cutting off coarse veins

If the cabbage is from the refrigerator, then the leaves must first be warmed. To do this, they can be placed in hot water for a few minutes. The leaves should adhere very tightly to the diseased area so that the juice is absorbed into the skin.

Advice! Always put plastic on top of the cabbage. The cling film is ideal for these purposes. It will not allow the juice of the plant to come out, be absorbed into the bandage, and all the beneficial substances will act as intended.

Be sure to fix the healing compress well so that it does not slip, but also does not squeeze the sore spot, sometimes the bandage must be worn for at least 8 hours. By fulfilling these conditions, you will only benefit your body.

However, for all its useful properties, cabbage has some contraindications. Read them before starting treatment.

Contraindications and precautions

Basically, when treating cabbage is applied externally, then there should not be any negative consequences. If only you have some kind of individual intolerance to a vegetable, which happens extremely rarely.

Sometimes redness may occur on the delicate sensitive skin of the baby, this is considered a burn from the cabbage leaf. In fact, cabbage cannot leave any burn. After all, we gladly take it inside, and our delicate mucous membrane does not suffer.

For babies the duration of the compresses should be short. It is better to do them often, but keep them in time for no more than 20-30 minutes.

But if you use cabbage juice or broth, fresh vegetable for treatment, then there are prohibitions for some categories of people.

You should not drink a lot of cabbage juice for gastritis and stomach ulcers.You should not drink a lot of cabbage juice for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Cabbage, especially when raw, can cause gas. It is not recommended to use it:

  • people with a sick stomach;
  • people who have an active stomach ulcer;
  • those who suffer from pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • who has high stomach acidity;
  • with sensitive intestines and flatulence.

With these problems, you can eat a stewed, baked vegetable and observe the body’s reaction.


Recipes for treating various diseases with cabbage leaf can be found in ancient books. Our ancestors also discovered the healing properties of this vegetable. They had no medicine and used various plants to heal. And folk methods sometimes turn out to be much more effective than various chemical medicines.

White cabbage is a healthy vegetable in every wayWhite cabbage is a healthy vegetable in every way

White cabbage has long been popular not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. Use folk remedies for cabbage leaves, tested by many people and passed down from generation to generation, and be healthy!

Anna Evans


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