Bocarnea (nolina) at home

Bocarnea (nolina) at homeBeaucarnea at home is often called the “elephant leg” or bottle palm “because of its thick, decorative trunk, reminiscent of the massive limb of a giant animal.

Caring for bokarnea at home is not at all difficult, since this plant can perfectly tolerate both high temperatures and cold. In addition, bokarnea (nolina) reacts absolutely painlessly to dry soil.

Nolina (bokarneya): photo and description

Family: dracaena, deciduous, ornamental, light-loving.

Recently, externally original plants have come into vogue – with a bottle-shaped trunk.

Bocarnea (nolina) at homeBocarnea (nolina) at home

The most striking example is bokarnea, or nolina bent (Beaucarnea, Nolina recurvata), brought to us from Mexico. According to the description of nolin (bakarney), it is somewhat reminiscent of a dracaena with a thickened trunk – this slow-growing plant can eventually grow up to 2 m in height. The leaves are narrow, green, 1-1,8 m long, falling down like a fountain.

Bocarnea (nolina) at home

As you can see in the photo of the bokarnea (nolina), the base of its stem is swollen, like a huge bulb, and has a bluish-green color. Because of this basis, the plant was named in England “elephant’s leg”, and because of the crown of various long leaves – “horse’s tail”. The swollen base of the bokarnea retains water, which allows it to painlessly tolerate a temporary lack of water in the root zone.

Bocarnea (nolina) at homeBocarnea (nolina) at home

The not so long ago widespread rock brachychiton (Brachychiton rupestris), similar to a bottle with twigs, and gouty jatropha (Jatropha podagrica) with a tuberous-thickened trunk, look just as exotic.

Bokarneya (nolina) flower care

Bocarnea (nolina) at homeBocarnea is kept at a moderate temperature, it can winter both in warmth and in cool rooms (not lower than +10 Β° C). Caring for a flower with bokarnea will not cause trouble – it is not afraid of direct sunlight, but it is better not to put it in the sun so as not to get sunburn. In the spring and summer, watered abundantly, but between waterings, the earthen lump in the container should dry out. This is necessary to form a bulge in the lower part of the trunk, which, from a design point of view, serves as a decoration for the bokarnea. In winter, watering is reduced. Spraying the plant is not required. Top dressing – in the warm season, once every 3 weeks. They are transplanted into a heavy container (since the aboveground part of the plant is much heavier than the underground one, and the plant can tip over), using a soil mixture of turf and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1: 1) for planting.

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Anna Evans


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